2021 Journal Article Productive uncertainty: the pedagogical benefits of co‐creating research in the design studioMcLaughlan, Rebecca, Pert, Alan and Lodge, Jason M. (2021). Productive uncertainty: the pedagogical benefits of co‐creating research in the design studio. International Journal of Art and Design Education, 40 (1), 184-200. doi: 10.1111/jade.12344 |
2021 Journal Article AJET in 2021: change, bibliometrics and future directionsThompson, Kate, Corrin, Linda, Hwang, Gwo-Jen and Lodge, Jason M. (2021). AJET in 2021: change, bibliometrics and future directions. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 37 (1), 1-7. doi: 10.14742/ajet.7010 |
2020 Book Chapter The Application of Design Thinking to Convert an On-Campus Course for Online StudentsBroadbent, Jaclyn and Lodge, Jason M. (2020). The Application of Design Thinking to Convert an On-Campus Course for Online Students. Tertiary Online Teaching and Learning: TOTAL Perspectives and Resources for Digital Education. (pp. 299-308) Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-8928-7_30 |
2020 Book Chapter Online Education by Design: Using Evidence and Course Analytics to Achieve Best Online Teaching and Learning PracticeLodge, Jason M. (2020). Online Education by Design: Using Evidence and Course Analytics to Achieve Best Online Teaching and Learning Practice. Tertiary Online Teaching and Learning: TOTAL Perspectives and Resources for Digital Education. (pp. 3-11) Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-8928-7_1 |
2020 Conference Publication Development of educational tools that enable large-scale ethical empirical research on evaluative judgementKhosravi, Hassan, Gyamfi, George , Hanna, Barbara and Lodge, Jason (2020). Development of educational tools that enable large-scale ethical empirical research on evaluative judgement. University Assessment, Learning and Teaching: New Research Directions for a Postdigital World, Online, 19-20 October 2020. |
2020 Book Chapter Digital learning environments, the science of learning, and the relationship between the teacher and the learnerLodge, Jason M., Kennedy, Gregor and Lockyer, Lori (2020). Digital learning environments, the science of learning, and the relationship between the teacher and the learner. Learning under the lens. (pp. 154-168) edited by Annemaree Carroll, Ross Cunnington and Annita Nugent. Abingdon, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429027833-11 |
2020 Journal Article 2020 vision: What happens next in education technology research in AustraliaThompson, Kate and Lodge, Jason (2020). 2020 vision: What happens next in education technology research in Australia. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 36 (4), 1-8. doi: 10.14742/ajet.6593 |
2020 Conference Publication Exploring the usage of thermal imaging for understanding video lecture designs and students' experiencesSrivastava, Namrata, Nawaz, Sadia, Lodge, Jason M., Velloso, Eduardo, Erfani, Sarah and Bailey, James (2020). Exploring the usage of thermal imaging for understanding video lecture designs and students' experiences. TenthInternational Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, Frankfurt, Germany, 23-27 March 2020. New York, NY, United States: Association for Computing Machinery. doi: 10.1145/3375462.3375514 |
2020 Book Chapter Technologies to enhance self-regulated learning in online and computer-mediated learning environmentsBroadbent, Jaclyn, Panadero, Ernesto, Lodge, Jason M. and de Barba, Paula (2020). Technologies to enhance self-regulated learning in online and computer-mediated learning environments. Handbook of Research in Educational Communications and Technology: Learning Design. (pp. 37-52) edited by M. J. Bishop, Elizabeth Boling, Jan Elen and Vanessa Svihla. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-36119-8_3 |
2020 Conference Publication Fostering and supporting empirical research on evaluative judgement via a crowdsourced adaptive learning systemKhosravi, Hassan, Gyamii, George, Hanna, Barbara E. and Lodge, Jason (2020). Fostering and supporting empirical research on evaluative judgement via a crowdsourced adaptive learning system. LAK 2020: the Tenth International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, Frankfurt, Germany, 23 - 27 March 2020. New York, United States: ACM. doi: 10.1145/3375462.3375532 |
2019 Journal Article Understanding the pedagogical practices of biochemistry and molecular biology academicsEspinosa, Allen A., Verkade, Heather, Mulhern, Terrence D. and Lodge, Jason M. (2019). Understanding the pedagogical practices of biochemistry and molecular biology academics. AER: Australian Educational Researcher, 47 (5), 839-856. doi: 10.1007/s13384-019-00369-5 |
2019 Journal Article Understanding value in the student experience through student–staff partnershipsDollinger, Mollie and Lodge, Jason (2019). Understanding value in the student experience through student–staff partnerships. Higher Education Research and Development, 39 (5), 1-13. doi: 10.1080/07294360.2019.1695751 |
2019 Journal Article Teacher and student interactions in the first year of universityRivera Munoz, Claudia A., Baik, Chi and Lodge, Jason M. (2019). Teacher and student interactions in the first year of university. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 44 (8), 1-13. doi: 10.1080/0309877x.2019.1664731 |
2019 Journal Article Student-staff co-creation in higher education: an evidence-informed model to support future design and implementationDollinger, Mollie and Lodge, Jason (2019). Student-staff co-creation in higher education: an evidence-informed model to support future design and implementation. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 42 (5), 1-15. doi: 10.1080/1360080x.2019.1663681 |
2019 Journal Article Working together in learning analytics towards the co-creation of valueDollinger, Mollie, Liu, Danny, Arthars, Natasha and Lodge, Jason M. (2019). Working together in learning analytics towards the co-creation of value. Journal of Learning Analytics, 6 (2), 10-26. doi: 10.18608/jla.2019.62.2 |
2019 Journal Article What learning analytics can learn from students as partnersDollinger, Mollie and Lodge, Jason (2019). What learning analytics can learn from students as partners. Educational Media International, 56 (3), 218-232. doi: 10.1080/09523987.2019.1669883 |
2019 Journal Article The role of attention in learning in the digital ageLodge, Jason M. and Harrison, William J. (2019). The role of attention in learning in the digital age. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 92 (1), 21-28. |
2019 Book Chapter Refocusing threshold concepts: surfacing and attending to student misconceptions as a necessary (and safer) form of liminal learningLewis, Melinda, Lodge, Jason M. and Quinnell, Rosanne (2019). Refocusing threshold concepts: surfacing and attending to student misconceptions as a necessary (and safer) form of liminal learning. Theory and method in higher education research. (pp. 31-47) edited by Jeroen Huisman and Malcolm Tight. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing Limited. doi: 10.1108/s2056-375220180000004004 |
2019 Book Learning Analytics in the Classroom: Translating Learning Analytics Research for TeachersJason M. Lodge, Jared Cooney Horvath and Linda Corrin eds. (2019). Learning Analytics in the Classroom: Translating Learning Analytics Research for Teachers. Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge. |
2019 Book Chapter Learning analytics and teaching: a conceptual framework for translation and applicationDonoghue, Gregory M., Horvath, Jared Cooney and Lodge, Jason M. (2019). Learning analytics and teaching: a conceptual framework for translation and application. Learning analytics in the classroom: translating learning analytics research for teachers. (pp. 11-21) edited by Jason M. Lodge, Jared Cooney Horvath and Linda Corrin. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. |