Deanna is a leading international expert focused on the social and political challenges of the global mining industry. She specialises in industry-engaged social science that bridges company and community perspectives on extractive industries. Particular areas of expertise include company-community conflict, displacement and resettlement, and human rights and development challenges. Deanna studies how the global mining industry is organised, resourced and incentivised to respond to these pressing challenges.
Deanna Co-chairs the Board of Trustees for the Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB), and the New Member Review Panel for the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM). She is a Senior Associate of the Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership, a member of the International Association of Impact Assessment (IAIA) and the International Network of Displacement and Resettlement (INDR).
After commencing her research career with UQ in 2006 as a Senior Research Fellow with CSRM, in 2012 she became Associate Professor and CSRM’s Deputy Director, and in 2016 Professor and Director of the Centre. Deanna has made significant contributions to positioning CSRM as a world-leading centre of research excellence. In her current role, Deanna develops and delivers high-profile research, leads diverse project teams, and oversees more than 40 staff and PhD students.
Industry Engagement
Deanna engages with most of the world’s major mining companies, and many of its peak industry bodies, including the International Council of Mining and Metals (ICMM). She also engages with international finance institutions and other norm-setting bodies. She has collaborated with international non-government organisations—including Oxfam and Human Rights Watch—on industry-related studies. Before her academic career, Deanna held senior positions in the mining industry, working in corporate and operational roles at BHP, and as an advisor to a number of other global resources companies.
At The University of Queensland, Deanna has collegial relationships with the School of Social Science, including the Institute of Social Sciences Research (ISSR). She also has a range of national and international collaborative projects, including with the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) and Monash Indonesia. She has in the past collaborated with the Harvard Kennedy School of Government on joint research.
- Professor Deanna Kemp is:
- Available for supervision
Fields of research
- Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland
Search Professor Deanna Kemp’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Corporate readiness and the human rights risks of applying FPIC in the global mining industry
Kemp, Deanna and Owen, John R. (2017). Corporate readiness and the human rights risks of applying FPIC in the global mining industry. Business and Human Rights Journal, 2 (1), 163-169. doi: 10.1017/bhj.2016.28
Extractive relations: countervailing power and the global mining industry
Owen, John R. and Kemp, Deanna (2017). Extractive relations: countervailing power and the global mining industry. Saltaire, United Kingdom: Greenleaf Publishing. doi: 10.4324/9781315150000
Journal Article
Global perspectives on the state of resettlement practice in mining
Kemp, Deanna, Owen, John R and Collins, Nina (2017). Global perspectives on the state of resettlement practice in mining. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 35 (1), 22-33. doi: 10.1080/14615517.2016.1271544
Conference Publication
Company-community relations in the mining context: a relational justice perspective
Gavidia, Mirella Cobeleanschi and Kemp, Deanna (2017). Company-community relations in the mining context: a relational justice perspective. Workshop on Justice, Fairness and Equity in Natural Resource Management, Canberra Australia, Oct 12-13, 2015. CLAYTON: CSIRO PUBLISHING.
Journal Article
Differentiated social risk: rebound dynamics and sustainability performance in mining
Kemp, Deanna, Worden, Sandy and Owen, John R. (2016). Differentiated social risk: rebound dynamics and sustainability performance in mining. Resources Policy, 50, 19-26. doi: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2016.08.004
Journal Article
On the limits of in-reach: a reply to Harvey
Kemp, Deanna and Owen, John R. (2016). On the limits of in-reach: a reply to Harvey. Extractive Industries and Society, 3 (4), 958-960. doi: 10.1016/j.exis.2016.10.002
Journal Article
Can planning safeguard against mining and resettlement risks?
Owen, John R. and Kemp, Deanna (2016). Can planning safeguard against mining and resettlement risks?. Journal of Cleaner Production, 133, 1227-1234. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.05.165
Journal Article
Grievance handling at a foreign-owned mine in Southeast Asia
Kemp, Deanna and Owen, John R. (2016). Grievance handling at a foreign-owned mine in Southeast Asia. Extractive Industries and Society, 4 (1), 131-139. doi: 10.1016/j.exis.2016.09.001
Journal Article
Company-community agreements, gender and development
Keenan, J. C., Kemp, D. and Ramsay, R. B. (2016). Company-community agreements, gender and development. Journal of Business Ethics, 135 (4), 607-615. doi: 10.1007/s10551-014-2376-4
Other Outputs
Why agreements matter
Everingham, Jo-Anne, Kemp, Deanna, Ali, Saleem, Cornish, Gillian, Brereton, D., Parmenter, Joni and Harvey, Bruce (2016). Why agreements matter. Melbourne, Australia:
Journal Article
The weakness of resettlement safeguards in mining
Owen, John and Kemp, Deanna (2016). The weakness of resettlement safeguards in mining. Forced Migration Review (52), 78-81.
Journal Article
Integrating social and environmental aspects in project design
Corder, G., Kemp, D., Brereton, D. and Bangerter, P. (2015). Integrating social and environmental aspects in project design. AusIMM Bulletin (6), 55-57.
Other Outputs
A third party review of the Barrick/Porgera Joint Venture off-lease resettlement pilot: operating context and opinion on suitability
Kemp, Deanna and Owen, John (2015). A third party review of the Barrick/Porgera Joint Venture off-lease resettlement pilot: operating context and opinion on suitability. Brisbane, Australia: Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining.
Other Outputs
Benchmarking leading practice in aboriginal business procurement in the extractive resource sector
Kemp, Deanna, Harvey, Bruce and Barnes, Rodger (2015). Benchmarking leading practice in aboriginal business procurement in the extractive resource sector. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining.
Other Outputs
Mining, resettlement and lost livelihoods: listening to the voices of resettled communities in Mualadzi, Mozambique
Lillywhite, Serena, Kemp, Deanna and Sturman, Kathryn (2015). Mining, resettlement and lost livelihoods: listening to the voices of resettled communities in Mualadzi, Mozambique. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Oxfam.
Journal Article
Households, livelihoods and mining-induced displacement and resettlement
Adam, A. B., Owen, John R. and Kemp, D. (2015). Households, livelihoods and mining-induced displacement and resettlement. Extractive Industries and Society, 2 (3), 581-589. doi: 10.1016/j.exis.2015.05.002
Other Outputs
Exploring the community’s ‘Right to Know’
Kemp, Deanna, Owen, John and Bennett, Lesley (2015). Exploring the community’s ‘Right to Know’.
Journal Article
Mining-induced displacement and resettlement: a critical appraisal
Owen, John R. and Kemp, Deanna (2015). Mining-induced displacement and resettlement: a critical appraisal. Journal of Cleaner Production, 87 (C), 478-488. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.09.087
Book Chapter
The reality of remedy in mining and community relations: an anonymous case-study from Southeast Asia
Kemp, Deanna and Owen, John (2015). The reality of remedy in mining and community relations: an anonymous case-study from Southeast Asia. Business and human rights in South East Asia: risk and the regulatory turn. (pp. 239-258) edited by Mahdev Mohan and Cynthia Morel. London, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Book Chapter
Social Science and the Mining Sector: Contemporary Roles and Dilemmas for Engagement
Kemp, Deanna and Owen, John (2015). Social Science and the Mining Sector: Contemporary Roles and Dilemmas for Engagement. Making a difference? : social assessment policy and praxis and its emergence in China. (pp. 60-83) edited by Susanna Price and Kathryn May Robinson. New York, NY United States: Berghahn Books.
Current funding
Past funding
- Professor Deanna Kemp is:
- Available for supervision
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Supervision history
Current supervision
Master Philosophy
Preventing fatalities tailings facilities failures: Pathways to action
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Emeritus Professor David Williams, Dr Jill Harris
Doctor Philosophy
Transparency in tailings management of nickel mining: a case study of mining community relations in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Kathryn Sturman
Master Philosophy
Green Colonialism: The Rush to Renewables and the potential impacts for Indigenous Peoples globally
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Lessons from company-community conflicts in mining.
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Daniel Franks
Doctor Philosophy
The politics of just in the extraction of energy transition minerals
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Vigya Sharma
Doctor Philosophy
Public-private inquiries in the mining sector: a critical analysis
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Jill Harris
Doctor Philosophy
Public displays of attention: exploring thresholds and deviance in the mining grievance landscape
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Jill Harris
Doctor Philosophy
Indigenous Employment in the Australian Mining Industry:Positive Outcomes for whom?
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Sharlene Leroy-Dyer, Associate Professor Sarah Holcombe
Doctor Philosophy
Community-Smart Consultation & Consent Project (CSCC): Enabling Systemic, Inclusive and Equitable Participation
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr John Burton
Doctor Philosophy
Best practice approach for incorporating Indigenous knowledges, rights and interests into ESG strategy decisions in mining companies, environmental and land related government policy and federal reporting frameworks.
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Bronwyn Fredericks, Associate Professor Sarah Holcombe
Master Philosophy
Community smart consultation and consent: Enabling systemic, inclusive and equitable participation in the extractives
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Sarah Holcombe
Doctor Philosophy
The role of corporate boards in managing ESG risks in the mining industry
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Sandy Worden
Doctor Philosophy
Indigenous Employment in the Australian Mining Industry:Positive Outcomes for whom?
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Sharlene Leroy-Dyer, Associate Professor Sarah Holcombe
Master Philosophy
Community smart consultation and consent: Enabling systemic, inclusive and equitable participation in the extractives
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Sarah Holcombe
Doctor Philosophy
The Australian Mining Industry and Indigenous Engagement
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Sharlene Leroy-Dyer, Associate Professor Sarah Holcombe
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
The Unsettling of the Huasco Valley: The Complex Case Study of Pascua Lama and "The Diaguita Peoples".
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Sally Babidge
Doctor Philosophy
Conceptualizing household livelihood needs in mining-induced displacement and resettlement: A case study from Ghana
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Kathryn Sturman
Doctor Philosophy
The construction and assessment of social risk: Perspectives from Australian coal mining project teams
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Disturbance preceding displacement: Development practice in preparation for mining and resettlement
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Exploring the dynamics of fairness in the relationships between mining companies and affected communities: A case in the Brazilian Amazon
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Community and Company Development Discourses in Mining: The Case of Gender in Mongolia
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Sally Babidge
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