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Dr Hayley Thomas

Hayley Thomas

+61 7 334 64698



Dr Hayley Thomas is a General Practitioner who works clinically on the north side of Brisbane, and academically as a clinical senior lecturer with the General Practice Clinical Unit. She is currently the academic co-coordinator for the General Practice course in the MD program. Hayley's research interests include whole person care and the GP-Patient relationship.


Dr Hayley Thomas is:
Available for supervision


  • Bachelor of Science, The University of Queensland
  • Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery and Medical Science, The University of Queensland

Research interests

  • General-Practitioner Patient Relationships

  • Whole Person Care in General Practice


Search Professor Hayley Thomas’s works on UQ eSpace

16 works between 2018 and 2023

1 - 16 of 16 works


Journal Article

Where the joy comes from: a qualitative exploration of deep GP-patient relationships

Thomas, Hayley, Lynch, Johanna, Burch, Emily, Best, Megan, Ball, Lauren, Sturgiss, Elizabeth and Sturman, Nancy (2023). Where the joy comes from: a qualitative exploration of deep GP-patient relationships. BMC Primary Care, 24 (1) 268, 1-14. doi: 10.1186/s12875-023-02224-0

Where the joy comes from: a qualitative exploration of deep GP-patient relationships


Conference Publication

Exploring deep GP patient relationships: a qualitative study with GP-patient dyads

Thomas, Hayley, Lynch, Johanna, Burch, Emily, Best, Megan, Ball, Lauren, Sturgiss, Elizabeth and Sturman, Nancy (2023). Exploring deep GP patient relationships: a qualitative study with GP-patient dyads. Australasian Association of Academic Primary Care, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 17-18 August 2023. Clayton, VIC, Australia: CSIRO Publishing.

Exploring deep GP patient relationships: a qualitative study with GP-patient dyads


Journal Article

Holding the complex whole: generalist philosophy, priorities and practice that facilitate whole-person care

Lynch, Johanna M., Thomas, Hayley R., Askew, Deborah A. and Sturman, Nancy (2023). Holding the complex whole: generalist philosophy, priorities and practice that facilitate whole-person care. Australian Journal of General Practice, 52 (7), 428-433. doi: 10.31128/AJGP-01-23-6686

Holding the complex whole: generalist philosophy, priorities and practice that facilitate whole-person care


Journal Article

Whole person assessment for family medicine: a systematic review

Thomas, Hayley Robyn, Best, Megan, Chua, David, King, David and Lynch, Johanna (2023). Whole person assessment for family medicine: a systematic review. BMJ Open, 13 (4) e065961, e065961. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-065961

Whole person assessment for family medicine: a systematic review


Conference Publication

Whole person care: exploring its nature and clinical practice

Lynch, Johanna and Thomas, Hayley (2021). Whole person care: exploring its nature and clinical practice. WONCA Europe 2021, Virtual, 6 - 10 July 2021.

Whole person care: exploring its nature and clinical practice


Journal Article

Whole-person care in general practice: factors affecting the provision of whole-person care

Thomas, Hayley, Best, Megan and Mitchell, Geoffrey (2020). Whole-person care in general practice: factors affecting the provision of whole-person care. Australian Journal of General Practice, 49 (4), 215-220. doi: 10.31128/AJGP-05-19-49503

Whole-person care in general practice: factors affecting the provision of whole-person care


Journal Article

Whole-person care in general practice: the doctor-patient relationship

Thomas, Hayley, Best, Megan and Mitchell, Geoffrey (2020). Whole-person care in general practice: the doctor-patient relationship. Australian Journal of General Practice, 49 (3), 139-144. doi: 10.31128/AJGP-05-19-49502

Whole-person care in general practice: the doctor-patient relationship


Journal Article

Whole-person care in general practice: the nature of whole-person care

Thomas, Hayley, Best, Megan and Mitchell, Geoffrey (2020). Whole-person care in general practice: the nature of whole-person care. Australian Journal of General Practice, 49 (1-2), 54-60. doi: 10.31128/AJGP-05-19-49501

Whole-person care in general practice: the nature of whole-person care


Conference Publication

Clinical approaches to whole person assessment: a systematic review

Thomas, Hayley, Best, Megan, Lynch, Johanna and Chua, David (2020). Clinical approaches to whole person assessment: a systematic review. In: Australasian Association for Academic Primary Care (AAAPC) Annual Research Conference, Online, (LII-LII). 14–15 August 2020.

Clinical approaches to whole person assessment: a systematic review


Conference Publication

Initiating conversations about end-of-life care in general practice

Thomas, Hayley, Deckx, Laura, Sieben, Nicolas, Foster, Michele and Mitchell, Geoffrey (2020). Initiating conversations about end-of-life care in general practice. In: Australasian Association for Academic Primary Care (AAAPC) Annual Research Conference, Online, (LII-LIII). 14–15 August 2020.

Initiating conversations about end-of-life care in general practice


Journal Article

General practitioners' considerations when deciding whether to initiate end-of-life conversations: a qualitative study

Thomas, Hayley R., Deckx, Laura, Sieben, Nicolas A., Foster, Michele M. and Mitchell, Geoffrey K. (2019). General practitioners' considerations when deciding whether to initiate end-of-life conversations: a qualitative study. Family Practice, 37 (4), 554-560. doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmz088

General practitioners' considerations when deciding whether to initiate end-of-life conversations: a qualitative study


Journal Article

General practitioners' practical approach to initiating end-of-life conversations: a qualitative study

Deckx, Laura, Thomas, Hayley R., Sieben, Nicolas A., Foster, Michele M. and Mitchell, Geoffrey K. (2019). General practitioners' practical approach to initiating end-of-life conversations: a qualitative study. Family Practice, 37 (3), 401-405. doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmz074

General practitioners' practical approach to initiating end-of-life conversations: a qualitative study


Journal Article

Health Care Homes and whole-person care: a qualitative study of general practitioners' views

Thomas, Hayley, Best, Megan and Mitchell, Geoffrey (2019). Health Care Homes and whole-person care: a qualitative study of general practitioners' views. Australian Journal of General Practice, 48 (12), 867-874. doi: 10.31128/AJGP-05-19-4932

Health Care Homes and whole-person care: a qualitative study of general practitioners' views


Conference Publication

Health Care Homes and whole person care: a qualitative study of general practitioners' views

Thomas, Hayley, Best, Megan and Mitchell, Geoffrey (2019). Health Care Homes and whole person care: a qualitative study of general practitioners' views. AAAPC Annual Research Conference, Adelaide 2019, Adelaide, SA Australia, 12-13 July 2019. Clayton, VIC Australia: CSIRO Publishing.

Health Care Homes and whole person care: a qualitative study of general practitioners' views


Conference Publication

Delivering whole person care in general practice: what makes a difference?

Thomas, Hayley, Best, Megan and Mitchell, Geoffrey (2019). Delivering whole person care in general practice: what makes a difference?. AAAPC Annual Research Conference, Adelaide 2019, Adelaide, SA Australia, 12-13 July 2019. Clayton, VIC Australia: CSIRO Publishing.

Delivering whole person care in general practice: what makes a difference?


Journal Article

Definition of whole person care in general practice in the English language literature: a systematic review

Thomas, Hayley, Mitchell, Geoffrey, Rich, Justin and Best, Megan (2018). Definition of whole person care in general practice in the English language literature: a systematic review. BMJ open, 8 (12) e023758, e023758. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023758

Definition of whole person care in general practice in the English language literature: a systematic review


Current funding

  • 2024 - 2026
    Eating Disorders and Christian Spirituality: An Exploratory and Co-design Approach to Prevention, Whole Person Care and Recovery
    John Templeton Foundation
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2021 - 2023
    Exploring Security in the GP-Patient Relationship: A Qualitative Study
    Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2022
    Mind the gaps: preparedness of new general practitioner fellows for independent practice (Royal Australian College of General Practitioners grant administered by General Practice Training Qld)
    General Practice Training Queensland
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2021
    Practical Approaches to Whole Person Assessment: A Systematic Review
    UQ Early Career Researcher
    Open grant
  • 2017 - 2018
    Understanding the reasons for clinician lack of recognition of the risk of dying
    Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
    Open grant



Dr Hayley Thomas is:
Available for supervision

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