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Conference Publication

‘Don’t Look Back in Anger’ – The Impact of Emotional Memories in M&A Organizational Change

Talas, Sandor, Pekerti, Andre, Ashkanasy, Neal M. and Kriz, Alexandra (2024). ‘Don’t Look Back in Anger’ – The Impact of Emotional Memories in M&A Organizational Change. 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2024), Chicago, IL United States, 9-13 August 2024. Briarcliff Manor, NY United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/amproc.2024.15718abstract

‘Don’t Look Back in Anger’ – The Impact of Emotional Memories in M&A Organizational Change


Journal Article

Investigating the effects of food insecurity, self-efficacy, and locus of control on obesity in an emerging markets

Arli, Denni, Pekerti, Andre, Siaputra, Ide, Bogomolova, Svetlana and Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn (2024). Investigating the effects of food insecurity, self-efficacy, and locus of control on obesity in an emerging markets. Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing, 29 (3) e1872. doi: 10.1002/nvsm.1872

Investigating the effects of food insecurity, self-efficacy, and locus of control on obesity in an emerging markets


Book Chapter

Down the wrong rabbit hole: methodological traps in researching emotions in post-merger integration

Talas, Sandor, Pekerti, Andre A. and Ashkanasy, Neal M. (2024). Down the wrong rabbit hole: methodological traps in researching emotions in post-merger integration. Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions. (pp. 133-151) edited by Sydney Finkelstein and Cary L. Cooper. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing. doi: 10.1108/s1479-361x20240000023009

Down the wrong rabbit hole: methodological traps in researching emotions in post-merger integration


Conference Publication

Merger Failure as Self-Regulation Failure: An Organizational Change Phenomenon in Merger Integration

Talas, Sandor, Pekerti, Andre and Ashkanasy, Neal M. (2023). Merger Failure as Self-Regulation Failure: An Organizational Change Phenomenon in Merger Integration. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA United States, 4-8 August 2023. Briarcliff Manor, NY United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/amproc.2023.10641abstract

Merger Failure as Self-Regulation Failure: An Organizational Change Phenomenon in Merger Integration


Journal Article

The effect of race and foreign accent on managers’ career progression

Sultana, Nasreen, Pekerti, Andre A., Okimoto, Tyler G. and Härtel, Charmine E. J. (2023). The effect of race and foreign accent on managers’ career progression. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 23 (2), 247-278. doi: 10.1177/14705958231180044

The effect of race and foreign accent on managers’ career progression


Book Chapter

Cultural metacognition: a large, well-stocked, organized and illuminated toolshed in the mind

Pekerti, Andre A. (2023). Cultural metacognition: a large, well-stocked, organized and illuminated toolshed in the mind. Handbook of cultural intelligence research. (pp. 172-190) edited by David C. Thomas and Yuan Liao. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9781800887169.00022

Cultural metacognition: a large, well-stocked, organized and illuminated toolshed in the mind


Journal Article

Mindreading across cultural boundaries

Kim, Lee Rae, Jetten, Jolanda, Pekerti, Andre and Slaughter, Virginia (2023). Mindreading across cultural boundaries. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 93 101775, 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2023.101775

Mindreading across cultural boundaries


Journal Article

The mediating effect of sociocultural adaptation and cultural intelligence on citizens and migrants: impact on perceptions of country images

Arli, Denni, Pekerti, Andre A., Kusumansondjaja, Sonny and Sendjaya, Sen (2023). The mediating effect of sociocultural adaptation and cultural intelligence on citizens and migrants: impact on perceptions of country images. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 92 101728, 101728. doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2022.10.004

The mediating effect of sociocultural adaptation and cultural intelligence on citizens and migrants: impact on perceptions of country images


Conference Publication

Down the wrong rabbit hole: methodological traps in researching emotions in post-merger integration

Talas, Sandor, Pekerti, Andre and Ashkanasy, Neal M. (2022). Down the wrong rabbit hole: methodological traps in researching emotions in post-merger integration. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Virtual, 4-10 August 2022. Briarcliff Manor, NY, United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/ambpp.2022.12126abstract

Down the wrong rabbit hole: methodological traps in researching emotions in post-merger integration


Journal Article

Are societal-level values still relevant measures in the twenty-first century businessworld? A 39-society analysis

Ralston, David A., Russell, Craig J., Terpstra-Tong, Jane, Trevino, Len J., Ramburuth, Prem, Richards, Malika, Casado, Tania, de la Garza Carranza, María Teresa, Naoumova, Irina, Li, Yongjuan, Srinivasan, Narasimhan, Lenartowicz, Tomasz, Furrer, Olivier, Fu, Ping Ping, Pekerti, Andre, Dabic, Marina, Palmer, Ian, Kangasniemi, Maria, Szabo, Erna, Ruiz Gutiérrez, Jaime, Reynaud, Emmanuelle, Darder, Fidel León, Maria Rossi, Ana, von Wangenheim, Florian, Molteni, Mario, Starkus, Arunas, Mockaitis, Audra, Butt, Arif, Girson, Ilya ... Brock, David M. (2022). Are societal-level values still relevant measures in the twenty-first century businessworld? A 39-society analysis. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 41 (1), 1-44. doi: 10.1007/s10490-022-09822-z

Are societal-level values still relevant measures in the twenty-first century businessworld? A 39-society analysis


Journal Article

Correction to: Are societal-level values still relevant measures in the twenty-first century businessworld? A 39-society analysis (Asia Pacific Journal of Management, (2022), 10.1007/s10490-022-09822-z)

Ralston, David A., Russell, Craig J., Terpstra-Tong, Jane, Trevino, Len J., Ramburuth, Prem, Richards, Malika, Casado, Tania, de la Garza Carranza, María Teresa, Naoumova, Irina, Li, Yongjuan, Srinivasan, Narasimhan, Lenartowicz, Tomasz, Furrer, Olivier, Fu, Ping Ping, Pekerti, Andre, Dabic, Marina, Palmer, Ian, Kangasniemi, Maria, Szabo, Erna, Gutiérrez, Jaime Ruiz, Reynaud, Emmanuelle, Darder, Fidel León, Rossi, Ana Maria, von Wangenheim, Florian, Molteni, Mario, Starkus, Arunas, Mockaitis, Audra, Butt, Arif, Girson, Ilya ... Brock, David M. (2022). Correction to: Are societal-level values still relevant measures in the twenty-first century businessworld? A 39-society analysis (Asia Pacific Journal of Management, (2022), 10.1007/s10490-022-09822-z). Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 41 (1), 1-6. doi: 10.1007/s10490-022-09836-7

Correction to: Are societal-level values still relevant measures in the twenty-first century businessworld? A 39-society analysis (Asia Pacific Journal of Management, (2022), 10.1007/s10490-022-09822-z)


Journal Article

A peer mentoring social learning perspective of cross-cultural adjustment: The rapid-acculturation mateship program

Pekerti, Andre A., van de Vijver, Fons J.R., Moeller, Miriam, Okimoto, Tyler G. and Edwards, Martin R. (2021). A peer mentoring social learning perspective of cross-cultural adjustment: The rapid-acculturation mateship program. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 84, 276-299. doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2021.08.010

A peer mentoring social learning perspective of cross-cultural adjustment: The rapid-acculturation mateship program


Conference Publication

Migrants’ perspectives of managerial career progression: lessons from Australia

Sultana, Nasreen, Hartel, Charmine E. J. and Pekerti, Andre (2020). Migrants’ perspectives of managerial career progression: lessons from Australia. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Online, 7-11 August 2020. Briarcliff Manor, NY United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/ambpp.2020.18084abstract

Migrants’ perspectives of managerial career progression: lessons from Australia


Journal Article

Intercultural contacts and acculturation resources among international students in Australia: a mixed-methods study

Pekerti, Andre A., van de Vijver, Fons J.R., Moeller, Miriam and Okimoto, Tyler G. (2020). Intercultural contacts and acculturation resources among international students in Australia: a mixed-methods study. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 75, 56-81. doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2019.12.004

Intercultural contacts and acculturation resources among international students in Australia: a mixed-methods study


Journal Article

How multicultural are you? Find out what it means for your work?

Fitzsimmons, S. R., Vora, D., Martin, L, Raheem, S., Pekerti, A. and Lakshman, C. (2019). How multicultural are you? Find out what it means for your work?. Harvard Business Review

How multicultural are you? Find out what it means for your work?


Journal Article

Multiculturalism within individuals: a review, critique, and agenda for future research

Vora, Davina, Martin, Lee, Fitzsimmons, Stacey R., Pekerti, Andre A., Lakshman, C. and Raheem, Salma (2019). Multiculturalism within individuals: a review, critique, and agenda for future research. Journal of International Business Studies, 50 (4), 499-524. doi: 10.1057/s41267-018-0191-3

Multiculturalism within individuals: a review, critique, and agenda for future research


Book Chapter

Fostering organisational citizenship behaviour in Asia: The mediating roles of trust and job satisfaction

Sendjaya, Sen, Pekerti, Andre A., Cooper, Brian K. and Zhu, Cherrie Jiuhua (2019). Fostering organisational citizenship behaviour in Asia: The mediating roles of trust and job satisfaction. Leading for High Performance in Asia: Contemporary Research and Evidence-Based Practices. (pp. 1-18) edited by Sen Sendjaya. Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-6074-9_1

Fostering organisational citizenship behaviour in Asia: The mediating roles of trust and job satisfaction



n-Culturalism in managing work and life : a new within individual multicultural model

Pekerti, Andre A. (2019). n-Culturalism in managing work and life : a new within individual multicultural model. Cham, Switzerland: Springer . doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-27282-1

n-Culturalism in managing work and life : a new within individual multicultural model


Book Chapter

Transformational leadership and follower citizenship behavior: The roles of paternalism and institutional collectivism

Butar Butar, Ivan D., Sendjaya, Sen and Pekerti, Andre A. (2019). Transformational leadership and follower citizenship behavior: The roles of paternalism and institutional collectivism. Leading for High Performance in Asia: Contemporary Research and Evidence-Based Practices. (pp. 19-40) edited by Sen Sendjaya. Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-6074-9_2

Transformational leadership and follower citizenship behavior: The roles of paternalism and institutional collectivism


Conference Publication

Other-focused leaders, self-focused followers, and citizenship behavior

Sendjaya, Sen, Pekerti, Andre, Hartel, Charmine E. J., Hirst, Giles, Butar Butar, Ivan Destian and Liao, Yuan (2018). Other-focused leaders, self-focused followers, and citizenship behavior. 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL United States, 10-14 August 2018. Briarcliff Manor, NY United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/ambpp.2018.12276abstract

Other-focused leaders, self-focused followers, and citizenship behavior