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Dr Jana Visnovska

Jana Visnovska

+61 7 336 56465



I am a senior lecturer in mathematics education at the University of Queensland. My research centres around design and theorising of resources for teaching mathematics well. This includes development of classroom mathematical activities, in which students encounter significant mathematical ideas and joy of the experience; support of mathematics teachers’ work so that they can organise their classrooms for their students' meaningful engagement with mathematics; and inquiries into history of mathematics and education aimed at understanding of possibilities for change. I have served as an editor of the Australian Mathematics Education Journal and currently am the Vice President for Publications within Mathematics Eudctaion Research Group of Australasia (MERGA), and an IPC member for the International Symposium on Elementary Mathematics Teaching.

I completed a Magister degree in mathematics at Comenius University in Slovakia and a PhD in mathematics education at Vanderbilt University in the USA. Before taking my role at UQ, I have taught middle-years mathematics and lectured in mathematics and mathematics education at Comenius, Vanderbilt, and University of California, Santa Cruz. As part of my research, I regularly spend time in schools and classrooms.


Dr Jana Visnovska is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Masters (Research) of Mathematics, Comenius University in Bratislava
  • Graduate Certificate in Teaching (Secondary), Comenius University in Bratislava
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Education, Comenius University in Bratislava
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Vanderbilt University

Research interests

  • Mathematics Education

    My research is centred within mathematics education, driven by the need to teach mathematics well. I view my role as a researcher in co-development of teaching resources, and of professional discourse, capable of supporting mathematics teaching.

  • Design Research

  • Teaching Materials and Resources

  • Teacher Professional Development


Search Professor Jana Visnovska’s works on UQ eSpace

102 works between 1999 and 2024

41 - 60 of 102 works


Conference Publication

O vytváraní matematických konverzácií v triede

Visnovska, Jana (2019). O vytváraní matematických konverzácií v triede. Dva dni s didaktikou matematiky, Bratislava, Slovakia, 5-6 Sep 2019.

O vytváraní matematických konverzácií v triede


Conference Publication

Učme zlomky cez meranie: prečo a ako

Višňovská, Jana and Slabý, Matej (2019). Učme zlomky cez meranie: prečo a ako. Dva Dni s Didaktikou Matematiky, Bratislava, Slovakia, 5-6 September 2019. Bratislava, Slovakia: FMFI Comenius University.

Učme zlomky cez meranie: prečo a ako


Conference Publication

Notes from designing one resource for teachers’ use across the contexts of Mexico, Australia, and South Africa (An invited contribution to the Symposium on cross-cultural research on teachers’ use of resources)

Visnovska, Jana (2019). Notes from designing one resource for teachers’ use across the contexts of Mexico, Australia, and South Africa (An invited contribution to the Symposium on cross-cultural research on teachers’ use of resources). Third International Conference on Mathematics Textbook research and Development, Paderborn, Germany, 16-19 September 2019. Paderborn, Germany: Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn.

Notes from designing one resource for teachers’ use across the contexts of Mexico, Australia, and South Africa (An invited contribution to the Symposium on cross-cultural research on teachers’ use of resources)


Conference Publication

Designing individual goals to enhance the numeracy of adults with intellectual disabilities

Gaunt, Lorraine, Visnovska, Jana and Moni, Karen (2019). Designing individual goals to enhance the numeracy of adults with intellectual disabilities. The 42nd annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Perth, WA Australia, 29 June-4 July 2019. Perth, WA Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia.

Designing individual goals to enhance the numeracy of adults with intellectual disabilities


Conference Publication

Apoyando el desarrollo del sentido numérico en preescolar

Cortina, J. L., Peña, J. and Visnovska, J. (2019). Apoyando el desarrollo del sentido numérico en preescolar. XV Congreso Nacional de Investigación Educativa, Acapulco, México, 18-22 November 2019. Acapulco, México: Consejo Mexicano de Investigación Educativa.

Apoyando el desarrollo del sentido numérico en preescolar


Book Chapter

Documentation work, design capacity, and teachers’ expertise in designing instruction

Rezat, Sebastian, Le Hénaff, Carole, Visnovska, Jana, Kim, Ok-Kyeong, Leroyer, Laurence, Sabra, Hussein, El Hage, Suzane and Wang, Chongyang (2019). Documentation work, design capacity, and teachers’ expertise in designing instruction. The 'resource' approach to mathematics education. (pp. 323-388) edited by Luc Trouche , Ghislaine Gueudet and Birgit Pepin. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-20393-1_11

Documentation work, design capacity, and teachers’ expertise in designing instruction


Conference Publication

Building learning opportunities in classrooms of disadvantage: rethinking the learning trajectories

Visnovska, Jana, Luis Cortina, Jose and Vale, Pamela (2019). Building learning opportunities in classrooms of disadvantage: rethinking the learning trajectories. International Symposium on Elementary Mathematics Teaching (SEMT), Prague, Czech Republic, 18-22 August 2019. Prague, Czech Republic: Charles University, Faculty of Education.

Building learning opportunities in classrooms of disadvantage: rethinking the learning trajectories


Journal Article

What happened at Frida's museum?

Pena, Jesica, Cortina, Jose Luis and Visnovska, Jana (2018). What happened at Frida's museum?. Teaching Children Mathematics, 25 (3), 174-179. doi: 10.5951/teacchilmath.25.3.0174

What happened at Frida's museum?


Book Chapter

Present research on mathematics textbooks and teachers’ resources in ICME-13: conclusion and perspectives

Rezat, Sebastian, Visnovska, Jana, Trouche, Luc, Qi, Chunxia and Fan, Lianghuo (2018). Present research on mathematics textbooks and teachers’ resources in ICME-13: conclusion and perspectives. Research on mathematics textbooks and teachers’ resources: advances and issues. (pp. 343-358) edited by Lianghuo Fan, Luc Trouche, Chunxia Qi, Sebastian Rezat and Jana Visnovska. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-73253-4_16

Present research on mathematics textbooks and teachers’ resources in ICME-13: conclusion and perspectives


Conference Publication

Engaging pre-service non-specialist teachers in teaching mathematics using embodied technology tools

Matthews, Sarah, Boden, Marie and Visnovska, Jana (2018). Engaging pre-service non-specialist teachers in teaching mathematics using embodied technology tools. Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Auckland, New Zealand, 1-5 July 2018. Auckland, New Zealand: MERGA.

Engaging pre-service non-specialist teachers in teaching mathematics using embodied technology tools


Conference Publication

The role of the story in enabling meaningful mathematical engagement in the classroom

Visnovska, Jana, Cortina, Jose Luis, Vale, Pamela and Graven, Mellony (2018). The role of the story in enabling meaningful mathematical engagement in the classroom. Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Auckland, New Zealand, 1-5 July 2018. Auckland, New Zealand: MERGA.

The role of the story in enabling meaningful mathematical engagement in the classroom


Book Chapter

Resourcing teachers in transition to plan for interactions with students’ ideas

Visnovska, Jana and Cortina, Jose Luis (2018). Resourcing teachers in transition to plan for interactions with students’ ideas. Research on mathematics textbooks and teachers’ resources: advances and issues. (pp. 277-295) edited by Lianghuo Fan, Luc Trouche, Chunxia Qi, Sebastian Rezat and Jana Visnovska. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-73253-4_13

Resourcing teachers in transition to plan for interactions with students’ ideas


Conference Publication

Designing to support teachers’ reconstruction of instructional design rationales

Visnovska, Jana and Cortina, Jose Luis (2018). Designing to support teachers’ reconstruction of instructional design rationales. Re(s)sources 2018, Lyon, France, 28 May - 1 June 2018. Lyon, France: ENS de Lyon.

Designing to support teachers’ reconstruction of instructional design rationales



Research on mathematics textbooks and teachers’ resources: advances and issues

Lianghuo Fan, Luc Trouche, Chunxia Qi, Sebastian Rezat and Jana Visnovska eds. (2018). Research on mathematics textbooks and teachers’ resources: advances and issues. ICME-13 Monographs, Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-73253-4

Research on mathematics textbooks and teachers’ resources: advances and issues


Conference Publication

Resources for teaching: supporting a Mexican teacher’s learning

Visnovska, Jana and Cortina, Jose Luis (2018). Resources for teaching: supporting a Mexican teacher’s learning. ICMT2, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 7-11 May 2017. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Instituto de Matematica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

Resources for teaching: supporting a Mexican teacher’s learning


Book Chapter

Topic Study Group No. 38: research on resources (textbooks, learning materials etc.)

Fan, Lianghuo, Trouche, Luc, Qi, Chunxia, Rezat, Sebastian and Visnovska, Jana (2017). Topic Study Group No. 38: research on resources (textbooks, learning materials etc.). Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education: ICME-13. (pp. 561-564) edited by Gabriele Kaiser. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-62597-3_65

Topic Study Group No. 38: research on resources (textbooks, learning materials etc.)


Conference Publication

Supporting teachers in planning for interactions with students’ ideas

Visnovska, Jana and Cortina, Jose Luis (2017). Supporting teachers in planning for interactions with students’ ideas. 40th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Melbourne, Australia, 2-6 July 2017. Adelaide, SA, Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia.

Supporting teachers in planning for interactions with students’ ideas


Conference Publication

Learning to support all students’ fraction understanding

Visnovska, Jana and Cortina, Jose Luis (2017). Learning to support all students’ fraction understanding. Bi-annual International Symposium on Elementary Mathematics Teaching, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-25 August 2017. Prague, Czech Republic: Charles University.

Learning to support all students’ fraction understanding


Conference Publication

Reciprocal relations of relative size in the instructional context of fractions as measures

Cortina, Jose Luis and Visnovska, Jana (2016). Reciprocal relations of relative size in the instructional context of fractions as measures. 40th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Szeged, Hungary, 3-7 August 2016. Szeged, Hungary: PME.

Reciprocal relations of relative size in the instructional context of fractions as measures


Book Chapter

Introduction: Research in Mathematics Education in Australasia 2012–2015

Makar, Katie, Dole, Shelley, Visnovska, Jana, Goos, Merrilyn, Bennison, Anne and Fry, Kym (2016). Introduction: Research in Mathematics Education in Australasia 2012–2015. Research in Mathematics Education in Australasia 2012-2015. (pp. 1-12) edited by Katie Makar, Shelley Dole, Jana Visnovska, Merrilyn Goos, Anne Bennison and Kym Fry. City of Singapore, Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-1419-2_1

Introduction: Research in Mathematics Education in Australasia 2012–2015


Past funding

  • 2017 - 2018
    Developing ambitious teaching practices in mathematics: Collaborating to learn
    UQ Early Career Researcher
    Open grant
  • 2014 - 2017
    Inspiring mathematics and science in teacher education
    OLT Enhancing the Training of Mathematics and Science Teachers Program (ETMST)
    Open grant
  • 2011 - 2013
    Supporting the learning of teacher communities in remote regions with high teacher turnover: Resource development pilot
    UQ Collaboration and Industry Engagement Fund
    Open grant
  • 2011 - 2013
    Supporting the learning of Professional Teaching Communities in remote regions with high teacher turnover
    UQ FirstLink Scheme
    Open grant
  • 2011
    UQ Travel Awards Category 2 - Dr Jana Visnovska
    UQ Travel Grants Scheme
    Open grant
  • 2009 - 2010
    Mathematics teachers' learning in the institutional context of Queensland schools: study of induction of a teacher cohort into a professional development group
    UQ New Staff Research Start-Up Fund
    Open grant



Dr Jana Visnovska is:
Available for supervision

Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.

Available projects

  • Fractions and proportional reasoning across the years of schooling

    Big part of my research includes exploring, understanding, and developing teaching resources that would aid teachers in making it possible for all students to thrive in mathematics classrooms. Typical resources used for initial teaching of fractions often support students' "performance" in the short run, but later undermine their efforts of making sense of proportionality. In this project, you will explore the types of difficulties students face and how these difficulties relate to the resources used in their teaching, and propose and trial alternative pathways for teaching fractions and proportionality in mathematics classrooms.

  • Theorising and design of (mathematics) teachers' resources

    Teaching resources (textbooks and their alternatives) reveal how we, as a society, and as researchers and designers, conceptualise teaching. On the one hand, resources can dictate to the teacher what is to be done. On the orther hand, they can collaborate with the teacher on figuring out how to best respond to different situations that arise in different classrooms. To produce resources that would be most useful to teachers in their diverse classrooms, researchers and designers must deal well with and rigorously theorise the complexity of education and teaching. How should we conceptualise teaching and how can we bring a particular conceptualisation of a teacher and teaching into resource design?

Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Differentiating instruction in early secondary mathematics

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Stephen Heimans

  • Doctor Philosophy

    An Epistemology of Practice for Political and Existential Citizenship

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Stephen Heimans

  • Master Philosophy

    Designing mathematics instructions and tasks for green education

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Katie Makar

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Institutional language policies, academic literacies and power: a collaborative investigation of practices in higher education in Queensland

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Stephen Heimans

Completed supervision



Contact Dr Jana Visnovska directly for media enquiries about:

  • Ambitious and equitable teaching of mathematics
  • Classroom mathematical conversations
  • Professional development of mathematics teachers
  • Purposes of mathematics education
  • Teaching early number
  • Teaching fractions
  • Teaching Numeracy across curriculum
  • Teaching problem solving
  • Teaching proportional reasoning

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