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Honorary Professor Saleem Ali
Honorary Professor

Saleem Ali




Prof. Saleem Ali served as the Director of the Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM) from 2012 to 2014 and is currently Blue and Gold Distinguished Professor of Energy and the Environment at the University of Delaware (USA). He retains an affiliate research professorship at UQ and has also held the Chair in Sustainable Resource Development at UQ's Sustainable Minerals Institute. As an environmental planner, his research and practice is highly interdisciplinary and aims to inform social management with rigorous science.

Former Professional Experience

Prof. Ali was a Professor of Environmental Studies at the University of Vermont's Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources from 2002 to 2012 and the founding Director of the Institute for Environmental Diplomacy and Security at UVM's James Jeffords Center for Policy Research. He was also on the adjunct faculty of Brown University’s Watson Institute for International Studies and the visiting faculty for the United Nations mandated University for Peace (Costa Rica).

Before embarking on an academic career, Prof. Ali worked as an environmental health and safety professional at General Electric (based at GE headquarters in Fairfield, CT, and at silicone resin manufacturing sites in New York). He has served as a consultant for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Health Canada. He has also been an Associate at the Boston-based consulting firm Industrial Economics Inc. Some of his pro bono projects include a mining impact prospectus for the Crowe Tribe of Montana and research assistance to Cultural Survival (an indigenous rights NGO).

Past Research

Prof. Ali's primary research interests have been in the causes and consequences of environmental conflicts in the research sector, and the process of using ecological factors to promote peace. Some of Prof. Ali’s former research appointments include a visiting fellowship at the Brookings Institution's research center in Doha, Qatar; a Public Policy Fellowship at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, a Baker Foundation Research Fellowship at Harvard Business School and a parliamentary internship at the U.K. House of Commons. Dr Ali has teaching experience in courses on environmental planning, conflict resolution, industrial ecology, research methods and technical writing.


Prof. Ali’s books include the Treasures of the Earth: Need, Greed and a Sustainable Future (Yale University Press, 2010) which received a cover endorsement from Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus for providing a "welcome link between environmental behaviour and poverty alleviation." Among his earlier works is the acclaimed comparative case-based research book Mining, the Environment and Indigenous Development Conflicts (University of Arizona Press). Prof. Ali has served as an editor in many publications including Earth Matters: Indigenous Peoples, The Extractive Industries and Corporate Social Responsibility (edited with Ciaran O'Fairchellaegh) and the widely acclaimed volume Peace Parks: Conservation and Conflict Resolution (MIT Press, September, 2007), which has received cover endorsements from environmental scientists E.O. Wilson, George Schaller and UNEP executive director Achim Steiner, and a foreword by IUCN Director General Julia Marton-Lefevre. He has also published in a wide range of peer-reveiwed journals including Nature, Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Resources Policy and Journal of Cleaner Production. A full list of publications can be found in the publication interface of thsi page or in Google Scholar.

Awards and Recognition

The World Economic Forum chose Prof. Ali as a "Young Global Leader" in 2011. He has also been selected by the National Geographic Society as an "Emerging Explorer" and was profiled in "Forbes magazine" in September, 2009 in an article titled "The Alchemist."

Other Interests and positions

Prof. Ali is a member of the World Commission on Protected Areas and the IUCN Taskforce on Transboundary Conservation. He is also a professional mediator and has conducted workshops on consensus-building for private and public interests. He has assisted in the peer review process for research publications with the World Bank, the International Institute for Sustainable Development, The Woodrow Wilson Center, the Journal of Environmental Management, the Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, the Natural Resources Forum and Yale University Press.

Prof. Ali is involved in numerous non-profit organizations to promote environmental peace-building. He currently serves on the board of The DMZ Forum for Peace and Nature Conservation and International Peace Park Expeditions in the United States and on the board of governors for LEAD-Pakistan. He has also been involved in promoting environmental education in madrassahs (Islamic religious schools) and using techniques from environmental planning to study the rise of these institutions in his ethnic homeland, Pakistan. This prompted Prof. Ali to publish a sole-authored book in January 2009 titled Islam and Education: Conflict and Conformity in Pakistan's Madrassahs (Oxford University Press)

Professor Ali received his doctorate in Environmental Planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), an M.E.S. in environmental law and policy from Yale University, and his Bachelors in Chemistry from Tufts University (summa cum laude).


Honorary Professor Saleem Ali is:
Available for supervision


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Research impacts

Based on the impact of Professor Ali's research he was asked to serve on the Global Future Council on Advanced Materials convemed by the World economic Forum from 2016 to 2018 and he is also an expert advisor to the United Nations' Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. In addition he is serving on the Governance Task Force of the United Nations' International Resource Panel.


Search Professor Saleem Ali’s works on UQ eSpace

218 works between 1966 and 2024

61 - 80 of 218 works


Journal Article

Material efficiency strategies to reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with buildings, vehicles, and electronics—a review

Hertwich, Edgar G., Ali, Saleem, Ciacci, Luca, Fishman, Tomer, Heeren, Niko, Masanet, Eric, Asghari, Farnaz Nojavan, Olivetti, Elsa, Pauliuk, Stefan, Tu, Qingshi and Wolfram, Paul (2019). Material efficiency strategies to reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with buildings, vehicles, and electronics—a review. Environmental Research Letters, 14 (4) 043004, 043004. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab0fe3

Material efficiency strategies to reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with buildings, vehicles, and electronics—a review


Journal Article

Gemstone supply chains and development in Pakistan: analyzing the post-Taliban emerald economy in the Swat Valley

Makki, Muhammad and Ali, Saleem H. (2019). Gemstone supply chains and development in Pakistan: analyzing the post-Taliban emerald economy in the Swat Valley. Geoforum, 100, 166-175. doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2019.01.005

Gemstone supply chains and development in Pakistan: analyzing the post-Taliban emerald economy in the Swat Valley


Journal Article

World Heritage in danger: Big data and remote sensing can help protect sites in conflict zones

Levin, Noam, Ali, Saleem, Crandall, David and Kark, Salit (2019). World Heritage in danger: Big data and remote sensing can help protect sites in conflict zones. Global Environmental Change, 55, 97-104. doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2019.02.001

World Heritage in danger: Big data and remote sensing can help protect sites in conflict zones



Africa’s mineral fortune: the science and politics of mining and sustainable development

Saleem H. Ali, Kathryn Sturman and Nina Collins eds. (2019). Africa’s mineral fortune: the science and politics of mining and sustainable development. Routledge Studies of the Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development, Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429467424

Africa’s mineral fortune: the science and politics of mining and sustainable development


Book Chapter


Ali, Saleem H. and Sturman, Kathryn (2019). Introduction. Africa’s mineral fortune: the science and politics of mining and sustainable development. (pp. 1-6) edited by Saleem H. Ali, Kathryn Sturman and Nina Collins. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429467424-1



Other Outputs

Mineral Resource Governance in the 21st Century: Gearing extractive industries towards sustainable development

Ayuk, E.T., Pedro, A.M., Ekins, P., Gatune, J., Milligan, B., Oberle, B., Christmann, P., Ali, S., Kumar, S.V., Bringezu, S., Acquatella, J., Bernaudat, L., Bodouroglou, C., Brooks, S., Burgii Bonanomi, E., Clement, J., Collins, N., Davis, K., Davy, A., Dawkins, K., Dom, A., Eslamishoar, F., Franks, D.M., Hamor, T., Jensen, D., Lahiri-Dutt, K., Petersen, I. and Sanders, A.R.D (2019). Mineral Resource Governance in the 21st Century: Gearing extractive industries towards sustainable development. Geneva, Switzerland: International Resources Panel. United Nations Environment Program.

Mineral Resource Governance in the 21st Century: Gearing extractive industries towards sustainable development


Book Chapter

Conclusion: a multifaceted fortune

Sturman, Kathryn and Ali, Saleem H. (2019). Conclusion: a multifaceted fortune. Africa’s mineral fortune: the science and politics of mining and sustainable development. (pp. 302-304) edited by Saleem H. Ali, Kathryn Sturman and Nina Collins. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429467424-23

Conclusion: a multifaceted fortune


Journal Article

Environmental cooperation in conflict zones: riparian infrastructure at the Armenian–Turkish border

Altingoz, Mehmet and Ali, Saleem H. (2019). Environmental cooperation in conflict zones: riparian infrastructure at the Armenian–Turkish border. Journal of Environment and Development, 28 (3), 309-335. doi: 10.1177/1070496519859680

Environmental cooperation in conflict zones: riparian infrastructure at the Armenian–Turkish border


Journal Article

Mining and biodiversity: key issues and research needs in conservation science

Sonter, Laura J., Ali, Saleem H. and Watson, James E. M. (2018). Mining and biodiversity: key issues and research needs in conservation science. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285 (1892) 20181926, 20181926. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2018.1926

Mining and biodiversity: key issues and research needs in conservation science


Journal Article

The materials science imperative in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals

Ali, Saleem H. (2018). The materials science imperative in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals. Nature Materials, 17 (12), 1052-1053. doi: 10.1038/s41563-018-0228-9

The materials science imperative in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals


Journal Article

Pollution and economic development: an empirical research review

Ali, Saleem and Puppim de Oliveira, Jose Antonio (2018). Pollution and economic development: an empirical research review. Environmental Research Letters, 13 (12) 123003, 123003. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aaeea7

Pollution and economic development: an empirical research review


Journal Article

Environmental peacebuilding in South Asia: establishing consensus on hydroelectric projects in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) Basin

Huda, Mirza Sadaqat and Ali, Saleem H. (2018). Environmental peacebuilding in South Asia: establishing consensus on hydroelectric projects in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) Basin. Geoforum, 96, 160-171. doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2018.08.015

Environmental peacebuilding in South Asia: establishing consensus on hydroelectric projects in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) Basin


Journal Article

Chinese migrant perceptions of Africans: understanding Confucian reflexive politics in Southern Africa

Petersen, Micah and Ali, Saleem (2018). Chinese migrant perceptions of Africans: understanding Confucian reflexive politics in Southern Africa. Social Sciences, 7 (10) 172, 172. doi: 10.3390/socsci7100172

Chinese migrant perceptions of Africans: understanding Confucian reflexive politics in Southern Africa


Journal Article

Extracting at the borders: negotiating political and ecological geographies of movement in mineral frontiers

Ali, Saleem H. (2018). Extracting at the borders: negotiating political and ecological geographies of movement in mineral frontiers. Sustainable Development, 26 (5), 481-490. doi: 10.1002/sd.1893

Extracting at the borders: negotiating political and ecological geographies of movement in mineral frontiers


Journal Article

Mining, land restoration and sustainable development in isolated islands: an industrial ecology perspective on extractive transitions on Nauru

Clifford, Martin J., Ali, Saleem H. and Matsubae, Kazuyo (2018). Mining, land restoration and sustainable development in isolated islands: an industrial ecology perspective on extractive transitions on Nauru. Ambio, 48 (4), 397-408. doi: 10.1007/s13280-018-1075-2

Mining, land restoration and sustainable development in isolated islands: an industrial ecology perspective on extractive transitions on Nauru


Journal Article

Estimating the impact of China's export policy on tin prices: a mode decomposition counterfactual analysis method

Zhu, Yongguang, Xu, Deyi, Cheng, Jinhua and Ali, Saleem Hassan (2018). Estimating the impact of China's export policy on tin prices: a mode decomposition counterfactual analysis method. Resources Policy, 59, 250-264. doi: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.07.012

Estimating the impact of China's export policy on tin prices: a mode decomposition counterfactual analysis method


Journal Article

Utilizing remote sensing and big data to quantify conflict intensity: The Arab Spring as a case study

Levin, Noam, Ali, Saleem and Crandall, David (2018). Utilizing remote sensing and big data to quantify conflict intensity: The Arab Spring as a case study. Applied Geography, 94, 1-17. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2018.03.001

Utilizing remote sensing and big data to quantify conflict intensity: The Arab Spring as a case study


Journal Article

Peace with Hunger: Colombia's Checkered Experience with Post-Conflict Sustainable Community Development in Emerald-Mining Regions

Franco, Isabel B., de Oliveira, Jose A. Puppim and Ali, Saleem H. (2018). Peace with Hunger: Colombia's Checkered Experience with Post-Conflict Sustainable Community Development in Emerald-Mining Regions. Sustainability, 10 (2) 504, 1-17. doi: 10.3390/su10020504

Peace with Hunger: Colombia's Checkered Experience with Post-Conflict Sustainable Community Development in Emerald-Mining Regions



Extracting innovations: mining, energy, and technological change in the digital age

Martin J. Clifford, Robert K. Perrons, Saleem H. Ali and Tim A. Grice eds. (2018). Extracting innovations: mining, energy, and technological change in the digital age. Boca Raton, FL USA: CRC Press. doi: 10.1201/b22353

Extracting innovations: mining, energy, and technological change in the digital age


Journal Article

Blockchain, chain of custody and trace elements: an overview of tracking and traceability opportunities in the gem industry

Cartier, Laurent E., Ali, Saleem H. and Krzemnicki, Michael S. (2018). Blockchain, chain of custody and trace elements: an overview of tracking and traceability opportunities in the gem industry. Journal of Gemmology, 36 (3), 212-227. doi: 10.15506/JoG.2018.36.3.212

Blockchain, chain of custody and trace elements: an overview of tracking and traceability opportunities in the gem industry



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