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Dr Sainath Raman

Sainath Raman




Dr Sainath Raman is:
Available for supervision
Media expert

Research interests

  • Paediatric Sepsis

    Early Diagnostics Therapeutic Interventions Long term outcome

  • Paediatric Critical Illness

    Common interventions in intensive care - Oxygen and intravenous fluid therapy


Search Professor Sainath Raman’s works on UQ eSpace

54 works between 2009 and 2024

41 - 54 of 54 works


Journal Article

A dedicated paediatric logistic organ dysfunction score - adjusted pressure injury risk assessment scale is required for tertiary paediatric ICUs

Crane, Natalie, Pool, Natasha, Chang, Ivy, Rogan, Sharna, Stocker, Christian and Raman, Sainath (2019). A dedicated paediatric logistic organ dysfunction score - adjusted pressure injury risk assessment scale is required for tertiary paediatric ICUs. Cardiology in the Young, 29 (3), 455-456. doi: 10.1017/s1047951118002251

A dedicated paediatric logistic organ dysfunction score - adjusted pressure injury risk assessment scale is required for tertiary paediatric ICUs


Journal Article

Widening Evidence-Base of Risk With Hyperoxia

Raman, Sainath, Ray, Samiran and Peters, Mark J. (2019). Widening Evidence-Base of Risk With Hyperoxia. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 20 (1), 99-99. doi: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000001770

Widening Evidence-Base of Risk With Hyperoxia


Journal Article

Near infrared spectroscopy with a vascular occlusion test as a biomarker in children with mitochondrial and other neuro-genetic disorders

Raman, Sainath, Chentouf, Latifa, DeVile, Catherine, Peters, Mark J. and Rahman, Shamima (2018). Near infrared spectroscopy with a vascular occlusion test as a biomarker in children with mitochondrial and other neuro-genetic disorders. PLoS One, 13 (7) e0199756, e0199756. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0199756

Near infrared spectroscopy with a vascular occlusion test as a biomarker in children with mitochondrial and other neuro-genetic disorders


Journal Article

Protocol for a randomised pilot multiple centre trial of conservative versus liberal oxygenation targets in critically ill children (Oxy-PICU)

Jones, Gareth A. L., Ramnarayan, Padmanabhan, Raman, Sainath, Inwald, David, Grocott, Michael P. W., Eaton, Simon, Ray, Samiran, Griksaitis, Michael J., Pappachan, John, Wiley, Daisy, Mouncey, Paul R., Wulff, Jerome, Harrison, David A., Rowan, Kathryn M. and Peters, Mark J. (2017). Protocol for a randomised pilot multiple centre trial of conservative versus liberal oxygenation targets in critically ill children (Oxy-PICU). BMJ Open, 7 (12) e019253, e019253. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-019253

Protocol for a randomised pilot multiple centre trial of conservative versus liberal oxygenation targets in critically ill children (Oxy-PICU)


Journal Article

Haemodynamic changes with paracetamol in critically-ill children

Ray, Samiran, Brick, Thomas, Raman, Sainath, Birrell, Paul J., Klein, Nigel J. and Peters, Mark J. (2017). Haemodynamic changes with paracetamol in critically-ill children. Journal of Critical Care, 40, 108-112. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2017.03.026

Haemodynamic changes with paracetamol in critically-ill children


Journal Article

Pao(2)/Fio(2) ratio derived from the Spo(2)/Fio(2) ratio to improve mortality prediction using the Pediatric Index of Mortality-3 score in transported intensive care admissions

Ray, Samiran, Rogers, Libby, Pagel, Christina, Raman, Sainath, Peters, Mark J. and Ramnarayan, Padmanabhan (2017). Pao(2)/Fio(2) ratio derived from the Spo(2)/Fio(2) ratio to improve mortality prediction using the Pediatric Index of Mortality-3 score in transported intensive care admissions. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 18 (3), E131-E136. doi: 10.1097/pcc.0000000000001075

Pao(2)/Fio(2) ratio derived from the Spo(2)/Fio(2) ratio to improve mortality prediction using the Pediatric Index of Mortality-3 score in transported intensive care admissions


Journal Article

Liberal oxygenation in paediatric intensive care: retrospective analysis of high-resolution SpO2 data

Ray, Samiran, Rogers, L., Raman, S. and Peters, M. J. (2017). Liberal oxygenation in paediatric intensive care: retrospective analysis of high-resolution SpO2 data. Intensive Care Medicine, 43 (1), 146-147. doi: 10.1007/s00134-016-4606-y

Liberal oxygenation in paediatric intensive care: retrospective analysis of high-resolution SpO2 data


Journal Article

Admission Pao(2) and mortality in critically ill children: a cohort study and systematic review

Raman, Sainath, Prince, Nicholas J., Hoskote, Aparna, Ray, Samiran and Peters, Mark J. (2016). Admission Pao(2) and mortality in critically ill children: a cohort study and systematic review. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 17 (10), E444-E450. doi: 10.1097/pcc.0000000000000905

Admission Pao(2) and mortality in critically ill children: a cohort study and systematic review


Journal Article

Incidence of hypermanganesemia in children who are administered parenteral nutrition

Greene, Edel, Shokur, Rumeena, Brown, Lisa, Petros, Andy and Raman, Sainath (2016). Incidence of hypermanganesemia in children who are administered parenteral nutrition. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 40 (6), 766-767. doi: 10.1177/0148607116638046

Incidence of hypermanganesemia in children who are administered parenteral nutrition


Journal Article

Survey of oxygen delivery practices in UK paediatric intensive care units

Raman, Sainath, Ray, Samiran and Peters, Mark J. (2016). Survey of oxygen delivery practices in UK paediatric intensive care units. Critical Care Research and Practice, 2016 6312970, 6312970-4. doi: 10.1155/2016/6312970

Survey of oxygen delivery practices in UK paediatric intensive care units


Journal Article

Oxidative phosphorylation gene expression falls at onset and throughout the development of meningococcal sepsis-induced multi-organ failure in children

Raman, Sainath, Klein, Nigel, Kwan, Antonia, Hubank, Mike, Rahman, Shamima, Rashid, Asrar and Peters, Mark J. (2015). Oxidative phosphorylation gene expression falls at onset and throughout the development of meningococcal sepsis-induced multi-organ failure in children. Intensive Care Medicine, 41 (8), 1489-1490. doi: 10.1007/s00134-015-3817-y

Oxidative phosphorylation gene expression falls at onset and throughout the development of meningococcal sepsis-induced multi-organ failure in children


Journal Article

Impact of stops for road traffic accidents on the inter-hospital transport of critically ill children

Raman, Sainath and Ramnarayan, Padmanabhan (2014). Impact of stops for road traffic accidents on the inter-hospital transport of critically ill children. Emergency Medicine Journal, 31 (7), 589-590. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2013-202462

Impact of stops for road traffic accidents on the inter-hospital transport of critically ill children


Journal Article

Fluid management in the critically ill child

Raman, Sainath and Peters, Mark J. (2014). Fluid management in the critically ill child. Pediatric Nephrology, 29 (1), 23-34. doi: 10.1007/s00467-013-2412-0

Fluid management in the critically ill child


Journal Article

Application of a clinical transfusion score to pediatric cardiac surgical patients

Raman, Sainath, Desai, Ajay and Halley, Gillian (2009). Application of a clinical transfusion score to pediatric cardiac surgical patients. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 10 (6), 701-701. doi: 10.1097/pcc.0b013e3181b7f920

Application of a clinical transfusion score to pediatric cardiac surgical patients


Current funding

  • 2023 - 2025
    Building together: Better consenting practices for the most vulnerable in healthcare research
    Metro South Research Support Scheme Co-funded Collaboration Grant
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2027
    Resuscitation in Paediatric Septic Shock using Mega-Dose Vitamin C and Hydrocortisone - A Randomised Controlled Multicentre Trial (RESPOND study)
    NHMRC Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies Grants
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2022 - 2024
    Resuscitation in Paediatric Septic Shock using Mega-Dose Vitamin C and Hydrocortisone - A Randomised Controlled Multicentre Trial (RESPOND study)
    Preclinical and Clinical Early Career Research
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2022
    Preventing healthcare acquired, ventilator- associated conditions in the PICU: Implementation of new airway clearance guidance
    The Children's Hospital Foundation
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2023
    Restrictive Fluid Strategy vs Standard Care in Mechanically Ventilated Children - a Feasibility Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial
    Preclinical and Clinical Early Career Research
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2021
    Acute Resuscitation In Paediatric Sepsis (ARISE-KIDS) - a randomised controlled trail to reduce morbidity and mortality due to sepsis in children
    The Children's Hospital Foundation
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2024
    Host Gene Expression Signatures to Diagnose Sepsis in Children
    MRFF Genomics Health Futures Mission, Project Grant administered by AusIndustry
    Open grant



Dr Sainath Raman is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision



Contact Dr Sainath Raman directly for media enquiries about:

  • Paediatric Critical Illness
  • Paediatric Sepsis

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