Paul is a leading scholar in strategy and qualitative research. His research reflects his passion to identify the relevance of theory in practice, and how practice can inform theory. He has been part of and leading several research teams, in the context of entrepreneurship, health, reinsurance, telecommunication and the petrochemical industry.
His research is at the forefront of theory development, in particular strategy-as-practice and advances qualitative research methodology. His work appeared in a number of top-tier journals including the Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science and Organisation Studies amongst others.
Paul’s work has made an impact to practice and academe. Based on a global ethnography of reinsurance trading, his book ‘Making a market for acts of God’ has been highly influential leading to contributions in the Financial Times, The Economist, ABC News - The Business and Actuaries Digital amongst others. He has been invited to contribute to webinars and several professional development workshops for instance on process research methods and on career advice for doctoral students and early career researchers. Recently, one of his published manuscripts received the Emerald Citation Award recognising the impact of his work. His work has also received several prestigious distinctions including best paper awards from the leading professional associations in business and management, the Academy of Management and the European Group of Organisation Studies.
His experience and drive to explore the relation of theory and practice is reflected in his approach to teaching. Currently, Paul delivers and oversees the strategy course in the Master of Business. Paul also delivers a popular strategy capstone course into the Medical Leadership Program.
Paul actively supervises Master thesis and doctoral students, whose work has received several awards, including the prestigious Carolyn Dexter award (awarded by the Academy of Management).
Paul has been very engaged shaping the academic profession of strategy scholarship. Currently, serves as Chair of the Strategizing, Activities and Practices (SAP) interest group in the term 2017-2018. SAP is a rapidly growing interest group within the Academy of Management, a global association. To foster debates in the academic community, Paul has organised numerous workshops and convened streams at several national and international conferences.
Paul serves as Senior Editor at Organization Studies, a leading journal included in the Financial Times 45 list. He is also an invited member of the editorial board serving Long Range Planning, a leading strategy journal, and Organizational Research Methods, the leading journal advancing innovation in research methods.
- Associate Professor Paul Spee is:
- Available for supervision
Fields of research
- Masters (Coursework) of Science, University of Glamorgan
- Doctor of Philosophy, Aston University
Search Professor Paul Spee’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Routine dynamics: organizing in a world in flux
Mahringer, Christian A., Pentland, Brian T., Renzl, Birgit, Sele, Kathrin and Spee, Paul (2024). Routine dynamics: organizing in a world in flux. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 88, 1-15. doi: 10.1108/S0733-558X20240000088001
Journal Article
Routine formation as a layered process
Spee, Paul, Kho, Joanna, Jenkins, Anna and Jarzabkowski, Paula (2024). Routine formation as a layered process. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 88, 203-220. doi: 10.1108/s0733-558x20240000088010
Journal Article
Greatest good for the greatest number – the role of managers’ ethical meaning-making and subjective wellbeing complexity
Mishra, Archana, Newey, Lance and Spee, Paul (2024). Greatest good for the greatest number – the role of managers’ ethical meaning-making and subjective wellbeing complexity. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-23. doi: 10.1007/s10551-024-05748-2
Journal Article
Walking the tightrope of academic and practitioner expectations in field research
Harvey, William S. and Spee, Andreas Paul (2023). Walking the tightrope of academic and practitioner expectations in field research. Management Learning, 55 (5), 769-789. doi: 10.1177/13505076231213176
Journal Article
Insights for Organizational Scholarship from Documentaries on the Australian ‘Black Summer’ Bushfires
Fourie, Jaco, Höllerer, Markus A., Dwyer, Graham and Spee, Paul (2023). Insights for Organizational Scholarship from Documentaries on the Australian ‘Black Summer’ Bushfires. Organization Studies, 45 (3), 479-482. doi: 10.1177/01708406231182766
Other Outputs
PwC scandal exposes flaw in expertise shaping Australia's tax system
Anesa, Mattia, Spee, Paul and Petani, Fabio James (2023, 07 03). PwC scandal exposes flaw in expertise shaping Australia's tax system The Canberra Times
Other Outputs
Reaching crunch time: fight or fold
Jenkins, Anna and Spee, Paul (2022). Reaching crunch time: fight or fold. London, ON, Canada: Ivey Publishing.
Journal Article
Reassessing moral legitimacy in times of instability
Anesa, Mattia, Spee, Andreas Paul, Gillespie, Nicole and Petani, Fabio James (2022). Reassessing moral legitimacy in times of instability. Journal of Management Studies, 61 (3), 857-887. doi: 10.1111/joms.12889
Other Outputs
In a year of endless floods, why isn’t disaster governance front and centre in the election campaign?
Höllerer, Markus A., Dwyer, Graham, Fourie, Jaco and Spee, Paul (2022, 05 22). In a year of endless floods, why isn’t disaster governance front and centre in the election campaign? The Conversation
Book Chapter
Strategic management and CCO: a generative nexus
Spee, A. Paul (2022). Strategic management and CCO: a generative nexus. The Routledge Handbook of the Communicative Constitution of Organization. (pp. 339-353) edited by Joëlle Basque, Nicolas Bencherki and Timothy Kuhn. New York, NY, United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003224914-25
Book Chapter
Occupations, Professions and Routine Dynamics
Kho, Joanna and Spee, Paul (2021). Occupations, Professions and Routine Dynamics. Cambridge Handbook of Routine Dynamics. (pp. 380-396) edited by Martha S. Feldman, Brian T. Pentland, Luciana D'Adderio, Katharina Dittrich, Claus Rerup and David Seidl. New York, NY, United States: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781108993340.032
Conference Publication
Routine emergence, selection and persistence: How entrepreneurs manage their business models in dynamic environments
Kho, Joanna, Jenkins, Anna and Spee, Paul (2021). Routine emergence, selection and persistence: How entrepreneurs manage their business models in dynamic environments. 37th European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 8-10 July 2021.
Conference Publication
Forming new routines
Spee, Paul, Kho, Joanna and Jenkins, Anna (2021). Forming new routines. 37th European Group for Organizational Studies, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 8-10 July 2021.
Other Outputs
Strategic decision-making at MML
O'Quinn, Richard, Sandberg, Jorgen and Spee, Paul (2021). Strategic decision-making at MML. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: University Of Queensland.
Journal Article
On practice and institution
Lounsbury, Michael, Anderson, Deborah A. and Spee, Paul (2021). On practice and institution. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 70, 1-28. doi: 10.1108/s0733-558x20200000070011
Edited Outputs
Research in the Sociology of Organizations: On practice and institution: theorizing the interface
Research in the Sociology of Organizations: On practice and institution: theorizing the interface. (2021). 70
Journal Article
An integrative approach to investigating longstanding organisational phenomena; opportunities for practice theorists and historians
Jarzabkowski, Paula, Bednarek, Rebecca, Kilminster, Wendy and Spee, Paul (2021). An integrative approach to investigating longstanding organisational phenomena; opportunities for practice theorists and historians. Business History, 65 (3), 1-9. doi: 10.1080/00076791.2021.1906227
Journal Article
Dynamic capabilities?: unleashing their dynamics through a practice perspective on organizational routines
Wenzel, Matthias, Danner-Schröder, Anja and Spee, A. Paul (2020). Dynamic capabilities?: unleashing their dynamics through a practice perspective on organizational routines. Journal of Management Inquiry, 30 (4), 105649262091654-406. doi: 10.1177/1056492620916549
Journal Article
Enacting relational expertise to change professional routines in technology-mediated service settings
Kho, Joanna, Spee, Andreas Paul and Gillespie, Nicole (2019). Enacting relational expertise to change professional routines in technology-mediated service settings. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 61, 191-213. doi: 10.1108/s0733-558x20190000061010
Journal Article
The legitimation of corporate tax minimization
Anesa, Mattia, Gillespie, Nicole, Spee, A. Paul and Sadiq, Kerrie (2019). The legitimation of corporate tax minimization. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 75, 17-39. doi: 10.1016/j.aos.2018.10.004
- Associate Professor Paul Spee is:
- Available for supervision
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Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
From exclusion to inclusion: Reconciling the paradoxes by which different groups of the underinsured are excluded from financial protection for extreme weather disasters.
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Paula Jarzabkowski
Doctor Philosophy
Understanding learning of novice entrepreneurs during new venture creation
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Anna Jenkins
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Understanding learning of novice entrepreneurs during new venture creation
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Anna Jenkins
Doctor Philosophy
How and Why Senior Managers Think Differently About Wellbeing: Towards a Constructive-Developmental Theory
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Lance Newey
Doctor Philosophy
An exploration of knowledge creation processes in Open Innovation
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Martie-Louise Verreynne
Doctor Philosophy
Strategic Change and Human Capital Issues: A micro-level investigation into board decision making.
Associate Advisor
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