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Journal Article

The interactive effect of job skill level and citizenship status on job depression, work engagement and turnover intentions: a moderated mediation model in the context of macro‐level turbulence (of ‘Brexit’)

Martinescu, Elena, Edwards, Martin R., Leite, Ana.C., Randsley de Moura, Georgina, Marques, André G. and Abrams, Dominic (2024). The interactive effect of job skill level and citizenship status on job depression, work engagement and turnover intentions: a moderated mediation model in the context of macro‐level turbulence (of ‘Brexit’). Human Resource Management Journal, 34 (3), 523-539. doi: 10.1111/1748-8583.12489

The interactive effect of job skill level and citizenship status on job depression, work engagement and turnover intentions: a moderated mediation model in the context of macro‐level turbulence (of ‘Brexit’)


Journal Article

Managerial control or feedback provision: how perceptions of algorithmic HR systems shape employee motivation, behavior, and well-being

Edwards, Martin R., Zubielevitch, Elena, Okimoto, Tyler, Parker, Stacey and Anseel, Frederik (2024). Managerial control or feedback provision: how perceptions of algorithmic HR systems shape employee motivation, behavior, and well-being. Human Resource Management, 63 (4), 691-710. doi: 10.1002/hrm.22218

Managerial control or feedback provision: how perceptions of algorithmic HR systems shape employee motivation, behavior, and well-being


Journal Article

Anticipated organizational identity change, job anxiety and affective commitment during macro-level turbulence: a cross-lagged study in the shifting sands of Brexit

Edwards, Martin R., Leite, Ana C., de Moura, Georgina Randsley, Marques, André G. and Abrams, Dominic (2024). Anticipated organizational identity change, job anxiety and affective commitment during macro-level turbulence: a cross-lagged study in the shifting sands of Brexit. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print), 1-17. doi: 10.1080/1359432X.2024.2374050

Anticipated organizational identity change, job anxiety and affective commitment during macro-level turbulence: a cross-lagged study in the shifting sands of Brexit


Journal Article

Do Pre-merger Loyalties Help or Hinder Post-merger Retention? A Longitudinal Study

Edwards, Martin R., Lipponen, Jukka, Kaltiainen, Janne and Hornsey, Matthew (2024). Do Pre-merger Loyalties Help or Hinder Post-merger Retention? A Longitudinal Study. British Journal of Management, 35 (4), 1746-1762. doi: 10.1111/1467-8551.12789

Do Pre-merger Loyalties Help or Hinder Post-merger Retention? A Longitudinal Study


Journal Article

Wellness programs and employee outcomes: the role of HR attributions

Smidt, Michelle N., Jimmieson, Nerina L., Bradley, Lisa M. and Edwards, Martin R. (2023). Wellness programs and employee outcomes: the role of HR attributions. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 61 (3), 613-642. doi: 10.1111/1744-7941.12349

Wellness programs and employee outcomes: the role of HR attributions


Journal Article

Profiling employee psychological responses during restructuring and downsizing in the public sector: “Flourishers”, “Recoverers” and “Ambivalents”

Edwards, Martin R. and Clinton, Michael (2022). Profiling employee psychological responses during restructuring and downsizing in the public sector: “Flourishers”, “Recoverers” and “Ambivalents”. Personnel Review, 52 (7), 1916-1935. doi: 10.1108/pr-12-2020-0879

Profiling employee psychological responses during restructuring and downsizing in the public sector: “Flourishers”, “Recoverers” and “Ambivalents”


Journal Article

HR analytics: an emerging field finding its place in the world alongside simmering ethical challenges

Edwards, Martin R., Charlwood, Andy, Guenole, Nigel and Marler, Janet (2022). HR analytics: an emerging field finding its place in the world alongside simmering ethical challenges. Human Resource Management Journal, 34 (2), 326-336. doi: 10.1111/1748-8583.12435

HR analytics: an emerging field finding its place in the world alongside simmering ethical challenges


Journal Article

Predictors of mental health in aid workers: meaning, resilience, and psychological flexibility as personal resources for increased wellbeing and reduced distress

Young, Tarli, Pakenham, Kenneth I., Chapman, Cassandra M. and Edwards, Martin R (2021). Predictors of mental health in aid workers: meaning, resilience, and psychological flexibility as personal resources for increased wellbeing and reduced distress. Disasters, 46 (4), 974-1006. doi: 10.1111/disa.12517

Predictors of mental health in aid workers: meaning, resilience, and psychological flexibility as personal resources for increased wellbeing and reduced distress


Journal Article

A peer mentoring social learning perspective of cross-cultural adjustment: The rapid-acculturation mateship program

Pekerti, Andre A., van de Vijver, Fons J.R., Moeller, Miriam, Okimoto, Tyler G. and Edwards, Martin R. (2021). A peer mentoring social learning perspective of cross-cultural adjustment: The rapid-acculturation mateship program. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 84, 276-299. doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2021.08.010

A peer mentoring social learning perspective of cross-cultural adjustment: The rapid-acculturation mateship program


Journal Article

Resolving the small-pockets problem helps clarify the role of education and political ideology in shaping vaccine scepticism

Hornsey, Matthew J., Edwards, Martin, Lobera, Josep, Diaz-Catalan, Celia and Barlow, Fiona Kate (2021). Resolving the small-pockets problem helps clarify the role of education and political ideology in shaping vaccine scepticism. British Journal of Psychology, 112 (4), 992-1011. doi: 10.1111/bjop.12500

Resolving the small-pockets problem helps clarify the role of education and political ideology in shaping vaccine scepticism


Journal Article

Profiling Adopters (and Non-adopters) of a Contact Tracing Mobile Application: Insights from Australia

Lockey, Steven, Edwards, Martin R., Hornsey, Matthew J., Gillespie, Nicole, Akhlaghpour, Saeed and Colville, Shannon (2021). Profiling Adopters (and Non-adopters) of a Contact Tracing Mobile Application: Insights from Australia. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 149 104414, 1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2021.104414

Profiling Adopters (and Non-adopters) of a Contact Tracing Mobile Application: Insights from Australia


Journal Article

Insider econometrics meets people analytics and strategic human resource management

Larsson, Anne-Sophie and Edwards, Martin R. (2021). Insider econometrics meets people analytics and strategic human resource management. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33 (12), 1-47. doi: 10.1080/09585192.2020.1847166

Insider econometrics meets people analytics and strategic human resource management


Journal Article

Let's talk about Brexit: intra-organizational communication, citizenship status, procedural justice, and job insecurity in a context of potential immigration threat

Edwards, Martin R., Leite, Ana C. , de Moura, Georgina Randsley and Marques, Andre G. (2020). Let's talk about Brexit: intra-organizational communication, citizenship status, procedural justice, and job insecurity in a context of potential immigration threat. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33 (5), 1-28. doi: 10.1080/09585192.2020.1754883

Let's talk about Brexit: intra-organizational communication, citizenship status, procedural justice, and job insecurity in a context of potential immigration threat


Journal Article

A study exploring the impact of lecture capture availability and lecture capture usage on student attendance and attainment

Edwards, Martin R. and Clinton, Michael E. (2019). A study exploring the impact of lecture capture availability and lecture capture usage on student attendance and attainment. Higher Education, 77 (3), 403-421. doi: 10.1007/s10734-018-0275-9

A study exploring the impact of lecture capture availability and lecture capture usage on student attendance and attainment


Journal Article

Trajectories and antecedents of integration in mergers and acquisitions: a comparison of two longitudinal studies

Edwards, Martin R., Lipponen, Jukka, Edwards, Tony and Hakonen, Marko (2017). Trajectories and antecedents of integration in mergers and acquisitions: a comparison of two longitudinal studies. Human Relations, 70 (10), 1258-1290. doi: 10.1177/0018726716686169

Trajectories and antecedents of integration in mergers and acquisitions: a comparison of two longitudinal studies


Journal Article

Web-based corporate, social and video recruitment media: effects of media richness and source credibility on organizational attraction

Frasca, Keely J. and Edwards, Martin R. (2017). Web-based corporate, social and video recruitment media: effects of media richness and source credibility on organizational attraction. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 25 (2), 125-137. doi: 10.1111/ijsa.12165

Web-based corporate, social and video recruitment media: effects of media richness and source credibility on organizational attraction


Journal Article

Multi-foci CSR perceptions, procedural justice and in-role employee performance: the mediating role of commitment and pride

Edwards, Martin R. and Kudret, Selin (2017). Multi-foci CSR perceptions, procedural justice and in-role employee performance: the mediating role of commitment and pride. Human Resource Management Journal, 27 (1), 169-188. doi: 10.1111/1748-8583.12140

Multi-foci CSR perceptions, procedural justice and in-role employee performance: the mediating role of commitment and pride


Journal Article

The Olympic effect: employee reactions to their employer's sponsorship of a high-profile global sporting event

Edwards, Martin R. (2016). The Olympic effect: employee reactions to their employer's sponsorship of a high-profile global sporting event. Human Resource Management, 55 (4), 721-740. doi: 10.1002/hrm.21702

The Olympic effect: employee reactions to their employer's sponsorship of a high-profile global sporting event


Journal Article

Perceptions of employee voice and representation in the post-acquisition period: Comparative and longitudinal evidence from an international acquisition

Edwards, Tony and Edwards, Martin R. (2015). Perceptions of employee voice and representation in the post-acquisition period: Comparative and longitudinal evidence from an international acquisition. Human Relations, 68 (1), 131-156. doi: 10.1177/0018726714525649

Perceptions of employee voice and representation in the post-acquisition period: Comparative and longitudinal evidence from an international acquisition


Journal Article

Employee responses to changing aspects of the employer brand following a multinational acquisition: a longitudinal study

Edwards, Martin R. and Edwards, Tony (2013). Employee responses to changing aspects of the employer brand following a multinational acquisition: a longitudinal study. Human Resource Management, 52 (1), 27-54. doi: 10.1002/hrm.21519

Employee responses to changing aspects of the employer brand following a multinational acquisition: a longitudinal study