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Honorary Professor Carlo Prato
Honorary Professor

Carlo Prato




Carlo Prato is Professor in Transport Engineering at the School of Civil Engineering of The University of Queensland. He has a PhD from the Politecnico di Torino in Italy where he approached the study of travel behaviour by focusing on route choices of car drivers. It is his natural curiosity and passion for behavioural modelling that drives his research into understanding what makes people behave the way they do as pedestrians, cyclists, public transport users, and car drivers.

His research also looks at how people value congestion and reliability of transport systems, react to legislation trying to make their journeys safer, and accept and/or adapt (or not) to novel technologies and mobility solutions. Carlo contributes to the advancement of science in a cross-disciplinary environment by presenting his work in international conferences and publishing his contributions in prestigious journals as well as serving as a reviewer and editorial board member of journals spanning from engineering to psychology and medicine. Recently, Carlo has been named Associate Editor of Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, the journal of the International Association of Applied Psychology.

Prior to joining UQ’s School of Civil Engineering at the beginning of 2016, Carlo worked at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology – and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) where he became Professor in 2013. During his time at DTU, he received the 2014 Pyke Johnson Award from the Transportation Research Board of the U.S. National Academies for the best paper in planning and environment at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board: “Estimating value of congestion and value of reliability from the observation of route choice behavior of car drivers” with Thomas K. Rasmussen and Otto A. Nielsen.

Most recently, Carlo was the recipient of the 2017 Partners in Research Excellence Award from The University of Queensland for his work in the partnership with the Port of Brisbane that aims at developing port growth. Awardees for the partnership were also Dr. Alistair Grinham from the School of Civil Engineering, Dr. Peggy Schrobback from the School of Economics, and Mr Rob Nave, General Manager of Infrastructure and Environment of the Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd. The project is to futureproof Brisbane’s largest multi-cargo port in terms of sustainability, transport and economy, regionally and globally.

In 2016, Carlo was invited to join the UQ Self-Assessment Team for the SAGE pilot of the Athena SWAN program, which The University of Queensland is part of in order to address and improve gender equity in the science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM) disciplines. He is also a member of the equity and diversity group at the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT).

Carlo has about 90 peer-reviewed journal papers and over 130 reviewed conference contributions and a coming book with publisher Taylor & Francis Group that will bring him back to his initial interests in traffic: “Route Choice Behaviour and Traffic Assignment Models”.


Honorary Professor Carlo Prato is:
Available for supervision


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Politecnico di Torino

Research interests

  • Travel behaviour

  • Traffic psychology

  • Road safety analysis

  • Traffic assignment models

  • Behavioural econometrics

  • Freight modelling


Search Professor Carlo Prato’s works on UQ eSpace

169 works between 2005 and 2023

141 - 160 of 169 works


Journal Article

Meta-analysis of choice set generation effects on route choice model estimates and predictions

Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2012). Meta-analysis of choice set generation effects on route choice model estimates and predictions. Transport, 27 (3), 286-298. doi: 10.3846/16484142.2012.719840

Meta-analysis of choice set generation effects on route choice model estimates and predictions


Journal Article

Risk factors associated with bus accident severity in the United States: a generalized ordered logit model

Kaplan, Sigal and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2012). Risk factors associated with bus accident severity in the United States: a generalized ordered logit model. Journal of Safety Research, 43 (3), 171-180. doi: 10.1016/j.jsr.2012.05.003

Risk factors associated with bus accident severity in the United States: a generalized ordered logit model


Journal Article

Latent variables and route choice behavior

Prato, Carlo Giacomo, Bekhor, Shlomo and Pronello, Cristina (2012). Latent variables and route choice behavior. Transportation, 39 (2), 299-319. doi: 10.1007/s11116-011-9344-y

Latent variables and route choice behavior


Journal Article

Braking News Link Between Crash Severity and Crash Avoidance Maneuvers

Kaplan, Sigal and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2012). Braking News Link Between Crash Severity and Crash Avoidance Maneuvers. Transportation Research Record, 2280 (2280), 75-88. doi: 10.3141/2280-09

Braking News Link Between Crash Severity and Crash Avoidance Maneuvers


Journal Article

Associating crash avoidance maneuvers with driver attributes and accident characteristics: a mixed logit model approach

Kaplan, Sigal and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2012). Associating crash avoidance maneuvers with driver attributes and accident characteristics: a mixed logit model approach. Traffic Injury Prevention, 13 (3), 315-326. doi: 10.1080/15389588.2011.654015

Associating crash avoidance maneuvers with driver attributes and accident characteristics: a mixed logit model approach


Book Chapter

Promoting safe transit: analyzing bus accident patterns

Prato, Carlo Giacomo and Kaplan, Sigal (2012). Promoting safe transit: analyzing bus accident patterns. Accidents: risk factors, health outcomes and safety measures. (pp. 1-17) edited by Carlo Giacomo Prato. Hauppauge, NY, United States: Nova Science Publishers.

Promoting safe transit: analyzing bus accident patterns



Accidents: risk factors, health outcomes and safety measures

Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2012). Accidents: risk factors, health outcomes and safety measures. Hauppauge, United States: Nova Science Publishers.

Accidents: risk factors, health outcomes and safety measures


Conference Publication

Judgments in the selection of path generation techniques: a meta-analytic approach

Prato, Carlo G. (2012). Judgments in the selection of path generation techniques: a meta-analytic approach. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 91st Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, United States, 22-26 January 2012.

Judgments in the selection of path generation techniques: a meta-analytic approach


Journal Article

Closing the gap between behavior and models in route choice: the role of spatiotemporal constraints and latent traits in choice set formation

Kaplan, Sigal and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2012). Closing the gap between behavior and models in route choice: the role of spatiotemporal constraints and latent traits in choice set formation. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 15 (1), 9-24. doi: 10.1016/j.trf.2011.11.001

Closing the gap between behavior and models in route choice: the role of spatiotemporal constraints and latent traits in choice set formation


Journal Article

Mapping patterns of pedestrian fatal accidents in Israel

Prato, Carlo Giacomo, Gitelman, Victoria and Bekhor, Shlomo (2012). Mapping patterns of pedestrian fatal accidents in Israel. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 44 (1), 56-62. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2010.12.022

Mapping patterns of pedestrian fatal accidents in Israel


Conference Publication

Associating crash avoidance maneuvers with driver attributes and accident characteristics: a mixed logit model approach

Kaplan, Sigal and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2012). Associating crash avoidance maneuvers with driver attributes and accident characteristics: a mixed logit model approach. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 91st Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, United States, 22-26 January 2012.

Associating crash avoidance maneuvers with driver attributes and accident characteristics: a mixed logit model approach


Conference Publication

Modelling mode choice in short trips: shifting from car to bicycle

Halldorsdottir, Katrin, Christensen, Linda, Jensen, Thomas Christian and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2011). Modelling mode choice in short trips: shifting from car to bicycle. European Transport Conference 2011, Glasgow, Scotland, 10-12 October 2011.

Modelling mode choice in short trips: shifting from car to bicycle


Journal Article

Pattern recognition and classification of fatal traffic accidents in Israel: a neural network approach

Prato, Carlo Giacomo, Gitelman, Victoria and Bekhor, Shlomo (2011). Pattern recognition and classification of fatal traffic accidents in Israel: a neural network approach. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, 3 (4), 304-323. doi: 10.1080/19439962.2011.624291

Pattern recognition and classification of fatal traffic accidents in Israel: a neural network approach


Journal Article

Modeling the behavior of novice young drivers during the first year after licensure

Prato, Carlo Giacomo, Toledo, Tomer, Lotan, Tsippy and Taubman - Ben-Ari, Orit (2010). Modeling the behavior of novice young drivers during the first year after licensure. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42 (2), 480-486. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2009.09.011

Modeling the behavior of novice young drivers during the first year after licensure


Conference Publication

Joint modeling of constrained path enumeration and path choice behavior: a semi-compensatory approach

Kaplan, Sigal and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2010). Joint modeling of constrained path enumeration and path choice behavior: a semi-compensatory approach. European Transport Conference 2010, Glasgow, Scotland, 11-13 October, 2010.

Joint modeling of constrained path enumeration and path choice behavior: a semi-compensatory approach


Conference Publication

Exploring the potential of data mining techniques for the analysis of accident patterns

Prato, Carlo Giacomo, Bekhor, Shlomo, Galtzur, Ayelet, Mahalel, David and Prashker, Joseph N. (2010). Exploring the potential of data mining techniques for the analysis of accident patterns. WCTR 2010: 12th World Conference on Transportation Research, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-15 July 2010.

Exploring the potential of data mining techniques for the analysis of accident patterns


Conference Publication

Activity-based demand modelling on a large scale: experience from the new Danish National Model

Rich, Jeppe, Prato, Carlo Giacomo and Daly, Andrew (2010). Activity-based demand modelling on a large scale: experience from the new Danish National Model. European Transport Conference 2010, Glasgow, Scotland, 11-13 October 2010.

Activity-based demand modelling on a large scale: experience from the new Danish National Model


Conference Publication

Mapping patterns and characteristics of fatal road accidents in Israel

Prato, Carlo G., Gitelman, Victoria and Bekhor, Shlomo (2010). Mapping patterns and characteristics of fatal road accidents in Israel. WCTR 2010: 12th World Conference on Transportation Research, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-15 July 2010.

Mapping patterns and characteristics of fatal road accidents in Israel


Conference Publication

Generation and quality assessment of route choice sets in public transport networks by means of RP data analysis

Larsen, Marie K., Nielsen, Otto A., Prato, Carlo G. and Rasmussen, Thomas K. (2010). Generation and quality assessment of route choice sets in public transport networks by means of RP data analysis. European Transport Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 11-13 October 2010.

Generation and quality assessment of route choice sets in public transport networks by means of RP data analysis


Journal Article

Methodological transferability in route choice modeling

Bekhor, Shlomo and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2009). Methodological transferability in route choice modeling. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 43 (4), 422-437. doi: 10.1016/j.trb.2008.08.003

Methodological transferability in route choice modeling


Past funding

  • 2021 - 2023
    Longitudinal and spatial database of vehicle ownership and energy consumption
    Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2023
    Australian Transport Research Cloud (ATRC) Platform
    University of Melbourne
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2024
    Odin Pass: A Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) Trial at UQ St Lucia
    iMove Cooperative Research Centre
    Open grant
  • 2019 - 2022
    An Integrated Demographic and Transport Demand Modelling Framework (ID-TDM)
    iMove Cooperative Research Centre
    Open grant



Honorary Professor Carlo Prato is:
Available for supervision

Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.

Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Zonal inference in congestion modelling

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Zuduo Zheng, Associate Professor Jiwon Kim

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Using electric vehicles (EV) as batteries-on-wheels: an investigation of the potential market for EV smart charging

    Associate Advisor

Completed supervision



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