I have a PhD in Applied Linguistics, specialising in Foreign Language Education, from the University of Texas at Austin. Previously, I designed/coordinated and taught English to all levels of students in various contexts in South Korea for about 10 years. After moving to the US, I designed/coordinated and taught Korean courses at the University of Texas at Austin for 5 years. After joining the Korean Program at UQ, I have coordinated and taught all levels of Korean language courses and I was awarded Fellow rank from the Higher Education Academy in 2019.
My research work and outputs (e.g., publications, presentations, and grants) can be placed within the umbrella-branch of Applied Linguistics called Language Pedagogy. Within this interdisciplinary and practical field, I have mainly focused on Learner Affect (e.g., motivation, anxiety, beliefs and attitudes), Heritage Language Learners (in the US and in Australia), and Technology-Assisted Language Learning (esp. synchronous online communication for developing intercultural communication) from a pedagogical perspective. Recently, I have worked on issues related to Korean heritage speakers as well as Korean immigrants such as Korean heritage speakers’ language anxiety, heritage language maintenance and ethnic identity, and Korean immigrants’ acculturation in Australia. I am very keen to expand my research areas to include immigrant and ethnic groups in Australia, specifically examining their heritage language maintenance, shift, and loss. I also want to investigate the causes and effects of language anxiety in their daily life contexts, as well as their acculturation process.
- Dr Min Jung Jee is:
- Available for supervision
- Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Texas at Austin
Research interests
Affect in language learning/language learner differences
motivation, anxiety, beliefs, attitudes in learning a foreign/second language
Language anxiety in immigrant contexts
issues on heritage language anxiety and majority anxiety experienced by immigrants
Heritage language maintenance
issues related to heritage language maintenance/shift/loss in Korean community in Australia
Bilingual/multilingual education
Language textbook analysis
Search Professor Min Jung Jee’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Parental ideologies in heritage language maintenance : The case of Korean interlingual families in New Zealand
Park, Mi Yung and Jee, Min Jung (2024). Parental ideologies in heritage language maintenance : The case of Korean interlingual families in New Zealand. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics. doi: 10.1075/aral.24045.par
Conference Publication
Engaging with Korean language and culture through historical figures: Intermediate and advanced learners
Jee, Min Jung, Cheon, Sang Yee and Kim, Ihnhee L. (2024). Engaging with Korean language and culture through historical figures: Intermediate and advanced learners. The 4th Biennial International Conference and Annual Teacher Workshop of the Australian Association of Teachers of Korean (AUATK), Melbourne, VIC Australia, 12-14 December 2024.
Conference Publication
Korean as a Foreign Language (KFL) learners’ motivation, demotivation, and language achievement: The Australian and New Zealand context
Park, Mi Yung and Jee, Min Jung (2024). Korean as a Foreign Language (KFL) learners’ motivation, demotivation, and language achievement: The Australian and New Zealand context. The 31st Japanese Korean Linguistics Conference, Monash University Caulfield Campus, VIC, Australia, 30 October 2024.
Journal Article
Broadening the opportunities for Korean as a heritage language in Australia
Jee, Min Jung (2024). Broadening the opportunities for Korean as a heritage language in Australia. Melbourne Asia Review, 20. doi: 10.37839/mar2652-550x20.7
Conference Publication
Plenary talk: understanding the diversity of Korean language learners - affective factors
Jee, Min Jung (2024). Plenary talk: understanding the diversity of Korean language learners - affective factors. The 26th International Conference of the Korean Language Education Research Institute, Seoul National University College of Education, South Korea, 26 October 2024.
Conference Publication
Exploring studies on Korean immigrants: Global perspectives and the Australian context
Jee, Min Jung (2024). Exploring studies on Korean immigrants: Global perspectives and the Australian context. The 9th BK21FOUR Global Scholar Lecture, Seoul National University, South Korea, 25 October 2024.
The famous people in Korean history
Kim, Ihnhee Lee, Cheon, Sang Yee and Jee, Min Jung (2024). The famous people in Korean history. Korea: Kong & Park.
Conference Publication
Promoting critical thinking and intercultural competence through exploring historical figures in upper-level Korean class
Cheon, Sang Yee, Kim, Ihnhee L. and Jee, Min Jung (2024). Promoting critical thinking and intercultural competence through exploring historical figures in upper-level Korean class. The International Association of Korean Language Education, Seoul, South Korea, 5-6 July 2024.
Journal Article
Exploring cultural identity and perspectives of bicultural immigrants: a study on 1.5 and second generations of Koreans in Australia
Jee, Min Jung (2024). Exploring cultural identity and perspectives of bicultural immigrants: a study on 1.5 and second generations of Koreans in Australia. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print), 1-16. doi: 10.1080/01434632.2024.2323164
Other Outputs
Acculturation strategies and adaptation of Korean immigrants - survey data
Jee, Min Jung (2024). Acculturation strategies and adaptation of Korean immigrants - survey data. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/6abe33b
Book Chapter
Facilitating mutual acculturation: acculturation strategies and challenges among Korean immigrants in Australia
Jee, Min Jung (2024). Facilitating mutual acculturation: acculturation strategies and challenges among Korean immigrants in Australia. Rethinking the Asian language learning paradigm in Australia. (pp. 125-149) edited by Kayoko Hashimoto. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-74149-4_6
Journal Article
Language maintenance and ethnic identity among Korean heritage speakers in the Pacific region (Australia, New Zealand, and Hawaii)
Jee, Min Jung, Park, Mi Yung and Cheon, Sang Yee (2024). Language maintenance and ethnic identity among Korean heritage speakers in the Pacific region (Australia, New Zealand, and Hawaii). Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 45 (10), 4364-4283. doi: 10.1080/01434632.2023.2170386
Book Chapter
Korean language maintenance and shift in the English-speaking world
Park, Mi Yung, Jee, Min Jung and Waugh, Bethany (2024). Korean language maintenance and shift in the English-speaking world. Sociolinguistics and Korean language education: linking language learning, society, and culture. (pp. 220-246) edited by Hye-Sook Wang. Berkeley, CA, United States: Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley.
Book Chapter
Summary and implications for other Anglophone countries
Jee, Min Jung and Hashimoto, Kayoko (2024). Summary and implications for other Anglophone countries. Rethinking the Asian language learning paradigm in Australia. (pp. 151-161) edited by Kayoko Hashimoto. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-74149-4_7
Other Outputs
Survey responses on perceived cultural identity of Korean-Australians
Jee, Min Jung (2023). Survey responses on perceived cultural identity of Korean-Australians. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/0cfb2f4
Journal Article
Korean EFL students' foreign language enjoyment and foreign language anxiety in the classroom: the university context
Jee, Min Jung and Byun, Ji Hyun (2023). Korean EFL students' foreign language enjoyment and foreign language anxiety in the classroom: the university context. English Literature, 28 (3), 179-206. doi: 10.46449/MJELL.2023.
Conference Publication
Korean immigrants' acculturation in Australia: perceptions on cultural identity, cultural differences, and unfairness
Jee, Min Jung (2023). Korean immigrants' acculturation in Australia: perceptions on cultural identity, cultural differences, and unfairness. Empowering Asian Language Speakers Symposium, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 3 July 2023.
Book Chapter
Korean parents' attitudes toward their children's maintenance of heritage language in Australia
Jee, Min Jung (2023). Korean parents' attitudes toward their children's maintenance of heritage language in Australia. Korean as a heritage language from transnational and translanguaging perspectives. (pp. 46-66) edited by Hyesun Cho and Kwangok Song. New York, NY United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003227250-5
Journal Article
Communicative anxiety among Korean immigrants in Australia: causes and coping strategies
Jee, Min Jung (2022). Communicative anxiety among Korean immigrants in Australia: causes and coping strategies. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 46 (3), 293-315. doi: 10.1075/aral.21016.jee
Journal Article
Transpacific telecollaboration and L2 writing: influences of interpersonal dynamics on peer feedback and revision uptake
Choi, Eunjeong, Schallert, Diane L., Jee, Min Jung and Ko, Jungmin (2021). Transpacific telecollaboration and L2 writing: influences of interpersonal dynamics on peer feedback and revision uptake. Journal of Second Language Writing, 54 100855, 100855. doi: 10.1016/j.jslw.2021.100855
Current funding
Past funding
- Dr Min Jung Jee is:
- Available for supervision
Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.
Available projects
Issues on (Korean) immigrants or Korean diaspora
Language anxiety in immigrant contexts
Ethnic identity and heritage language maintenance
Learner affect in foreign/language education
Foreign/second language education (e.g., EFL/ESL; Korean as a foreign/second language)
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
The influence of ethnic Korean churches on heritage language and identity maintenance among 1.5 and 2nd generation Koreans in Australia
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Anna Mikhaylova
Master Philosophy
Integrating Goal Theories and EFL Motivation: A Mixed Method Study of Chinese Secondary Students
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Noriko Iwashita
Doctor Philosophy
Comparative Analysis of Environmental Education between Korean and Korean-Chinese primary schools from two textbooks; Korean language, English Foreign Language textbook
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Isaac Lee
Doctor Philosophy
Investigating Teachers' Agency in the Application of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) in Indonesian Universities
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Noriko Iwashita
Doctor Philosophy
Case Usage in Adolescent Heritage Russian Speakers in Australia
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Anna Mikhaylova
Doctor Philosophy
Comparative Analysis of Environmental Education between Korean and Korean-Chinese primary schools from two textbooks; Korean language, English Foreign Language textbook
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Isaac Lee
Doctor Philosophy
(Revised title) Impacts of Merdeka Curriculum on English Language Teachers in Islamic-based Primary Schools
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Kayoko Hashimoto
Doctor Philosophy
OK, but it will be in Ranglish: Grammatical case and word order patterns across 3 generations of Russian speakers in Australia
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Anna Mikhaylova
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Trilingual families in Australia: A study of language beliefs, strategies and practices
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Emeritus Professor Roland Sussex, Dr Anna Mikhaylova
Doctor Philosophy
The construction of cultural values in senior school English language textbooks in Korea: A critical discourse analysis
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Isaac Lee
Doctor Philosophy
A critical analysis of Korean textbooks used by Thai university students
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Isaac Lee
Doctor Philosophy
Use of mobile assisted language learning among adult non-formal learners: A Complex Dynamic Systems Theory approach
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
A comparative study of the construction of culture and ideology seen in secondary English textbooks published by Chongryon during the 1970s, 1990s and the present day
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Isaac Lee
Doctor Philosophy
Medium of instruction and the discourses of "Self" and "Other" in print and social media in Bangladesh
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Sol Rojas-Lizana
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