2006 Journal Article Twins and their friendships: Differences between monozygotic, dizygotic same-sex and dizygotic mixed-sex pairsThorpe, K and Gardner, K (2006). Twins and their friendships: Differences between monozygotic, dizygotic same-sex and dizygotic mixed-sex pairs. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 9 (1), 155-164. doi: 10.1375/183242706776402984 |
2006 Journal Article Being opposite: Is there advantage for social competence and friendships in being an opposite-sex twin?Laffey-Ardley, S and Thorpe, K (2006). Being opposite: Is there advantage for social competence and friendships in being an opposite-sex twin?. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 9 (1), 131-140. doi: 10.1375/183242706776403091 |
2006 Journal Article Compatibility and conflict: Negotiation of relationships by dizygotic same-sex twin girlsDanby, S and Thorpe, K (2006). Compatibility and conflict: Negotiation of relationships by dizygotic same-sex twin girls. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 9 (1), 103-112. doi: 10.1375/183242706776403109 |
2006 Journal Article Compromised or competent: Analyzing twin children's social worldsThorpe, K and Danby, S (2006). Compromised or competent: Analyzing twin children's social worlds. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 9 (1), 90-94. doi: 10.1375/183242706776402957 |
2005 Journal Article Trends in construction of transition to school in three western regions, 1990–2004Petriwskyj, Anne, Thorpe, Karen and Tayler, Collette (2005). Trends in construction of transition to school in three western regions, 1990–2004. International Journal of Early Years Education, 13 (1), 55-69. doi: 10.1080/09669760500048360 |
2005 Journal Article Mild cognitive deficits in twin children more likely a result of social experienceThorpe, K., Rutter, M. and Hay, D. (2005). Mild cognitive deficits in twin children more likely a result of social experience. British Medical Journal. |
2005 Journal Article Measuring and manipulating epistemological beliefs in early childhood education studentsStacey, Phillip, Brownlee, Joanne, Thorpe, Karen and Reeves, Drew (2005). Measuring and manipulating epistemological beliefs in early childhood education students. International Journal of Pedagogies & Learning, 1 (1), 6-17. doi: 10.5172/ijpl.1.1.6 |
2005 Journal Article Settling practices and sleep behaviour in infants under 12 weeksThorpe, Karen and Dowd, T. (2005). Settling practices and sleep behaviour in infants under 12 weeks. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 23 (3), 291-292. |
2005 Journal Article Duck, duck, drake': the role of child preference in engagement of fathers in the care of preschool aged childrenMorel, N. and Thorpe, Karen (2005). Duck, duck, drake': the role of child preference in engagement of fathers in the care of preschool aged children. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 23 (3), 280. doi: 10.1080/02646830500165879 |
2003 Journal Article Twins as a natural experiment to study the causes of mild language delay: II: Family interaction risk factorsThorpe, K, Rutter, M and Greenwood, R (2003). Twins as a natural experiment to study the causes of mild language delay: II: Family interaction risk factors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 44 (3), 342-355. doi: 10.1111/1469-7610.00126 |
2003 Journal Article Twins as a natural experiment to study the causes of mild language delay: I: Design; Twin-singleton differences in language, and obstetric risksRutter, M, Thorpe, K, Greenwood, R, Northstone, K and Golding, J (2003). Twins as a natural experiment to study the causes of mild language delay: I: Design; Twin-singleton differences in language, and obstetric risks. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 44 (3), 326-341. doi: 10.1111/1469-7610.00125 |
2001 Journal Article Prevalence and developmental course of 'secret language'Thorpe, K, Greenwood, R, Eivers, A and Rutter, M (2001). Prevalence and developmental course of 'secret language'. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 36 (1), 43-62. doi: 10.1080/13682820150217563 |
1999 Journal Article Parental divorce and adjustment in adulthood: Findings from a community sampleO'Connor, Thomas G., Thorpe, Karen, Dunn, Judy and Golding, Jean (1999). Parental divorce and adjustment in adulthood: Findings from a community sample. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 40 (5), 777-789. doi: 10.1111/1469-7610.00493 |
1998 Journal Article Family type and depression in pregnancy: Factors mediating risk in a community sampleO'Connor, Thomas G., Hawkins, Neil, Dunn, Judy, Thorpe, Karen, Golding, Jean and ALSPAC Study Team (1998). Family type and depression in pregnancy: Factors mediating risk in a community sample. Journal of Marriage and Family, 60 (3), 757-770. doi: 10.2307/353544 |
1998 Journal Article The biasing nature of subject loss in an infant habituation taskBell, J. Clare, Slater, Alan and Thorpe, Karen J. (1998). The biasing nature of subject loss in an infant habituation task. Infant Behavior and Development, 21, 287. doi: 10.1016/s0163-6383(98)91500-4 |
1998 Journal Article Social skills, expectancies, and drinking in adolescentsGaffney L.R., Thorpe K., Young R., Collett R. and Occhipinti S. (1998). Social skills, expectancies, and drinking in adolescents. Addictive Behaviors, 23 (5), 587-599. doi: 10.1016/S0306-4603(98)00025-2 |
1996 Journal Article Changes in depression during and following pregnancyFergusson, DM, Horwood, LJ and Thorpe, K (1996). Changes in depression during and following pregnancy. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 10 (3), 279-293. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3016.1996.tb00051.x |
1995 Journal Article Does a Twin Pregnancy Have a Greater Impact on Physical and Emotional Well‐Being than a Singleton Pregnancy?Thorpe, K, Greenwood, R and Goodenough, T (1995). Does a Twin Pregnancy Have a Greater Impact on Physical and Emotional Well‐Being than a Singleton Pregnancy?. Birth-Issues in Perinatal Care, 22 (3), 148-152. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-536X.1995.tb00691.x |
1993 Journal Article A study of the use of the Edinburgh postnatal depression scale with parent groups outside the postpartum periodThorpe, Karen (1993). A study of the use of the Edinburgh postnatal depression scale with parent groups outside the postpartum period. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 11 (2), 119-125. doi: 10.1080/02646839308403204 |
1993 Journal Article Womens view of ultrasonography - a comparison of womens experiences of antenatal ultrasound screening with cerebral ultrasound of their newborn-infantThorpe, Karen, Harker, Lisa, Pike, Alison and Marlow, Neil (1993). Womens view of ultrasonography - a comparison of womens experiences of antenatal ultrasound screening with cerebral ultrasound of their newborn-infant. Social Science and Medicine, 36 (3), 311-315. doi: 10.1016/0277-9536(93)90015-v |