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Journal Article

Designing and managing music festival experiences to enhance attendees’ psychological and social benefits

Ballantyne, Julie, Ballantyne, Roy and Packer, Jan (2014). Designing and managing music festival experiences to enhance attendees’ psychological and social benefits. Musicae Scientiae, 18 (1), 65-83. doi: 10.1177/1029864913511845

Designing and managing music festival experiences to enhance attendees’ psychological and social benefits


Journal Article

Teachers' views of constructivist theory: a qualitative study illuminating relationships between epistemological understanding and music teaching practice

Cleaver, David and Ballantyne, Julie (2014). Teachers' views of constructivist theory: a qualitative study illuminating relationships between epistemological understanding and music teaching practice. International Journal of Music Education, 32 (2), 228-241. doi: 10.1177/0255761413508066

Teachers' views of constructivist theory: a qualitative study illuminating relationships between epistemological understanding and music teaching practice


Journal Article

'To be heard': The social and mental health benefits of choir singing for disadvantaged adults

Dingle, Genevieve A., Brander, Christopher, Ballantyne, Julie and Baker, Felicity A. (2013). 'To be heard': The social and mental health benefits of choir singing for disadvantaged adults. Psychology of Music, 41 (4), 405-421. doi: 10.1177/0305735611430081

'To be heard': The social and mental health benefits of choir singing for disadvantaged adults


Journal Article

Leading together, learning together: music education and music therapy students' perceptions of a shared practicum

Ballantyne, Julie and Baker, Felicity (2013). Leading together, learning together: music education and music therapy students' perceptions of a shared practicum. Research Studies in Music Education, 35 (1), 67-82. doi: 10.1177/1321103X13488471

Leading together, learning together: music education and music therapy students' perceptions of a shared practicum


Journal Article

“You've got to accentuate the positive”: group songwriting to promote a life of enjoyment, engagement and meaning in aging Australians

Baker, Felicity and Ballantyne, Julie (2013). “You've got to accentuate the positive”: group songwriting to promote a life of enjoyment, engagement and meaning in aging Australians. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 22 (1), 7-24. doi: 10.1080/08098131.2012.678372

“You've got to accentuate the positive”: group songwriting to promote a life of enjoyment, engagement and meaning in aging Australians


Book Chapter

Learning instruments informally: a collaborative project across disciplines in popular music and education

Ballantyne, Julie and Lebler, Don (2013). Learning instruments informally: a collaborative project across disciplines in popular music and education. Collaborative learning in higher music education. (pp. 213-218) edited by Helena Gaunt and Heidi Westerlund. Farnham, Surrey, United Kingdom: Ashgate. doi: 10.4324/9781315572642-28

Learning instruments informally: a collaborative project across disciplines in popular music and education


Book Chapter

Exploring dialogues in online collaborative contexts with music teachers and pre-service students in Australia

Ballantyne, Julie and Tammie Olm-Madden (2013). Exploring dialogues in online collaborative contexts with music teachers and pre-service students in Australia. Collaborative learning in higher music education. (pp. 63-76) edited by Helena Gaunt and Heidi Westerlund. Farnham, Surrey, United Kingdom: Ashgate.

Exploring dialogues in online collaborative contexts with music teachers and pre-service students in Australia


Journal Article

Exploring relationships between teacher identities and disciplinarity

Ballantyne, Julie and Grootenboer, Peter (2012). Exploring relationships between teacher identities and disciplinarity. International Journal of Music Education, 30 (4), 368-381. doi: 10.1177/0255761412459165

Exploring relationships between teacher identities and disciplinarity


Journal Article

Valuing students’ voices: experiences of first year students at a new campus

Ballantyne, Julie (2012). Valuing students’ voices: experiences of first year students at a new campus. International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning, 7 (1), 1886-1906. doi: 10.5172/ijpl.2012.7.1.41

Valuing students’ voices: experiences of first year students at a new campus


Journal Article

Developing music teacher identities: an international multi-site study

Ballantyne, Julie, Kerchner, Jody L. and Aróstegui, José Luis (2012). Developing music teacher identities: an international multi-site study. International Journal of Music Education, 30 (3), 211-226. doi: 10.1177/0255761411433720

Developing music teacher identities: an international multi-site study


Journal Article

Διερευνώντας το σοκ της διδακτικής πράξης σε νεοδιόριστους Αυστραλούς εκπαιδευτικούς μουσικής: το αντίκτυπο της εκπαίδευσης των εκπαιδευ

Ballantyne, Julie (2012). Διερευνώντας το σοκ της διδακτικής πράξης σε νεοδιόριστους Αυστραλούς εκπαιδευτικούς μουσικής: το αντίκτυπο της εκπαίδευσης των εκπαιδευ. Musical Pedagogics, 10, 14-30.

Διερευνώντας το σοκ της διδακτικής πράξης σε νεοδιόριστους Αυστραλούς εκπαιδευτικούς μουσικής: το αντίκτυπο της εκπαίδευσης των εκπαιδευ


Journal Article

The impact of music festival attendance on young people's psychological and social well being

Packer, Jan and Ballantyne, Julie (2011). The impact of music festival attendance on young people's psychological and social well being. Psychology of Music, 39 (2), 164-181. doi: 10.1177/0305735610372611

The impact of music festival attendance on young people's psychological and social well being


Journal Article

Pre-service teachers' dispositions towards diversity: Arguing for a developmental hierarchy of change

Mills, Carmen and Ballantyne, Julie (2010). Pre-service teachers' dispositions towards diversity: Arguing for a developmental hierarchy of change. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26 (3), 447-454. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2009.05.012

Pre-service teachers' dispositions towards diversity: Arguing for a developmental hierarchy of change


Conference Publication

Mathematics teachers: Negotiating personal and discipline identities

Grootenboer, Peter and Ballantyne, Julie (2010). Mathematics teachers: Negotiating personal and discipline identities. MERGA33 – 2010 Shaping the Future of Mathematics Education, Fremantle, Western Australia, 3-7 July, 2010. Fremantle, Western Australia: MERGA.

Mathematics teachers: Negotiating personal and discipline identities


Book Chapter

A letter to pre-service music teachers

Ballantyne, Julie and Bartleet, Brydie-Leigh (2010). A letter to pre-service music teachers. Navigating music and sound education. (pp. xvii-xx) edited by Julie Ballantyne and Brydie-Leigh Bartleet. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

A letter to pre-service music teachers



Navigating music and sound education

Julie Ballantyne and Brydie-Leigh Bartleet eds. (2010). Navigating music and sound education. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars.

Navigating music and sound education


Book Chapter

Navigating context-based learning in pre-service teacher education

Ballantyne, Julie and Bartleet, Brydie-Leigh (2010). Navigating context-based learning in pre-service teacher education. Navigating music and sound education. (pp. 1-15) edited by Julie Ballantyne and Brydie-Leigh Bartle. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Navigating context-based learning in pre-service teacher education


Journal Article

Gauging the attitudes of non-traditional students at a new campus: An Australian case study

Ballantyne, Julie, Madden, Tammie and Todd, Nick (2009). Gauging the attitudes of non-traditional students at a new campus: An Australian case study. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 31 (4), 301-313. doi: 10.1080/13600800903191948

Gauging the attitudes of non-traditional students at a new campus: An Australian case study


Journal Article

On building a community of practice: Reflective narratives of academic learning and growth

Barrett, Margaret S., Ballantyne, Julie, Harrison, Scott and Temmerman, Nita (2009). On building a community of practice: Reflective narratives of academic learning and growth. Reflective Practice, 10 (4), 403-416. doi: 10.1080/14623940903138233

On building a community of practice: Reflective narratives of academic learning and growth


Journal Article

Music teachers Oz online: A new approach to school-university collaboration in teacher education

Ballantyne, Julie, Barrett, Margaret, Temmerman, Nita, Harrison, Scott and Meissner, Ellen (2009). Music teachers Oz online: A new approach to school-university collaboration in teacher education. International Journal of Education and the Arts, 10 (6), x-x.

Music teachers Oz online: A new approach to school-university collaboration in teacher education