The continuing interest underpinning my research is that of the self-presentation of the non-native speaker, in different genres. This has led me to work on: culturally determined practices; cross-cultural comparisons; and on intercultural behaviour, how this is conceptualized and how, in practice, encounters between different expectations of appropriate behaviour play out.
One focus of my attention has been the proliferation of new intercultural encounters which are made possible by online technologies. In particular, Juliana de Nooy and I undertook a project examining discussion fora on media websites, culminating in our 2009 book. The pedagogical implications of this work, and my own teaching practices have allowed me to develop expertise in language learning and technology which I have extended through other collaborations (e.g. Cowley & Hanna, 2013 on Wikipedia) research supervisions and publications which derive from it (Gao & Hanna, 2016, on instructional software; work with Khosravi, Gyamfit et al; and a forthcoming paper with Aljohani).
One current project focuses on another critical area of intercultural contact: Study Abroad experiences. Many institutions encourage Study Abroad participants to share their experiences online with other students, with a view to publicizing the opportunities and providing advice - such testimonials are the primary source for my current work. I am looking at the ‘selves’ which these online testimonials hold up as exemplary (see Hanna 2016 on food; also Hanna & de Nooy 2003 b; 2006). What, the student reader of these testimonials might ask, will I feel like? How will I change? What counts as successful life as a Study Abroad student? How can I be successful too? In order to tackle these questions, I draw on theories of learner motivation and imaginary or ideal selves.
This interest in self-presentation underpins a current project on employability and language students (SLC funded project, undertaken with Alicia Toohey).
- Dr Barbara Hanna is:
- Available for supervision
Fields of research
- Bachelor (Honours) of Arts, The University of Queensland
- Masters (Research), Université de Franche Comté
- Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland
Research interests
Language Learner identity (school/university/ workforce transition; online; incountry).
Study Abroad experiences
Computer applications for language learning
Search Professor Barbara Hanna’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
‘I do not know what’s that word in English, but I will tell you about my cousin’: EFL learners’ communication strategies in online oral discussion tasks
Aljohani, Nouf J. and Hanna, Barbara E. (2021). ‘I do not know what’s that word in English, but I will tell you about my cousin’: EFL learners’ communication strategies in online oral discussion tasks. The Language Learning Journal, 51 (2), 1-15. doi: 10.1080/09571736.2021.1989017
Journal Article
Dealing with difference: The transition to university french
Hanna, Barbara, Hardwick, Joe and Cowley, Peter (2020). Dealing with difference: The transition to university french. Babel, 55 ( 1 & 2), 22-29.
Journal Article
Eating a home: food, imaginary selves and Study Abroad testimonials
Hanna, Barbara E. (2016). Eating a home: food, imaginary selves and Study Abroad testimonials. Higher Education Research and Development, 35 (6), 1-14. doi: 10.1080/07294360.2016.1160876
Journal Article
Impact of an instructional guide and examples on the quality of feedback: insights from a randomised controlled study
Gyamfi, George, Hanna, Barbara E. and Khosravi, Hassan (2024). Impact of an instructional guide and examples on the quality of feedback: insights from a randomised controlled study. Educational Technology Research & Development, 72 (3), 1419-1437. doi: 10.1007/s11423-024-10346-0
Journal Article
The ethics and epistemology of researching higher degree by research supervision: an encounter with institutional ethics review
Hamid, M. Obaidul, Hanna, Barbara, Gannaway, Deanne and Nguyen, Trang Thi Thuy (2024). The ethics and epistemology of researching higher degree by research supervision: an encounter with institutional ethics review. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 1-14. doi: 10.1080/1743727x.2023.2299973
Journal Article
Un.siting French Studies
Hubbell, Amy, Hardwick, Joe, Barnett, Jenny Davis and Hanna, Barbara E. (2023). Un.siting French Studies. Australian Journal of French Studies, 60 (2), 113-121. doi: 10.3828/ajfs.2023.11
Journal Article
Supporting peer evaluation of student-generated content: a study of three approaches
Gyamfi, George, Hanna, Barbara and Khosravi, Hassan (2021). Supporting peer evaluation of student-generated content: a study of three approaches. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 47 (7), 1-19. doi: 10.1080/02602938.2021.2006140
Journal Article
Bridging the gap between theory and empirical research in evaluative judgment
Khosravi, Hassan, Gyamfi, George, Hanna, Barbara E., Lodge, Jason and Abdi, Solmaz (2021). Bridging the gap between theory and empirical research in evaluative judgment. Journal of Learning Analytics, 8 (3), 1-16. doi: 10.18608/jla.2021.7206
Journal Article
Reframing and hospicing mobility in higher education: challenges and possibilities
Diaz, Adriana Raquel, Cordella, Marisa, Disbray, Samantha, Hanna, Barbara E. and Mikhaylova, Anna (2021). Reframing and hospicing mobility in higher education: challenges and possibilities. Intercultural Communication Education, 4 (1), 106-121. doi: 10.29140/ice.v4.n1.449
Journal Article
The effects of rubrics on evaluative judgement: a randomised controlled experiment
Gyamfi, George, Hanna, Barbara E. and Khosravi, Hassan (2021). The effects of rubrics on evaluative judgement: a randomised controlled experiment. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 47 (1), 1-18. doi: 10.1080/02602938.2021.1887081
Conference Publication
Development of educational tools that enable large-scale ethical empirical research on evaluative judgement
Khosravi, Hassan, Gyamfi, George , Hanna, Barbara and Lodge, Jason (2020). Development of educational tools that enable large-scale ethical empirical research on evaluative judgement. University Assessment, Learning and Teaching: New Research Directions for a Postdigital World, Online, 19-20 October 2020.
Conference Publication
The effect of rubrics on evaluative judgement: a randomised controlled trial
Gyamfi, George, Hanna, Barbara and Khosravi, Hassan (2020). The effect of rubrics on evaluative judgement: a randomised controlled trial. University Assessment, Learning and Teaching: New Research Directions for a Postdigital World, Online, 19-20 October 2020.
Conference Publication
Fostering and supporting empirical research on evaluative judgement via a crowdsourced adaptive learning system
Khosravi, Hassan, Gyamii, George, Hanna, Barbara E. and Lodge, Jason (2020). Fostering and supporting empirical research on evaluative judgement via a crowdsourced adaptive learning system. LAK 2020: the Tenth International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, Frankfurt, Germany, 23 - 27 March 2020. New York, United States: ACM. doi: 10.1145/3375462.3375532
Book Chapter
"What’s culture got to do with it?"
de Nooy, Juliana and Hanna, Barbara E. (2020). "What’s culture got to do with it?". What’s France got to do with it?: contemporary memoirs of Australians in France. (pp. 97-112) Canberra, ACT, Australia: ANU Press. doi: 10.22459/WF.2020.07
Other Outputs
Languages literature review: Senior syllabus redevelopment
Iwashita, Noriko, Rochecouste, Judith, Diaz, Adriana, Hanna, Barbara, Kennett, Belinda and Kim, Sun Hee Ok (2016). Languages literature review: Senior syllabus redevelopment. South Brisbane, Australia: Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority.
Journal Article
Exploring optimal pronunciation teaching: integrating instructional software into intermediate-level EFL classes in China
Gao, Yang and Hanna, Barbara E. (2016). Exploring optimal pronunciation teaching: integrating instructional software into intermediate-level EFL classes in China. Calico Journal, 33 (2), 201-230. doi: 10.1558/cj.v33i2.26054
Journal Article
Breach of contact: an intercultural reading of China Mieville's The City and the City
Hanna, Barbara Elizabeth and Cowley, Peter (2014). Breach of contact: an intercultural reading of China Mieville's The City and the City. PORTAL: Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies, 11 (2). doi: 10.5130/portal.v11i2.3204
Book Chapter
Anglophones, francophones, telephones: the case of a disputed Wikipedia entry
Cowley, Peter and Hanna, Barbara E. (2013). Anglophones, francophones, telephones: the case of a disputed Wikipedia entry. Language and intercultural communication in the new era. (pp. 198-221) edited by Farzad Sharifian and Maryam Jamarani. London & New York: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203081365
Journal Article
Tekhne, technique, technologie
Hainge, Greg, De Nooy, Juliana and Hanna, Barbara E. (2011). Tekhne, technique, technologie. Australian Journal of French Studies, 48 (2), 121-128. doi: 10.3828/AJFS.48.2.121
Journal Article
Introduction: Turn of the century innovations in language teaching
Rolin-Ianziti, Jeanne and Hanna, Barbara E. (2010). Introduction: Turn of the century innovations in language teaching. Flinders University Languages Group Online Review, 4 (2), 1-18.
Past funding
- Dr Barbara Hanna is:
- Available for supervision
Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.
Available projects
Study Abroad Experiences of Australian Language Students
Language learner identity: motivation and agency (particularly of Australian students of French)
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
The influence of mediated mobile-based dynamic assessment on EFL students' writing
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
The influence of mediated mobile-based dynamic assessment on EFL students' writing
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Fostering Intercultural Capability: Exploring secondary school students' perspectives on language learning
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Adriana Diaz
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Empirical investigation of the impact of strategies for the development of students evaluative judgement in a learner-sourcing context
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Hassan Khosravi
Doctor Philosophy
Using profiles to understand learning behaviours of language students in the big data era
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Hassan Khosravi
Doctor Philosophy
Beyond and within the NS/NNS Discourses: English Teaching in the Saudi PYPs
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Adriana Diaz
Doctor Philosophy
An Investigation of the Integration of Synchronous Online Tools to Deliver Task-Based Language Teaching: The Example of SpeakApps
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Compliment responses at Higher Education Institutions: A comparative study of Omani and Australian speakers
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Developing intercultural competence with Web 2.0 technologies in an EFL context
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Caroline Steel
Master Philosophy
Interculturality and "Les arbres en parlent encore" by Calixthe Beyala
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Joe Hardwick
Master Philosophy
Affordances of ICTs: An environmental study of a French language unit offered at university level.
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
A corpus linguistic approach to intercultural education in the foreign language course: Reflecting on multicultural France with Australian students
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Rating behaviour and rater cognition: The case of an English Speaking test
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Noriko Iwashita
Doctor Philosophy
Trabajo vs descanso: análisis isotópico de lecturas escolares en Argentina desde una perspectiva en valores
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
The French influence on the Middle English expression of possession
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Felicity Meakins
Doctor Philosophy
Portraits of Vietnamese Teachers of English: An Inquiry into Their Language Proficiency Development
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Noriko Iwashita
Doctor Philosophy
Vietnamese and Australian Interpretations of Silence: Similarities, Differences and Accommodation
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Transfer of L2 English Rhetorical Structures of Writing to L1 Indonesian by Indonesian EFL Learners
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Joe Hardwick
For media enquiries about Dr Barbara Hanna's areas of expertise, story ideas and help finding experts, contact our Media team: