My research has focused on molecular studies of pathogens, disease syndromes and health of Australian wildlife and domestic species. Particular research interests include the study of emerging and novel viral infections and syndromes of Australian bat species, being awarded the School of Veterinary Science, Award for Outstanding Contribution to Research in 2023. I am passionate about my undergraduate teaching in the discipline of animal genetics and genomics and my supervision and mentorship of Higher Degree Research students, being awarded the School of Veterinary Science, Helen Keates Developing Teacher Award, and Higher Degree Research Supervision Excellence Award in 2022. I mentor my students in developing their molecular biology skills in a diverse range of project areas, from molecular detection and characterisation of pathogens with zoonotic potential in wildlife and companion animals, characterisation of novel viruses of wildlife with potential wildlife health and conservation impacts and gene expression analyses in disease of companion animals.
- Dr Lee McMichael is:
- Not available for supervision
Fields of research
- Bachelor (Honours) of Science (Advanced), The University of Queensland
- Masters (Coursework), The University of Queensland
- Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland
Research interests
Dr McMichael's research focuses on molecular studies of emerging viruses with veterinary health, zoonotic and conservation implications; investigation of health biomarkers and gene expression analyses in disease of companion animals with translational outputs; and threatening disease syndromes of Australian wildlife species with a particular focus on threatened Australian bat species.
Pathogenic threats to Australian Pteropus (flying fox) species
Generously supported by the Australian Bat Society, the Keith Mackie Lucas student scholarship, SVS Philanthropic Funds, and in collaboration with Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Biosecurity Sciences Laboratory.
Tick paralysis in the endangered Spectacled flying fox
Generously supported by NSW Wildlife Information Rescue and Education Service (WIRES) and the Department of Environment and Science Threatened Species Research Grant Program, in collaboration with the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI) and the Tolga Bat Hospital.
Tick borne pathogens
Generously supported by Australian Infectious Diseases Research Centre, in collaboration with QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute.
Cleft palate syndrome in the endangered Spectacled flying fox
Generously supported by Wildlife Health Australia (WHA), Morris Animal Foundation Veterinary Student Scholar Program, and in collaboration with the Tolga Bat Hospital, James Cook University and the University of Missouri.
Research impacts
Dr McMichael's research into the epidemiology of Hendra virus in its Australian reservoir flying fox host has contributed to establishing risk management policies at Queensland state government levels. Her continuing research into emerging viruses in Australian bats has lead to the discovery and characterision a number of novel viruses with potential wildlife health and conservation implications. Dr McMichael works collaboratively with Biosecurity Queensland (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries), and several Australian universities, inclusive of Griffith University, University of Southern Queensland, James Cook University and Macquarie University as part of her research into emerging infectious diseases. Dr McMichael also has ongoing collaborations with wildlife research organisations, in particular the University of Queensland Hidden Vale Teaching and Research Centre and the Tolga Bat Rehabilitation and Research Organisation, in undertaking conservation orientated research in Australian endangered species, particularly the mahogany glider and spectacled flying fox.
Search Professor Lee McMichael’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Presence of multiple herpesvirus variants in Australian flying foxes (Pteropus Spp.)
Sullivan, Jennifer, Huth, Lauren, Meers, Joanne and McMichael, Lee (2023). Presence of multiple herpesvirus variants in Australian flying foxes (Pteropus Spp.). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 59 (2), 453-459. doi: 10.7589/JWD-D-22-00082
Journal Article
Bats or rodents, who started it? Short history of the gibbon ape leukemia virus-koala retrovirus clade.
Mottaghinia, Saba, McMichael, Lee and Meers, Joanne (2023). Bats or rodents, who started it? Short history of the gibbon ape leukemia virus-koala retrovirus clade.. Technical Reports of the Australian Museum Online, 38, 15-18. doi: 10.3853/j.1835-4211.38.2023.1834
Journal Article
A new DNA extraction method (HV-CTAB-PCI) for amplification of nuclear markers from open ocean-retrieved faeces of an herbivorous marine mammal, the dugong
Ooi, Vicky, McMichael, Lee, Hunter, Margaret E., Kamla, Aristide Takoukam and Lanyon, Janet M. (2023). A new DNA extraction method (HV-CTAB-PCI) for amplification of nuclear markers from open ocean-retrieved faeces of an herbivorous marine mammal, the dugong. PLoS One, 18 (6) e0278792, 1-29. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0278792
Journal Article
Cleft palate syndrome in the endangered spectacled flying fox (Pteropus conspicillatus): implications for conservation and comparative research
McMichael, Lee, Mclean, Jennefer, Taylor, Jim, Martinez, Yissu and Meers, Joanne (2023). Cleft palate syndrome in the endangered spectacled flying fox (Pteropus conspicillatus): implications for conservation and comparative research. Veterinary Sciences, 10 (1) 38, 1-14. doi: 10.3390/vetsci10010038
Journal Article
A mammalian messenger RNA sex determination method from humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) blubber biopsies
Linsky, Jacob M. J., Dunlop, Rebecca A., Noad, Michael J. and McMichael, Lee A. (2022). A mammalian messenger RNA sex determination method from humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) blubber biopsies. Royal Society Open Science, 9 (9220556) 220556, 220556. doi: 10.1098/rsos.220556
Journal Article
Differential and defective transcription of koala retrovirus indicates the complexity of host and virus evolution
Tarlinton, R. E. , Legione, A. R. , Sarker, N. , Fabijan, J. , Meers, J. , McMichael, L. , Simmons, G. , Owen, H. , Seddon, J. M. , Dick, G. , Ryder, J. S. , Hemmatzedah, F. , Trott, D. J. , Speight, N. , Holmes, N. , Loose, M. and Emes, R. D. (2022). Differential and defective transcription of koala retrovirus indicates the complexity of host and virus evolution. Journal of General Virology, 103 (6) 001749. doi: 10.1099/jgv.0.001749
Conference Publication
Cleft palate syndrome of the endangered spectacled flying fox
McMichael, Lee, Mclean, Jennefer, Taylor, Jim, Martinez, Yissu and Meers, Joanne (2022). Cleft palate syndrome of the endangered spectacled flying fox. 20th Australasian Bat Society Conference, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 11 - 13 April 2022.
Conference Publication
Immunosuppresive retrovirus in bats: implications for a virus reservoir species shedding zoonotic pathogens in Australia
McMichael, Lee , Ali, Asad , Smith, Craig and Meers, Joanne (2022). Immunosuppresive retrovirus in bats: implications for a virus reservoir species shedding zoonotic pathogens in Australia. One Health Downuner Symposium, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 12-13 September 2022.
Journal Article
Identification and prevalence of a gammaherpesvirus in free-ranging Northern Brown Bandicoots (Isoodon macrourus)
Langhorne, Charlotte, Sullivan, Jennifer, Hoy, Julia, Kopp, Steven, Murray, Peter and McMichael, Lee (2021). Identification and prevalence of a gammaherpesvirus in free-ranging Northern Brown Bandicoots (Isoodon macrourus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 57 (4), 912-916. doi: 10.7589/jwd-d-20-00166
Journal Article
Haematology and serum biochemistry results for anaesthetised northern brown bandicoots (Isoodon macrourus) in south east Queensland
Langhorne, C., McMichael, L., Hoy, J., Kopp, S. and Murray, P. (2021). Haematology and serum biochemistry results for anaesthetised northern brown bandicoots (Isoodon macrourus) in south east Queensland. Australian Veterinary Journal, 99 (9) avj.13098, 408-411. doi: 10.1111/avj.13098
Journal Article
Clinical pathology of captive endangered mahogany gliders (Petaurus gracilis) in response to environmental change
McMichael, Lee, Adam, Dalene, Tribe, Andrew, Bynon, Brian, Bradshaw, Lana, Langhorne, Charlotte, Hoy, Julia, Murray, Peter and Kopp, Steven (2021). Clinical pathology of captive endangered mahogany gliders (Petaurus gracilis) in response to environmental change. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 52 (1), 268-275. doi: 10.1638/2019-0163
Conference Publication
Novel retrovirus in Australian flying foxes: Part of the KoRV mystery or a threat to bats
McMichael, Lee, Smith, Craig and Meers, Joanne (2021). Novel retrovirus in Australian flying foxes: Part of the KoRV mystery or a threat to bats. Koala Retrovirus Symposium, Online, 25-27 May 2021.
Conference Publication
Threats to the endangered Spectacled flying fox of Queensland's Wet Tropics World Heritage Area
McMichael, Lee (2021). Threats to the endangered Spectacled flying fox of Queensland's Wet Tropics World Heritage Area. Wildlife Disease Association Australasian Section Queensland miniconference, Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia, 7 November 2021.
Journal Article
Extreme mobility of the world’s largest flying mammals creates key challenges for management and conservation
Welbergen, Justin A., Meade, Jessica, Field, Hume E., Edson, Daniel, McMichael, Lee, Shoo, Luke P., Praszczalek, Jenny, Smith, Craig and Martin, John M. (2020). Extreme mobility of the world’s largest flying mammals creates key challenges for management and conservation. BMC Biology, 18 (1) 101, 101. doi: 10.1186/s12915-020-00829-w
Journal Article
Hematology and plasma biochemistry of wild spectacled flying foxes (Pteropus conspicillatus) in Australia
McMichael, Lee, Edson, Daniel, McKeown, Adam, Sanchez, Cecilia, Mayer, David, Kopp, Steven, Meers, Joanne and Field, Hume (2019). Hematology and plasma biochemistry of wild spectacled flying foxes (Pteropus conspicillatus) in Australia. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 55 (2), 449-454. doi: 10.7589/2018-04-096
Journal Article
A novel Australian flying-fox retrovirus shares an evolutionary ancestor with Koala, Gibbon and Melomys gamma-retroviruses
McMichael, L., Smith, C., Gordon, A., Agnihotri, K., Meers, J. and Oakey, J. (2019). A novel Australian flying-fox retrovirus shares an evolutionary ancestor with Koala, Gibbon and Melomys gamma-retroviruses. Virus Genes, 55 (3), 421-424. doi: 10.1007/s11262-019-01653-3
Conference Publication
Application of Bioinformatics to the study of viruses in Australian native wildlife
McMichael, Lee (2019). Application of Bioinformatics to the study of viruses in Australian native wildlife. In: Workshop on bioinformatics for animal disease detection. Bioinformatics for Animal Disease Detection, Bogor, Indonesia, (). April 2019.
Journal Article
Time of year, age class and body condition predict Hendra virus infection in Australian black flying foxes (Pteropus alecto)
Edson, D., Peel, A. J., Huth, L., Mayer, D. G., Vidgen, M. E., McMichael, L., Broos, A., Melville, D., Kristoffersen, J., de Jong, C., McLaughlin, A. and Field, H. E. (2019). Time of year, age class and body condition predict Hendra virus infection in Australian black flying foxes (Pteropus alecto). Epidemiology and Infection, 147 e240, 1-10. doi: 10.1017/S0950268819001237
Journal Article
Shelter-housed cats show no evidence of faecal shedding of canine parvovirus DNA
Byrne, P., Beatty, J. A., Šlapeta, J., Corley, S. W., Lyons, R. E., McMichael, L., Kyaw-Tanner, M. T., Dung, P. T., Decaro, N., Meers, J. and Barrs, V. R. (2018). Shelter-housed cats show no evidence of faecal shedding of canine parvovirus DNA. Veterinary Journal, 239, 54-58. doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2018.08.005
Journal Article
Hematology, plasma biochemistry, and urinalysis of free-ranging grey-headed flying foxes (Pteropus poliocephalus) in Australia
Edson, Daniel, Field, Hume, McMichael, Lee, Mayer, David, Martin, John, Welbergen, Justin, McLaughlin, Amanda, Huth, Lauren, Kristoffersen, Joanna, Tsoukalas, George and Kirkland, Peter (2018). Hematology, plasma biochemistry, and urinalysis of free-ranging grey-headed flying foxes (Pteropus poliocephalus) in Australia. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 49 (3), 591-598. doi: 10.1638/2017-0126.1
Current funding
Past funding
- Dr Lee McMichael is:
- Not available for supervision
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
The Oncogenic and Immunosuppresive Potency of Novel Flying Fox Gammaretrovirus : Uncover The Species-Shifting of Bat Virus Origin
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Deanne Whitworth, Professor Joanne Meers
Doctor Philosophy
Characterisation of a novel flying fox retrovirus
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Joanne Meers, Professor Timothy Mahony
Doctor Philosophy
Critical foraging habitat of the Grey-headed flying fox in Queensland and its diet in the Toowoomba region
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Annabel Smith, Dr April Reside
Doctor Philosophy
Investigation into stem cell markers as potential therapeutic vaccine targets for cancer treatment in dogs
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Chiara Palmieri, Professor Rachel Allavena
Doctor Philosophy
Novel immunotherapeutics in the treatment of cancer in pet dogs: an investigation into the tumour microenvironment
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Karen Jackson, Professor Chiara Palmieri, Dr Solomon Woldeyohannes, Professor Rachel Allavena
Doctor Philosophy
Development of a viral vector vaccine for Australian flying foxes
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Timothy Mahony
Doctor Philosophy
Investigation into stem cell markers as potential therapeutic vaccine targets for cancer treatment in dogs
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Chiara Palmieri, Professor Rachel Allavena
Doctor Philosophy
Comparing the clinical and histological changes seen in dogs treated with either an autologous anti-cancer vaccine or intra tumoral adjuvant.
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Chiara Palmieri, Professor Rachel Allavena
Doctor Philosophy
Spatial epidemiological approach to target health education and promotion interventions to eliminate paediatric rabies in Guangxi, China
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Nicholas Clark, Professor Ricardo Soares Magalhaes
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Pathogenesis and Epidemiology of Zoonotic Mosquito-borne Diseases in Horses
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Nick Hudson, Professor Joerg Henning, Dr Albert Sole Guitart
Doctor Philosophy
Bandicoots in anthropogenic landscapes of south-east Queensland: health and zoonoses
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Steven Kopp
Doctor Philosophy
Understanding the population health of the eastern Australian humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Michael Noad, Associate Professor Rebecca Dunlop
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