2012 Journal Article Is quality more important if you're quirky? A review of the literature on differential susceptibility to childcare environmentsDavis, Elspeth, Eivers, Areana and Thorpe, Karen (2012). Is quality more important if you're quirky? A review of the literature on differential susceptibility to childcare environments. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 37 (4), 99-106. doi: 10.1177/183693911203700414 |
2012 Journal Article Can a childcare practicum encourage degree qualified staff to enter the childcare workforce?Thorpe, Karen, Millear, Prudence and Petriwskyj, Anne (2012). Can a childcare practicum encourage degree qualified staff to enter the childcare workforce?. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 13 (4), 317-327. doi: 10.2304/ciec.2012.13.4.317 |
2012 Journal Article Testing the vision: preschool settings as places for meeting, bonding and bridgingThorpe, Karen, Staton, Sally, Morgan, Robert, Danby, Susan and Tayler, Collette (2012). Testing the vision: preschool settings as places for meeting, bonding and bridging. Children & Society, 26 (4), 328-340. doi: 10.1111/j.1099-0860.2010.00336.x |
2012 Journal Article Children's strategies for making friends when starting schoolDanby, Susan, Thompson, Catherine, Theobald, Maryanne and Thorpe, Karen (2012). Children's strategies for making friends when starting school. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 37 (2), 63-71. doi: 10.1177/183693911203700210 |
2012 Journal Article To separate or not to separate? Parental decision-making regarding the separation of twins in the early years of schoolingStaton, Sally, Thorpe, Karen, Thompson, Catherine and Danby, Susan (2012). To separate or not to separate? Parental decision-making regarding the separation of twins in the early years of schooling. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 10 (2), 196-208. doi: 10.1177/1476718x11430076 |
2012 Journal Article Disconfirmed expectations of infant behaviours and postnatal depressive symptoms among parentsMuscat, Tracey, Thorpe, Karen and Obst, Patricia (2012). Disconfirmed expectations of infant behaviours and postnatal depressive symptoms among parents. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 30 (1), 51-61. doi: 10.1080/02646838.2012.670804 |
2012 Journal Article Impact of a centralized osteoporosis coordinator on post-fracture osteoporosis management: a cluster randomized trialJaglal, S. B., Donescu, O. S., Bansod, V., Laprade, J., Thorpe, K., Hawker, G., Majumdar, S. R., Meadows, L., Cadarette, S. M., Papaioannou, A., Kloseck, M., Beaton, D., Bogoch, E. and Zwarenstein, M. (2012). Impact of a centralized osteoporosis coordinator on post-fracture osteoporosis management: a cluster randomized trial. Osteoporosis International, 23 (1), 87-95. doi: 10.1007/s00198-011-1726-7 |
2011 Journal Article Conflict, closeness and comfort: the inter-twin relationship as a risk factor for behavioral difficultiesBekkhus, Mona, Staton, Sally, Borge, Anne Inger H. and Thorpe, Karen (2011). Conflict, closeness and comfort: the inter-twin relationship as a risk factor for behavioral difficulties. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 14 (5), 444-451. doi: 10.1375/twin.14.5.444 |
2011 Journal Article Changing personal epistemologies in early childhood pre-service teachers using an integrated teaching programBrownlee, Jo, Petriwskyj, Anne, Thorpe, Karen, Stacey, Phillip and Gibson, Megan (2011). Changing personal epistemologies in early childhood pre-service teachers using an integrated teaching program. Higher Education Research and Development, 30 (4), 477-490. doi: 10.1080/07294360.2010.518952 |
2011 Journal Article Who wants to work in child care? Pre-service early childhood teachers' consideration of work in the childcare sectorThorpe, Karen, Boyd, Wendy, Ailwood, Jo and Brownlee, Jo (2011). Who wants to work in child care? Pre-service early childhood teachers' consideration of work in the childcare sector. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 36 (1), 85-94. doi: 10.1177/183693911103600114 |
2011 Journal Article The novice researcher: interviewing young childrenDanby, Susan, Ewing, Lynette and Thorpe, Karen (2011). The novice researcher: interviewing young children. Qualitative Inquiry, 17 (1), 74-84. doi: 10.1177/1077800410389754 |
2010 Journal Article Preferences of first-time expectant mothers for care of their child: 'I wouldn't leave them somewhere that made me feel insecure'Boyd, Wendy, Thorpe, Karen and Tayler, Collette (2010). Preferences of first-time expectant mothers for care of their child: 'I wouldn't leave them somewhere that made me feel insecure'. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 35 (2), 4-12. |
2010 Journal Article Starting school: what children tell usThompson, C., Staton, Sally and Thorpe, Karen (2010). Starting school: what children tell us. AMBA Magazine. |
2010 Journal Article Starting school: in the classroomsThompson, C., Staton, Sally and Thorpe, Karen (2010). Starting school: in the classrooms. AMBA Magazine. |
2010 Journal Article Starting school: parental decisionsThompson, C., Staton, Sally and Thorpe, Karen (2010). Starting school: parental decisions. AMBA Magazine. |
2009 Journal Article Accounting for quality in Australian childcare: A dilemma for policymakersIshimine, Karin, Tayler, Collette and Thorpe, Karen (2009). Accounting for quality in Australian childcare: A dilemma for policymakers. Journal of Education Policy, 24 (6), 717-732. doi: 10.1080/02680930903207695 |
2009 Journal Article Managing medical advice seeking in calls to Child Health LineButler, Carly W., Danby, Susan, Emmison, Michael and Thorpe, Karen (2009). Managing medical advice seeking in calls to Child Health Line. Sociology of Health and Illness, 31 (6), 817-834. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9566.2009.01179.x |
2009 Journal Article Compromised or Competent: The inter-twin relationshipThorpe, K. (2009, 01 01). Compromised or Competent: The inter-twin relationship Australian Twin Registry Newsletter |
2009 Journal Article Academic views: friendly start to lifeDanby, S. and Thorpe, Karen (2009). Academic views: friendly start to life. Education Views. |
2006 Journal Article Twin children's language developmentThorpe, K (2006). Twin children's language development. Early Human Development, 82 (6), 387-395. doi: 10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2006.03.012 |