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Journal Article

Inhibition of C5a-induced neutrophil chemotaxis and macrophage cytokine production In Vitro by a new C5a receptor antagonist

Haynes, DR, Harkin, DG, Bignold, LP, Hutchens, MJ, Taylor, SM and Fairlie, DP (2000). Inhibition of C5a-induced neutrophil chemotaxis and macrophage cytokine production In Vitro by a new C5a receptor antagonist. Biochemical Pharmacology, 60 (5), 729-733. doi: 10.1016/S0006-2952(00)00361-0

Inhibition of C5a-induced neutrophil chemotaxis and macrophage cytokine production In Vitro by a new C5a receptor antagonist


Journal Article

The first solution structure of a single a-helical turn. A pentapeptide a -Helix stabilized by a metal clip

Kelso, M. J., Hoang, H. N., Appleton, T. G. and Fairlie, D. (2000). The first solution structure of a single a-helical turn. A pentapeptide a -Helix stabilized by a metal clip. Journal of Americal Chemical Society, 122 (42), 10488-10489. doi: 10.1021/ja002416i

The first solution structure of a single a-helical turn. A pentapeptide a -Helix stabilized by a metal clip


Journal Article

Conformations of cyclic octapeptides and the influence of heterocyclic ring constraints upon calcium binding

Cusack, R. M., Grondahl, L., Abbenante, G., Fairlie, D. P., Gahan, L. R., Hanson, G. R. and Hambley, T. W. (2000). Conformations of cyclic octapeptides and the influence of heterocyclic ring constraints upon calcium binding. Journal of The Chemical Society-perkin Transactions 2 (2), 323-331. doi: 10.1039/a906090a

Conformations of cyclic octapeptides and the influence of heterocyclic ring constraints upon calcium binding


Journal Article

Conformational selection of inhibitors and substrates by proteolytic enzymes: Implications for drug design and polypeptide processing

Fairlie, D. P., Tyndall, J. D. A., Reid, R. C., Wong, A. K., Abbenante, G., Scanlon, M. J., March, D. R., Bergman, D. A., Chai, C. L. L. and Burkett, B. A. (2000). Conformational selection of inhibitors and substrates by proteolytic enzymes: Implications for drug design and polypeptide processing. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 43 (7), 1271-1281. doi: 10.1021/jm990315t

Conformational selection of inhibitors and substrates by proteolytic enzymes: Implications for drug design and polypeptide processing


Journal Article

Is oxidative damage by b- amyloid and prion peptides mediated by hydrogen atom transfer from glycine a-carbon to methionine sulfur within b- sheets?

Rauk, A., Armstrong, D. A. and Fairlie, D. P. (2000). Is oxidative damage by b- amyloid and prion peptides mediated by hydrogen atom transfer from glycine a-carbon to methionine sulfur within b- sheets?. Journal of American Chemical Society, 122 (40), 9761-9767. doi: 10.1021/ja994436u

Is oxidative damage by b- amyloid and prion peptides mediated by hydrogen atom transfer from glycine a-carbon to methionine sulfur within b- sheets?


Journal Article

Synthesis, stability, antiviral activity, and protease-bound structures of substrate-mimicking constrained macrocyclic inhibitors of HIV-1 protease

Tyndall, J. D. A., Reid, R. C., Tyssen, D. P., Jardine, D. K., Todd, B., Passmore, M., March, D. R., Pattenden, L., Bergman, D. A., Alewood, D., Hu, S., Alewood, P.F., Birch, C. J., Martin, J. L. and Fairlie, D. (2000). Synthesis, stability, antiviral activity, and protease-bound structures of substrate-mimicking constrained macrocyclic inhibitors of HIV-1 protease. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 43 (19), 3495-3504. doi: 10.1021/jm000013n

Synthesis, stability, antiviral activity, and protease-bound structures of substrate-mimicking constrained macrocyclic inhibitors of HIV-1 protease


Journal Article

Characterization of copper interactions with alzheimer amyloid bpeptides: Identification of an attomolar-affinity copper binding site on Amyloid 1-42

Atwood, C. S., Scarpa, R. C., Huang, X., Moir, R. D., Jones, W. D., Fairlie, D. P., Tanzi, R. E. and Bush, A. I. (2000). Characterization of copper interactions with alzheimer amyloid bpeptides: Identification of an attomolar-affinity copper binding site on Amyloid 1-42. Journal of Neurochemistry, 75 (3), 1219-1233. doi: 10.1046/j.1471-4159.2000.0751219.x

Characterization of copper interactions with alzheimer amyloid bpeptides: Identification of an attomolar-affinity copper binding site on Amyloid 1-42


Journal Article

Regulators of the anaphylatoxin C5a

Taylor, SM and Fairlie, DP (2000). Regulators of the anaphylatoxin C5a. Expert Opinion in Therapeutic Patents, 10 (4), 449-458. doi: 10.1517/13543776.10.4.449

Regulators of the anaphylatoxin C5a


Journal Article

Cu(II) potentiation of Alzheimer A beta neurotoxicity - Correlation with cell-free hydrogen peroxide production and metal reduction

Huang, XD, Cuajungco, MP, Atwood, CS, Hartshorn, MA, Tyndall, JDA, Hanson, GR, Stokes, KC, Leopold, M, Multhaup, G, Goldstein, LE, Scarpa, RC, Saunders, AJ, Lim, J, Moir, RD, Glabe, C, Bowden, EF, Masters, CL, Fairlie, DP, Tanzi, RE and Bush, AI (1999). Cu(II) potentiation of Alzheimer A beta neurotoxicity - Correlation with cell-free hydrogen peroxide production and metal reduction. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 274 (52), 37111-37116. doi: 10.1074/jbc.274.52.37111

Cu(II) potentiation of Alzheimer A beta neurotoxicity - Correlation with cell-free hydrogen peroxide production and metal reduction


Journal Article

Homology model of the dengue 2 virus NS3 protease: putative interactions with both substrate and NS2B cofactor.

Brinkworth, R. I., Fairlie, D., Leung, D. and Young, P. R. (1999). Homology model of the dengue 2 virus NS3 protease: putative interactions with both substrate and NS2B cofactor.. Journal of General Virology, 80 (5), 1167-1177. doi: 10.1099/0022-1317-80-5-1167

Homology model of the dengue 2 virus NS3 protease: putative interactions with both substrate and NS2B cofactor.


Journal Article

Effects of a new C5a receptor antagonist on C5a- and endotoxin-induced neutropenia in the rat

Short, Anna, Wong, Allan K., Finch, Angela M., Haaima, Gerald, Shiels, Ian A., Fairlie, David P. and Taylor, Stephen M. (1999). Effects of a new C5a receptor antagonist on C5a- and endotoxin-induced neutropenia in the rat. British Journal of Pharmacology, 126 (2), 551-554. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjp.0702338

Effects of a new C5a receptor antagonist on C5a- and endotoxin-induced neutropenia in the rat


Journal Article

Pharmacological characterization of antagonists of the C5a receptor

Paczkowski, NJ, Finch, AM, Whitmore, JB, Short, AJ, Wong, AK, Monk, PN, Cain, SA, Fairlie, DP and Taylor, SM (1999). Pharmacological characterization of antagonists of the C5a receptor. British Journal of Pharmacology, 128 (10), 1461-1466. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjp.0702938

Pharmacological characterization of antagonists of the C5a receptor


Journal Article

Anti-tumour activity in vitro and in vivo of selective differentiating agents containing hydroxamate.

Qiu, L., Kelso, M., Hansen, C., West, M. L., Fairlie, D. and Parsons, P. (1999). Anti-tumour activity in vitro and in vivo of selective differentiating agents containing hydroxamate.. British Journal of Cancer, 80 (8), 1252-1258. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6690493

Anti-tumour activity in vitro and in vivo of selective differentiating agents containing hydroxamate.


Journal Article

The possible origin of free radicals from amyloid peptides in Alzheimer's disease

Bush, A. I., Huang, X. and Fairlie, D. (1999). The possible origin of free radicals from amyloid peptides in Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 20 (3), 335-337. doi: 10.1016/S0197-4580(99)00058-5

The possible origin of free radicals from amyloid peptides in Alzheimer's disease


Journal Article

Con formational homogeneity in molecular recognition by proteolytic enzymes

Tyndall, J. and Fairlie, D. (1999). Con formational homogeneity in molecular recognition by proteolytic enzymes. Journal of Molecular Recognition, 12 (6), 363-370. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1099-1352(199911/12)12:63.3.CO;2-D

Con formational homogeneity in molecular recognition by proteolytic enzymes


Journal Article

Low-molecular-weight peptidic and cyclic antagonists of the receptor for the complement factor C5a

Finch, A., Wong, A. K., Paczkowski, N. J., Wadi, S. K., Craik, D. J., Fairlie, D. and Taylor, S. M. (1999). Low-molecular-weight peptidic and cyclic antagonists of the receptor for the complement factor C5a. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 42 (6), 1965-1974. doi: 10.1021/jm9806594

Low-molecular-weight peptidic and cyclic antagonists of the receptor for the complement factor C5a


Journal Article

Cu (II ) Potentiation of Alzheimer Ab Neurotoxicity

Huang, X., Cuajungco, M. P., Atwood, C. S., Hartshorn, M. A., Tyndall, J. D., Hanson, G. R., Stokes, K. C., Leopold, M., Multhaup, G., Goldstein, L. E., Scarpa, R. C., Saunders, A. J., Lim, J., Moir, R. D., Glabe, C., Bowden, E. F., Masters, C. L., Fairlie, D., Tanzi, R. E. and Bush, A. I. (1999). Cu (II ) Potentiation of Alzheimer Ab Neurotoxicity. Jornal of Biological Chemistry, 274 (52), 37111-37116.

Cu (II ) Potentiation of Alzheimer Ab Neurotoxicity


Journal Article

X-ray absorption spectroscopy of cadmium phytochelatin and model systems

Pickering, I. J., Prince, R. C., George, G. N., Rauser, W. E., Wickramasinghe, W. A., Watson, A. A., Dameron, C., Dance, I. G., Fairlie, D. and Salt, D. E. (1999). X-ray absorption spectroscopy of cadmium phytochelatin and model systems. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta, 1429 (2), 351-364. doi: 10.1016/S0167-4838(98)00242-8

X-ray absorption spectroscopy of cadmium phytochelatin and model systems


Journal Article

Development of C5a receptor antagonists

Wong, A., Taylor, S. M. and Fairlie, D. (1999). Development of C5a receptor antagonists. Investigational Drugs, 2 (7), 686-693.

Development of C5a receptor antagonists


Journal Article

Molecular recognition of macrocyclic peptidomimetic inhibitors by HIV-1 protease

Martin, J. L., Begun, J., Schindeler, A., Wickramasinghe, W. A., Alewood, D., Alewood, P. F., Bergman, D. A., Brinkworth, R. I., Abbenante, G., March, D. R., Reid, R. C., Fairlie, D. P. and Armstrong, Richard A. (1999). Molecular recognition of macrocyclic peptidomimetic inhibitors by HIV-1 protease. Biochemistry, 38 (25), 7978-7988. doi: 10.1021/bi990174x

Molecular recognition of macrocyclic peptidomimetic inhibitors by HIV-1 protease