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Associate Professor Matthew McGrail
Associate Professor

Matthew McGrail

+61 7 493 12941



Associate Professor Matthew McGrail is the Head of Regional Training Hubs research at UQ’s Rural Clinical School. Joining UQ in Nov 2017, he is based at the Rockhampton Clinical Unit, and he is chair of the research and evaluation working group of UQ’s Regional Medical Pathway as well as chair of UQ RCS’s medical graduate cohort longitudinal tracking study (UQ MediCoS).

Matthew has worked in the university sector for over 20 years, working mostly as a researcher in rural health. He was originally trained as a statistician, expanding his skills across GIS and software development, completing his PhD in 2008. He has been lead biostatistician on 3 large NHMRC-funded RCTs that are published in the world-leading general medical journal, the Lancet. Matthew’s research is mostly underpinned by the overall objective of improved access to health care for rural populations, mainly focused in the medical sector. He has a unique blend of ‘generalist’ research skills and experience across the disciplines of statistics, geography, rural health, econometrics, public health and clinical research.

Matthew has a particular interest in the ongoing concerns with medical workforce distribution, connecting that through his research and evaluation to health policies, training pathways and healthcare systems. To date he has been a chief investigator on two separate Centres of Research Excellence, one on medical workforce dynamics and the other on rural and remote primary health care access. He has also co-researched with various GP training organisations, specialty colleges, rural workforce agencies, as well as state and commonwealth health departments


Associate Professor Matthew McGrail is:
Available for supervision


  • Bachelor (Honours) of Science, University of Melbourne
  • Graduate Diploma in Information Technology (Software Development), Swinburne University of Technology
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Monash University

Research interests

  • Rural medical workforce training

  • Workforce distribution

  • Access to health care

  • Rural health workforce policy

  • Health services research

  • GIS methodologies in health

Research impacts

Matthew has over 130 peer reviewed journal publications. He is globally recognised for his research of medical workforce training and distributional outcomes, which directly impacts healthcare access for rural populations. He was a lead investigator on the completed Centre of Research Excellence in Rural and Remote Primary Health Care, under which he developed improved measures of healthcare access, notably producing the national Index of Access.

He was also a chief investigator of the NHMRC-funded Medicine in Australia: Balancing Employment and Life (MABEL) longitudinal study of doctors (data collected 2008-18), under which he led the rural supply and distribution research theme. These data are still used as key source of national evidence of the medical workforce. In 2018, the MABEL project was awarded the Best Impact Prize from the Health Services Research Association of Australia and New Zealand, primarily due to the body of work from the rural theme. A key outcome of MABEL was the Modified Monash Model (MMM) classification, which he co-developed with Emeritus Prof John Humphreys. From 2015, the MMM has been adopted to underpin most Commonwealth Department of Health policies in rural health.


Search Professor Matthew McGrail’s works on UQ eSpace

188 works between 2000 and 2024

121 - 140 of 188 works


Journal Article

Cancer patient and clinician acceptability and feasibility of a supportive care screening and referral process

Ristevski, Eli, Regan, Melanie, Jones, Rebecca, Breen, Sibilah, Batson, Angela and McGrail, Matthew R. (2015). Cancer patient and clinician acceptability and feasibility of a supportive care screening and referral process. Health Expectations, 18 (3), 406-418. doi: 10.1111/hex.12045

Cancer patient and clinician acceptability and feasibility of a supportive care screening and referral process


Journal Article

Accessing doctors at times of need-measuring the distance tolerance of rural residents for health-related travel

McGrail, Matthew Richard, Humphreys, John Stirling and Ward, Bernadette (2015). Accessing doctors at times of need-measuring the distance tolerance of rural residents for health-related travel. BMC Health Services Research, 15 (1) 212. doi: 10.1186/s12913-015-0880-6

Accessing doctors at times of need-measuring the distance tolerance of rural residents for health-related travel


Journal Article

Intravascular device administration sets: replacement after standard versus prolonged use in hospitalised patients—a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (The RSVP Trial)

Rickard, Claire M., Marsh, Nicole M., Webster, Joan, Gavin, Nicole C., McGrail, Matthew R., Larsen, Emily, Corley, Amanda, Long, Debbie, Gowardman, John R., Murgo, Marghie, Fraser, John F., Chan, Raymond J., Wallis, Marianne C., Young, Jeanine, McMillan, David, Zhang, Li, Choudhury, Md Abu, Graves, Nicholas and Playford, E. Geoffrey (2015). Intravascular device administration sets: replacement after standard versus prolonged use in hospitalised patients—a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (The RSVP Trial). BMJ Open, 5 (2) e007257, e007257.1-e007257.7. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-007257

Intravascular device administration sets: replacement after standard versus prolonged use in hospitalised patients—a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (The RSVP Trial)


Journal Article

Which dimensions of access are most important when rural residents decide to visit a general practitioner for non-emergency care?

Ward, Bernadette, Humphreys, John, McGrail, Matthew, Wakerman, John and Chisholm, Marita (2015). Which dimensions of access are most important when rural residents decide to visit a general practitioner for non-emergency care?. Australian Health Review, 39 (2), 121-126. doi: 10.1071/AH14030

Which dimensions of access are most important when rural residents decide to visit a general practitioner for non-emergency care?


Conference Publication

Planning integrated outreach: Service patterns from the metropolitan and rural hubs

O’Sullivan, B., Joyce, C., McGrail, M. and Stoelwinder, J. (2015). Planning integrated outreach: Service patterns from the metropolitan and rural hubs. 13th National Rural Health Conference, Darwin, NT, Australia, 2015.

Planning integrated outreach: Service patterns from the metropolitan and rural hubs


Journal Article

Securing all intravenous devices effectively in hospitalised patients—the SAVE trial: study protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial

Rickard, Claire M., Marsh, Nicole, Webster, Joan, Playford, Geoffrey, McGrail, Matthew R., Larsen, Emily, Keogh, Samantha, McMillan, David, Whitty, Jennifer A., Choudhury, Md Abu, Dunster, Kimble R., Reynolds, Heather, Marshall, Andrea, Crilly, Julia, Young, Jeanine, Thom, Ogilvie, Gowardman, John, Corley, Amanda and Fraser, John F. (2015). Securing all intravenous devices effectively in hospitalised patients—the SAVE trial: study protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 5 (9) e008689, e008689 .1-e008689 .7. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-008689

Securing all intravenous devices effectively in hospitalised patients—the SAVE trial: study protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial


Journal Article

Procedural skills practice and training needs of doctors, nurses, midwives and paramedics in rural Victoria

Campbell, David, Shepherd, Irwyn, McGrail, Matthew, Kassell, Lisa, Connolly, Marnie, Williams, Brett and Nestel, Debra (2015). Procedural skills practice and training needs of doctors, nurses, midwives and paramedics in rural Victoria. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 6, 183-194. doi: 10.2147/AMEP.S77779

Procedural skills practice and training needs of doctors, nurses, midwives and paramedics in rural Victoria


Conference Publication

Targeting outreach: The influence of Australia’s rural outreach policy?

O’Sullivan, B., Stoelwinder, J. and McGrail, M. (2015). Targeting outreach: The influence of Australia’s rural outreach policy?. 9th International Health Services and Policy Research Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2015.

Targeting outreach: The influence of Australia’s rural outreach policy?


Journal Article

Postinfusion phlebitis: incidence and risk factors

Webster, Joan, McGrail, Matthew, Marsh, Nicole, Wallis, Marianne C., Ray-Barruel, Gillian and Rickard, Claire M. (2015). Postinfusion phlebitis: incidence and risk factors. Nursing Research and Practice, 2015 ARTN 691934. doi: 10.1155/2015/691934

Postinfusion phlebitis: incidence and risk factors



Development of a national Index of Access for primary health care in Australia: discussion paper

McGrail, Matthew and Humphreys, John S. (2015). Development of a national Index of Access for primary health care in Australia: discussion paper. Churchill, VIC, Australia: Monash University * School of Rural Health.

Development of a national Index of Access for primary health care in Australia: discussion paper


Journal Article

Retaining rural doctors: doctors' preferences for rural medical workforce incentives

Li, Jinhu, Scott, Anthony, McGrail, Matthew, Humphreys, John and Witt, Julia (2014). Retaining rural doctors: doctors' preferences for rural medical workforce incentives. Social Science & Medicine, 121, 56-64. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.09.053

Retaining rural doctors: doctors' preferences for rural medical workforce incentives


Journal Article

Measuring spatial accessibility to primary health care services: utilising dynamic catchment sizes

McGrail, Matthew R. and Humphreys, John S (2014). Measuring spatial accessibility to primary health care services: utilising dynamic catchment sizes. Applied Geography, 54, 182-188. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2014.08.005

Measuring spatial accessibility to primary health care services: utilising dynamic catchment sizes


Journal Article

More is more in remote Central Australia: more provision of primary healthcare services is associated with more acute medical evacuations and more remote telephone consultations

Hussain, J., Robinson, A., Stebbing, M. and McGrail, M. (2014). More is more in remote Central Australia: more provision of primary healthcare services is associated with more acute medical evacuations and more remote telephone consultations. Rural and Remote Health, 14 (4) 2796.

More is more in remote Central Australia: more provision of primary healthcare services is associated with more acute medical evacuations and more remote telephone consultations


Journal Article

Rural outreach by specialist doctors in Australia: a national cross-sectional study of supply and distribution

O'Sullivan, Belinda G., Joyce, Catherine M. and McGrail, Matthew R. (2014). Rural outreach by specialist doctors in Australia: a national cross-sectional study of supply and distribution. Human Resources for Health, 12 (50) Article 50. doi: 10.1186/1478-4491-12-50

Rural outreach by specialist doctors in Australia: a national cross-sectional study of supply and distribution


Journal Article

Mobile learning in a rural medical school: feasibility and educational benefits in campus and clinical settings

Nestel, Debra, Gray, Katherine, Ng, Andre, McGrail, Matthew, Kotsanas, George and Villanueva, Elmer (2014). Mobile learning in a rural medical school: feasibility and educational benefits in campus and clinical settings. Journal of Biomedical Education, 2014, 1-8. doi: 10.1155/2014/412786

Mobile learning in a rural medical school: feasibility and educational benefits in campus and clinical settings


Journal Article

Risk factors for peripheral intravenous catheter failure: a multivariate analysis of data from a randomized controlled trial

Wallis, Marianne C., McGrail, Matthew, Webster, Joan, Marsh, Nicole, Gowardman, John, Playford, Geoffrey and Rickard, Claire M. (2014). Risk factors for peripheral intravenous catheter failure: a multivariate analysis of data from a randomized controlled trial. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 35 (1), 63-68. doi: 10.1086/674398

Risk factors for peripheral intravenous catheter failure: a multivariate analysis of data from a randomized controlled trial


Conference Publication

Australia’s global lead on national outreach policy

O’Sullivan, B., Joyce, C. and McGrail, M. (2014). Australia’s global lead on national outreach policy. The Public Health Association of Australia 43rd Annual Conference, Perth, Australia, 2014.

Australia’s global lead on national outreach policy


Journal Article

Adoption, implementation and prioritization of specialist outreach policy in Australia: a national perspective

O'Sullivan, Belinda G., Joyce, Catherine M. and McGrail, Matthew R. (2014). Adoption, implementation and prioritization of specialist outreach policy in Australia: a national perspective. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 92 (7), 512-519. doi: 10.2471/BLT.13.130385

Adoption, implementation and prioritization of specialist outreach policy in Australia: a national perspective


Journal Article

The value of survival analyses for evidence-based rural medical workforce planning

Russell, Deborah J., Humphreys, John S., McGrail, Matthew R., Cameron, W. Ian and Williams, Peter J. (2013). The value of survival analyses for evidence-based rural medical workforce planning. Human Resources for Health, 11 (1) 65. doi: 10.1186/1478-4491-11-65

The value of survival analyses for evidence-based rural medical workforce planning


Journal Article

Getting doctors into the bush: general practitioners' preferences for rural location

Scott, Anthony, Witt, Julia, Humphreys, John, Joyce, Catherine, Kalb, Guyonne, Jeon, Sung-Hee and McGrail, Matthew (2013). Getting doctors into the bush: general practitioners' preferences for rural location. Social Science and Medicine, 96, 33-44. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2013.07.002

Getting doctors into the bush: general practitioners' preferences for rural location


Current funding

  • 2023 - 2024
    Differences in UCAT ANZ performance between rural and metropolitan medical school applicants: A national investigation
    Monash University
    Open grant
  • 2023 - 2027
    Digital Health Transformation of Rural Primary Health Care Through an Innovative Digital Indigenous Primary Health Care Delivery Model: ID-INSPIRED
    NHMRC MRFF PHCR - Primary Health Care Digital Innovations
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2023 - 2024
    Informing stronger integration across all sectors of the GP education and training pipeline
    RACGP Education Research Grant
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2023
    Barriers and enablers of training and employment models for female rural doctors working at generalist scope (Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine grant administered by JCU)
    James Cook University
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2022
    Learning in remote general practice settings - a comparative evaluation of quality and performance (Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine project led by James Cook University)
    James Cook University
    Open grant
  • 2019 - 2021
    Evaluation of the Rural Junior Doctor Training Innovation Fund (RJDTIF)
    James Cook University
    Open grant



Associate Professor Matthew McGrail is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    The Effectiveness of the Implementation of the Vision 2030 Healthcare Strategy in Improving Health Services in Rural Saudi Arabia

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Bruce Chater, Dr Bushra Nasir

  • Doctor Philosophy

    What factors influence the use and satisfaction with hospital services of residents in Queensland's regions?

    Principal Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Growing the Rural Medical Workforce Pipeline

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Di Eley

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Determinants of referral patterns of patients with CKD from GP practice to Specialist Nephrology clinics based on combined eGFR and albuminuria measurements and their progress over time

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Srinivas Kondalsamy Chennakesavan

  • Master Philosophy

    Systemic analysis of the determinants that influence the oncologist-patient relationship; exploring the interplay between organisational, cultural and personal factors. Translating key findings into training and professional development interventions with mutual focus on patient and doctor outcomes.

    Associate Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy

    The association of major depressive disorders with chronic disease among Indigenous Australians

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Srinivas Kondalsamy Chennakesavan, Dr Bushra Nasir

  • Master Philosophy

    Interprofessional collaboration in Radiography: Do we need to re-invent the wheel?

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Priya Martin



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