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Book Chapter

Using heart rate variability measures in social science research

Fooken, Jonas and Parker, Stacey L. (2019). Using heart rate variability measures in social science research. Biophysical Measurement in Experimental Social Science Research: Theory and Practice. (pp. 305-325) edited by Gigi Foster. London, United Kingdom: Academic Press. doi: 10.1016/b978-0-12-813092-6.09989-5

Using heart rate variability measures in social science research


Journal Article

Understanding franchisee performance: the role of personal and contextual resources

Parker, Stacey L., Cutts, Sally, Nathan, Greg and Zacher, Hannes (2018). Understanding franchisee performance: the role of personal and contextual resources. Journal of Business and Psychology, 34 (5), 603-620. doi: 10.1007/s10869-018-9558-5

Understanding franchisee performance: the role of personal and contextual resources


Book Chapter

A virtuous cycle: how green companies grow green employees (and vice versa)

Norton, Thomas A., Parker, Stacey L., Davis, Matthew C., Russell, Sally V. and Ashkanasy, Neal M. (2018). A virtuous cycle: how green companies grow green employees (and vice versa). Research handbook on employee pro-environmental behavior. (pp. 210-228) edited by Victoria K. Wells, Diana Gregory-Smith and Danae Manika. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar.

A virtuous cycle: how green companies grow green employees (and vice versa)


Book Chapter

The role of implicit leadership theory in employees’ perceptions of abusive supervision

Nguyen, Hieu, Ashkanasy, Neal M., Parker, Stacey and Li, Yiqiong (2018). The role of implicit leadership theory in employees’ perceptions of abusive supervision. Research on emotion in organizations, Volume 14: Individual, relational, and contextual dynamics of emotions. (pp. 119-138) edited by L. Petitta, C. E. J. Härtel, N. M. Ashkanasy and W. J. Zerbe. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing. doi: 10.1108/S1746-979120180000014014

The role of implicit leadership theory in employees’ perceptions of abusive supervision


Journal Article

Using stress and resource theories to examine the incentive effects of a performance-based extrinsic reward

Parker, Stacey L., Jimmieson, Nerina L. and Techakesari, Pirathat (2017). Using stress and resource theories to examine the incentive effects of a performance-based extrinsic reward. Human Performance, 30 (4), 169-192. doi: 10.1080/08959285.2017.1347174

Using stress and resource theories to examine the incentive effects of a performance-based extrinsic reward


Journal Article

Daily use of energy management strategies and occupational well-being: the moderating role of job demands

Parker, Stacey L., Zacher, Hannes, de Bloom, Jessica, Verton, Thomas M. and Lentink, Corine R. (2017). Daily use of energy management strategies and occupational well-being: the moderating role of job demands. Frontiers in Psychology, 8 1477, 1477. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01477

Daily use of energy management strategies and occupational well-being: the moderating role of job demands


Journal Article

The motivational mechanisms underlying active and high-strain work: consequences for mastery and performance

Parker, Stacey L., Jimmieson, Nerina L. and Amiot, Catherine E. (2017). The motivational mechanisms underlying active and high-strain work: consequences for mastery and performance. Work and Stress, 31 (3), 233-255. doi: 10.1080/02678373.2017.1303551

The motivational mechanisms underlying active and high-strain work: consequences for mastery and performance


Journal Article

Working mothers’ emotional exhaustion from work and care: the role of core self-evaluations, mental health, and control

Greaves, Claire E. , Parker, Stacey L., Zacher, Hannes and Jimmieson, Nerina L. (2017). Working mothers’ emotional exhaustion from work and care: the role of core self-evaluations, mental health, and control. Work and Stress, 31 (2), 164-181. doi: 10.1080/02678373.2017.1303760

Working mothers’ emotional exhaustion from work and care: the role of core self-evaluations, mental health, and control


Journal Article

Bridging the gap between green behavioral intentions and employee green behavior: the role of green psychological climate

Norton, Thomas, A., Zacher, Hannes, Parker, Stacey L. and Ashkanasy, Neal M. (2017). Bridging the gap between green behavioral intentions and employee green behavior: the role of green psychological climate. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38 (7), 996-1015. doi: 10.1002/job.2178

Bridging the gap between green behavioral intentions and employee green behavior: the role of green psychological climate


Book Chapter

Resource effects in the caregiving process

Greaves, Claire E., Parker, Stacey L., Zacher, Hannes and Jimmieson, Nerina L. (2017). Resource effects in the caregiving process. The Sandwich Generation: Caring for Oneself and Others at Home and at Work. (pp. 99-125) edited by Ronald J. Burke and Lisa M. Calvano . Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Resource effects in the caregiving process


Journal Article

Reactions to changes in work control: implications for self-determined and non-self-determined individuals

Parker, Stacey L., Jimmieson, Nerina L. and Amiot, Catherine E. (2016). Reactions to changes in work control: implications for self-determined and non-self-determined individuals. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 21 (4), 455-467. doi: 10.1037/a0040022

Reactions to changes in work control: implications for self-determined and non-self-determined individuals


Conference Publication

Affect and coping in response to abusive supervision: the role of employees’ implicit leader theories

Nguyen, H., Ashkanasy, N., Li, Y. and Parker, S. L. (2016). Affect and coping in response to abusive supervision: the role of employees’ implicit leader theories. 29th Australian New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, Queenstown, New Zealand, 2-4 December 2015.

Affect and coping in response to abusive supervision: the role of employees’ implicit leader theories


Journal Article

Turnover intentions of employees with informal eldercare responsibilities: the role of core self-evaluations and supervisor support

Greaves, Claire E., Parker, Stacey L., Zacher, Hannes and Jimmieson, Nerina L. (2015). Turnover intentions of employees with informal eldercare responsibilities: the role of core self-evaluations and supervisor support. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 82 (1), 79-115. doi: 10.1177/0091415015624418

Turnover intentions of employees with informal eldercare responsibilities: the role of core self-evaluations and supervisor support


Journal Article

Employee green behavior: a theoretical framework, multilevel review, and future research agenda

Norton, Thomas A., Parker, Stacey, Zacher, Hannes and Ashkanasy, Neal M. (2015). Employee green behavior: a theoretical framework, multilevel review, and future research agenda. Organization and Environment, 28 (1), 103-125. doi: 10.1177/1086026615575773

Employee green behavior: a theoretical framework, multilevel review, and future research agenda


Book Chapter

Measures of coping for psychological well-being

Greenaway, Katharine H., Louis, Winnifred R., Parker, Stacey L., Kalokerinos, Elise K., Smith, Joanne R. and Terry, Deborah J. (2015). Measures of coping for psychological well-being. Measures of personality and social psychological constructs. (pp. 322-351) edited by Gregory Boyle, Donald H. Saklofske and Gerald Matthews. London, United States: Academic Press. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-386915-9.00012-7

Measures of coping for psychological well-being


Other Outputs

Employee Green Behavior: A Theoretical Framework, Multilevel Review, and Future Research Agenda (Supplementary Material)

Norton, Thomas A., Parker, Stacey L., Zacher, Hannes and Ashkanasy, Neal M. (2015). Employee Green Behavior: A Theoretical Framework, Multilevel Review, and Future Research Agenda (Supplementary Material). The University of Queensland. (Collection) doi: 10.14264/uql.2015.308

Employee Green Behavior: A Theoretical Framework, Multilevel Review, and Future Research Agenda (Supplementary Material)


Book Chapter

Employee green behavior and aging

Norton, Thomas, Parker, Stacey L. and Ashkanasy, Neal M. (2015). Employee green behavior and aging. Encyclopedia of geropsychology. (pp. 769-776) edited by Nancy A. Parchana. Singapore, Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-287-080-3_308-1

Employee green behavior and aging


Journal Article

Regulatory focus moderates the relationship between task control and physiological and psychological markers of stress: a work simulation study

Parker, Stacey L., Laurie, Kaitlan R., Newton, Cameron J. and Jimmieson, Nerina L. (2014). Regulatory focus moderates the relationship between task control and physiological and psychological markers of stress: a work simulation study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 94 (3), 390-398. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2014.10.009

Regulatory focus moderates the relationship between task control and physiological and psychological markers of stress: a work simulation study


Journal Article

Micro-breaks matter: a diary study on the effects of energy management strategies on occupational well-being

Zacher, Hannes, Brailsford, Holly A. and Parker, Stacey L. (2014). Micro-breaks matter: a diary study on the effects of energy management strategies on occupational well-being. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 85 (3), 287-297. doi: 10.1016/j.jvb.2014.08.005

Micro-breaks matter: a diary study on the effects of energy management strategies on occupational well-being


Journal Article

Trait resilience fosters adaptive coping when control opportunities are high: implications for the motivating potential of active work

Parker, Stacey L., Jimmieson, Nerina L., Walsh, Alexandra J. and Loakes, Jennifer L. (2014). Trait resilience fosters adaptive coping when control opportunities are high: implications for the motivating potential of active work. Journal of Business and Psychology, 30 (3), 583-604. doi: 10.1007/s10869-014-9383-4

Trait resilience fosters adaptive coping when control opportunities are high: implications for the motivating potential of active work