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Emeritus Professor Peter Gresshoff
Emeritus Professor

Peter Gresshoff




Functional genomics and molecular physiology of nodules.

Professor Gresshoff is the Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Integrative Legume Research.

His main research interests are the following areas:

1) Functional genomic analysis of nodulation and nitrogen fixation in legumes:

  • Molecular components of the control of nodulation (AON) in soybean and Lotus japonicus
  • Analysis of ethylene and ABA insensitive legume mutants and transgenics
  • Genetic transformation of soybean and Lotus
  • Transcription analysis of legumes
  • Analysis of acid soil effect on nodulation
  • Analysis of Nodulation factor receptors NFR1 and NFR5 in soybean
  • Mutational analysis of the GmNARK receptor kinase

2) Sustainable Biofuel Production from Legume Tree Pongamia pinnata:

  • Analysis of genetic stability
  • Fatty acid analysis
  • Field trials
  • Clonal propagation
  • Gene and promoter discovery
  • Functional genomics
  • Genetic transformation

Professor Gresshoff is member of the editorial boards of several international journals (among others Molecular Plant, J. Plant Physiology, Symbiosis). He also is a member of the Advisory Committee of the OGTR as well as the Biofuel and Bioenergy Committee of RIRDC.


Emeritus Professor Peter Gresshoff is:
Available for supervision
Media expert

Fields of research


  • American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science


Search Professor Peter Gresshoff’s works on UQ eSpace

239 works between 1995 and 2023

81 - 100 of 239 works


Journal Article

An efficient petiole-feeding bioassay for introducing aqueous solutions into dicotyledonous plants

Lin, Yu-Hsiang, Lin, Meng-Han, Gresshoff, Peter M. and Ferguson, Brett J. (2011). An efficient petiole-feeding bioassay for introducing aqueous solutions into dicotyledonous plants. Nature Protocols, 6 (1), 36-45. doi: 10.1038/nprot.2010.171

An efficient petiole-feeding bioassay for introducing aqueous solutions into dicotyledonous plants


Journal Article

Asparagine as a major factor in the N-feedback regulation of N-2 fixation in Medicago truncatula

Sulieman, S, Fischinger, SA, Gresshoff, PM and Schulze, J (2010). Asparagine as a major factor in the N-feedback regulation of N-2 fixation in Medicago truncatula. Physiologia Plantarum, 140 (1), 21-31. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-3054.2010.01380.x

Asparagine as a major factor in the N-feedback regulation of N-2 fixation in Medicago truncatula


Journal Article

Suppression of hypernodulation in soybean by a leaf-extracted, NARK- and Nod factor-dependent, low molecular mass fraction

Lin, Yu-Hsiang, Ferguson, Brett J., Kereszt, Attila and Gresshoff, Peter M. (2010). Suppression of hypernodulation in soybean by a leaf-extracted, NARK- and Nod factor-dependent, low molecular mass fraction. New Phytologist, 185 (4), 1074-1086. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2009.03163.x

Suppression of hypernodulation in soybean by a leaf-extracted, NARK- and Nod factor-dependent, low molecular mass fraction


Journal Article

Computational complementation: a modelling approach to study signalling mechanisms during legume autoregulation of nodulation

Han, Liqi, Hanan, Jim and Gresshoff, Peter M. (2010). Computational complementation: a modelling approach to study signalling mechanisms during legume autoregulation of nodulation. PloS Computational Biology, 6 (2) e1000685, e1000685-1-e1000685-8. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000685

Computational complementation: a modelling approach to study signalling mechanisms during legume autoregulation of nodulation


Journal Article

Model legumes contribute to faba bean breeding

Rispail, Nicolas, Kalo, Peter, Kiss, Gyorgy B., Ellis, T.H. Noel, Gallardo, Karine, Thompson, Richard D., Prats, Elena, Larrainzar, Estibaliz, Ladrera, Ruben, Gonzalez, Esther M., Arrese-Igor, Cesar, Ferguson, Brett J., Gresshoff, Peter M. and Rubiales, Diego (2010). Model legumes contribute to faba bean breeding. Field Crops Research, 115 (3), 253-269. doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2009.03.014

Model legumes contribute to faba bean breeding


Journal Article

Inactivation of duplicated nod factor receptor 5 (NFR5) genes in recessive loss-of-function non-nodulation mutants of allotetraploid soybean ( Glycine max L. Merr.)

Indrasumunar, Arief, Kereszt, Atilla, Searle, Iain, Miyagi, Mikiko, Li, Dongxue, Nguyen, Cuc D. T., Men, Artem, Carroll, Bernard J. and Gresshoff, Peter M. (2010). Inactivation of duplicated nod factor receptor 5 (NFR5) genes in recessive loss-of-function non-nodulation mutants of allotetraploid soybean ( Glycine max L. Merr.). Plant and Cell Physiology, 51 (2), 201-214. doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcp178

Inactivation of duplicated nod factor receptor 5 (NFR5) genes in recessive loss-of-function non-nodulation mutants of allotetraploid soybean ( Glycine max L. Merr.)


Journal Article

The REDUCED LEAFLET Genes Encode Key Components of the trans-Acting Small Interfering RNA Pathway and Regulate Compound Leaf and Flower Development in Lotus japonicus

Yan, Jun, Cai, Xuefei, Luo, Jianghong, Sato, Shusei, Jiang, Qunyi, Yang, Jun, Cao, Xiangling, Hu, Xiaohe, Tabata, Satoshi, Gresshoff, Peter M. and Luo, Da (2010). The REDUCED LEAFLET Genes Encode Key Components of the trans-Acting Small Interfering RNA Pathway and Regulate Compound Leaf and Flower Development in Lotus japonicus. Plant Physiology, 152 (2), 797-807. doi: 10.1104/pp.109.140947

The REDUCED LEAFLET Genes Encode Key Components of the trans-Acting Small Interfering RNA Pathway and Regulate Compound Leaf and Flower Development in Lotus japonicus


Conference Publication

Identifying novel factors required for legume nodule development and autoregulation.

Ferguson, B. J., Lin, Y. -H., Reid, D. E., Hayashi, S., Lin, M. -H., Zhang, H., Capon, R. and Gresshoff, P. M. (2010). Identifying novel factors required for legume nodule development and autoregulation.. OzBio2010 combined conference, Melbourne, Australia, 26 September - 1 October 2010.

Identifying novel factors required for legume nodule development and autoregulation.


Journal Article

Duplicated Nod-Factor Receptor 5 (NFR5) genes are mutated in soybean

Indrasumunar, A. and Gresshoff, P.M. (2010). Duplicated Nod-Factor Receptor 5 (NFR5) genes are mutated in soybean. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 5 (5), 535-536. doi: 10.4161/psb.11028

Duplicated Nod-Factor Receptor 5 (NFR5) genes are mutated in soybean


Conference Publication

Pongamia for biofuel

Biswas, B., Edwards, D., Gresshoff, P., Imelfort, M., Jiang, Q., Kazakoff, S., Koehorst, J., Scott, P. and Stiller, J. (2010). Pongamia for biofuel. The Inaugural New Rural Industries of Australia Conference 2010, Gold Coast, Australia, 28-30 November 2010.

Pongamia for biofuel


Conference Publication

Modelling root development with signalling control: A case study based on legume autoregulation of nodulation

Han, L., Gresshoff, P. M. and Hanan, J. (2010). Modelling root development with signalling control: A case study based on legume autoregulation of nodulation. 3rd International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications, PMA09, Beijiing, China, Nov. 09-13, 2009. United States: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/PMA.2009.40

Modelling root development with signalling control: A case study based on legume autoregulation of nodulation


Conference Publication

Genetic and biochemical components of local and systemic long-distance signalling during nodule regulation in legumes

Gresshoff, Peter M., Indrasumunar, Ariel, Lin, Yu-Hsiang, Reid, Dugald, Lin, Meng-Han, Hayashi, Satomi, Batley, Jacqui, Li, Dongxue and Ferguson, Brett (2010). Genetic and biochemical components of local and systemic long-distance signalling during nodule regulation in legumes. 2010 Symposium & Workshop: Plant cell-to-cell and long distance signaling, Gyeongsang National University, Korea, 25-27 August 2010. Korea, Republic of: KSABC.

Genetic and biochemical components of local and systemic long-distance signalling during nodule regulation in legumes


Book Chapter

Pongamia pinnata, a sustainable feedstock for biodiesel production.

Kazakoff, Stephen H., Gresshoff, Peter G. and Scott, Paul T. (2010). Pongamia pinnata, a sustainable feedstock for biodiesel production.. Energy Crops. (pp. 233-258) edited by Nigel G. Halford and Angela Karp. Cambridge , UK: RSC Publishing. doi: 10.1039/9781849732048

Pongamia pinnata, a sustainable feedstock for biodiesel production.


Journal Article

Molecular analysis of legume nodule development and autoregulation

Ferguson, Brett J., Indrasumunar, Arief, Hayashi, Satomi, Lin, Meng-Han, Lin, Yu-Hsiang, Reid, Dugald E. and Gresshoff, Peter M. (2010). Molecular analysis of legume nodule development and autoregulation. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 52 (1), 61-76. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-7909.2010.00899.x

Molecular analysis of legume nodule development and autoregulation


Journal Article

Modern genetics and biotechnology of soybean: Nitrogen fixation and nodulation

Gresshoff, Peter M., Ferguson, Brett J., Indrasumunar, Arief and Jiang, Qunyi (2009). Modern genetics and biotechnology of soybean: Nitrogen fixation and nodulation. Chinese Journal of Nature, 31 (6), 320-326.

Modern genetics and biotechnology of soybean: Nitrogen fixation and nodulation


Journal Article

Members of the Dof transcription factor family in Triticum aestivum are associated with light-mediated gene regulation

Shaw, Lindsay M., McIntyre, C. Lynne, Gresshoff, Peter M. and Xue, Gang-Ping (2009). Members of the Dof transcription factor family in Triticum aestivum are associated with light-mediated gene regulation. Functional & Integrative Genomics, 9 (4), 485-498. doi: 10.1007/s10142-009-0130-2

Members of the Dof transcription factor family in Triticum aestivum are associated with light-mediated gene regulation


Journal Article

Genetic analysis of ethylene regulation of legume nodulation

Gresshoff, Peter M., Lohar, Dasharath, Chan, Pick-Kuen, Biswas, Bandana, Jiang, Qunyi, Reid, Duguld, Ferguson, Brett and Stacey, Gary (2009). Genetic analysis of ethylene regulation of legume nodulation. Plant Signaling and Behavior, 4 (9), 818-823. doi: 10.4161/psb.4.9.9395

Genetic analysis of ethylene regulation of legume nodulation


Journal Article

The association of homeobox gene expression with stem cell formation and morphogenesis in cultured Medicago truncatula

Chen, SK, Kurdyukov, S, Kereszt, A, Wang, XD, Gresshoff, PM and Rose, RJ (2009). The association of homeobox gene expression with stem cell formation and morphogenesis in cultured Medicago truncatula. Planta, 230 (4), 827-840. doi: 10.1007/s00425-009-0988-1

The association of homeobox gene expression with stem cell formation and morphogenesis in cultured Medicago truncatula


Journal Article

Ethylene insensitivity conferred by a mutated Arabidopsis ethylene receptor gene alters nodulation in transgenic Lotus japonicus

Lohar, Dasharath, Stiller, Jiri, Kam, Jason, Stacey, Gary and Gresshoff, PM (2009). Ethylene insensitivity conferred by a mutated Arabidopsis ethylene receptor gene alters nodulation in transgenic Lotus japonicus. Annals of Botany, 104 (2), 277-285. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcp132

Ethylene insensitivity conferred by a mutated Arabidopsis ethylene receptor gene alters nodulation in transgenic Lotus japonicus


Journal Article

Autoregulation of nodulation (AON) in Pisum sativum (pea) involves signalling events associated with both nodule primordia development and nitrogen fixation

Li, DX, Kinkema, M and Gresshoff, PM (2009). Autoregulation of nodulation (AON) in Pisum sativum (pea) involves signalling events associated with both nodule primordia development and nitrogen fixation. Journal of Plant Physiology, 166 (9), 955-967. doi: 10.1016/j.jplph.2009.03.004

Autoregulation of nodulation (AON) in Pisum sativum (pea) involves signalling events associated with both nodule primordia development and nitrogen fixation


Current funding

  • 2019 - 2024
    Molecular dissection of systemic regulation of nodulation in legumes
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2015
    Beyond genomes, transcriptomes and proteomes: high throughput analysis of gene and protein expression and function
    UQ Major Equipment and Infrastructure
    Open grant
  • 2014 - 2017
    Identification and characterisation of new plant peptide hormones that control legume nodulation and nitrogen fixation.
    The Hermon Slade Foundation
    Open grant
  • 2013 - 2016
    The tree legume Pongamia pinnata on coal mine spoil: an integrated and sustainable rehabilitation, bioenergy and carbon farming production system
    ARC Linkage Projects
    Open grant
  • 2013 - 2015
    Discovering the Activity of Novel CLE Peptide Hormones that Regulate Legume Nodulation
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2013 - 2018
    Discovery of the Systemic Regulator of Legume Nodulation
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2012 - 2015
    Future biofuels
    Queensland Government Smart Futures Research Partnerships Program
    Open grant
  • 2012
    Confocal Microscopy Infrastructure for Plant Sciences
    UQ Major Equipment and Infrastructure
    Open grant
  • 2010 - 2014
    Queensland Sustainable Aviation Fuel Initiative
    Queensland Government Smart State National and International Research Alliances Program
    Open grant
  • 2009 - 2014
    Genetic transformation of the biodiesel producing tree legume Pongamia pinnata
    ARC Linkage Projects
    Open grant
  • 2008
    Controlled Environment Facilities for the Challenges of the 21st Century
    UQ Major Equipment and Infrastructure
    Open grant
  • 2007
    Legume Biotechnology with Pongamia for the Advancement of Biodiesel Production
    Pacific Renewable Energy Pty Ltd (PRE)
    Open grant
  • 2004
    Australian Bio-Metals Research Network
    ARC Seed Funding for Research Networks
    Open grant
  • 2003 - 2007
    ARC Centre of Excellence for Integrative Legume Research (UQ lead institution)
    ARC Centres of Excellence
    Open grant
  • 2003 - 2004
    The Development of Molecular Markers for Reef-building Corals Using DNA Amplification Fingerprinting (DAF) and Sequence Characterised Amplified Region (SCAR)
    University of Queensland Research Development Grants Scheme
    Open grant
  • 2002
    Mutational approach to discovery of recognition and signalling genes that control compatibility between soybean and Phytophthora
    University of Queensland Research Development Grants Scheme
    Open grant
  • 2001 - 2004
    Oil palm DNA diagnostics research
    Guthrie Biotech Laboratory SDN BHD
    Open grant
  • 2001
    Cloning the Supernodulation Gene from Soybean.
    University of Queensland Small Grants Scheme
    Open grant
  • 2000 - 2001
    Development of fast-growing eucalypts, with properties that are tolerant of salinity and polluted soils
    Jackstown Pty Ltd
    Open grant



Emeritus Professor Peter Gresshoff is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

Completed supervision



Contact Emeritus Professor Peter Gresshoff directly for media enquiries about:

  • Biodiesel
  • Biotechnology - legumes
  • Cancer
  • DNA biology
  • Fingerprints
  • Functional genomics
  • Genetics - plants
  • Genetics and legumes
  • Genomics
  • Legume nodulation
  • Plant biotechnology
  • Stem cells

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