- Dr Arun Kumar is:
- Available for supervision
Fields of research
Research interests
Poultry and Pig Nutrition
Identifying feed-related problems and providing solutions to the problem by designing and developing experimental models in association with the industry. Evaluating the efficacy of feed additives in poultry and pig diets.
Search Professor Arun Kumar’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Effects of protease supplementation on growth performance, organ development, gut morphology, and microbial profile of broiler chicken
Huyan, Lingjun, Kumar, Arun, Manafi, Milad and Soumeh, Elham A. (2022). Effects of protease supplementation on growth performance, organ development, gut morphology, and microbial profile of broiler chicken. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A — Animal Science, 71 (1-4), 1-11. doi: 10.1080/09064702.2022.2113121
Journal Article
Effect of limestone solubility on mineral digestibility and bone ash in nursery pigs fed diets containing graded level of inorganic phosphorus or increasing dose of a novel consensus bacterial 6-phytase variant
Velayudhan, Deepak E., Kumar, Arun, Marchal, Leon and Dersjant-Li, Yuemig (2022). Effect of limestone solubility on mineral digestibility and bone ash in nursery pigs fed diets containing graded level of inorganic phosphorus or increasing dose of a novel consensus bacterial 6-phytase variant. Journal of Animal Science, 100 (6) skac179, 1-13. doi: 10.1093/jas/skac179
Journal Article
Effect of phytase dose and reduction in dietary calcium on performance, nutrient digestibility, bone ash and mineralization in broilers fed corn-soybean meal-based diets with reduced nutrient density
Dersjant-Li, Y., Evans, C. and Kumar, A. (2018). Effect of phytase dose and reduction in dietary calcium on performance, nutrient digestibility, bone ash and mineralization in broilers fed corn-soybean meal-based diets with reduced nutrient density. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 242, 95-110. doi: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2018.05.013
Journal Article
Intertidal diatom communities reflect patchiness in groundwater discharge
Welti, N., Gale, D., Hayes, M., Kumar, A., Gasparon, M., Gibbes, B. and Lockington, D. (2015). Intertidal diatom communities reflect patchiness in groundwater discharge. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 163 (PB), 116-124. doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2015.06.006
Journal Article
A green algae mixture of Scenedesmus and Schroederiella attenuates obesity-linked metabolic syndrome in rats
Kumar, Senthil Arun, Magnusson, Marie, Ward, Leigh C., Paul, Nicholas A. and Brown, Lindsay (2015). A green algae mixture of Scenedesmus and Schroederiella attenuates obesity-linked metabolic syndrome in rats. Nutrients, 7 (4), 2771-2787. doi: 10.3390/nu7042771
Journal Article
Effect of calcium level and phytase addition on ileal phytate degradation and amino acid digestibility of broilers fed corn-based diets
Amerah, A. M., Plumstead, P. W., Barnard, L. P. and Kumar, A. (2014). Effect of calcium level and phytase addition on ileal phytate degradation and amino acid digestibility of broilers fed corn-based diets. Poultry Science, 93 (4), 906-915. doi: 10.3382/ps.2013-03465
Journal Article
Pyoderma vegetans with Ig A deficiency
Kumar, Sandeep, Boyce, Zac, McKay, Catherine and Casey, Genevieve (2010). Pyoderma vegetans with Ig A deficiency. Indian Journal of Dermatology, 55 (4), 379-380. doi: 10.4103/0019-5154.74556
Journal Article
Feeding value of copra meal for broilers
Sundu, B., Kumar, A. and Dingle, J. (2009). Feeding value of copra meal for broilers. World's Poultry Science Journal, 65 (3), 481-491. doi: 10.1017/S0043933909000348
Journal Article
The effect of proportion of crumbled copra meal and enzyme supplementation on broiler growth and gastrointestinal development
Sundu, B., Kumar, A. and Dingle, J. (2008). The effect of proportion of crumbled copra meal and enzyme supplementation on broiler growth and gastrointestinal development. International Journal of Poultry Science, 7 (5), 511-515. doi: 10.3923/ijps.2008.511.515
Conference Publication
A comparison of amino acid digestibility coefficients of soybean meal in broilers and turkeys
Li, X., Zhang, D., Kumar, A. and Bryden, W. L. (2007). A comparison of amino acid digestibility coefficients of soybean meal in broilers and turkeys. Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition in Australia, Armidale, NSW, 9-11 July 2007. Armidale, N.S.W.: Dept. of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Nutrition, University of New England.
Conference Publication
Efficacy of phytase supplementation of low phosphorus corn-soybean meal based diets fed to broilers
Kumar, A., Dingle, J. G. and Sands, J. (2007). Efficacy of phytase supplementation of low phosphorus corn-soybean meal based diets fed to broilers. 19th Annual Australian Poultry Science Symposium, Sydney, NSW, 12-14 February, 2007. Australia: University of Sydney, Poultry Research Foundation.
Conference Publication
Comparison of apparent ileal amino acid digestibility coefficients between broiler chickens and turkeys using acid insoluble ash and hexatriacontane as markers
Li, X., Zhang, D., Kumar, A. and Bryden, W. L. (2007). Comparison of apparent ileal amino acid digestibility coefficients between broiler chickens and turkeys using acid insoluble ash and hexatriacontane as markers. Queensland Poultry Science Symposium, Gatton, Queensland, Australia, 19 July 2007.
Conference Publication
Phosphorus supply from layer diets
Li, X., Kumar, A., Zhang, D., Huang, K. H. and Bryden, W. L. (2007). Phosphorus supply from layer diets. 19th Annual Australian Poultry Science Symposium, Sydney, NSW, 12-14 February, 2007. Australia: University of Sydney, Poultry Research Foundation.
Conference Publication
The response of broilers to dietary digestible lysine levels in the grower phase
Zhang, D., Huang, K. H., Hoai, H. T., Mulyantini, N. G. A., Kumar, A. and Bryden, W. L. (2007). The response of broilers to dietary digestible lysine levels in the grower phase. Australian Poultry Science Symposium, Sydney, NSW, 12-14 February, 2007. Australia: University of Sydney, Poultry Research Foundation.
Journal Article
Palm kernel meal in broiler diets: effect on chicken performance and health
Sundu, B., Kumar, A. and Dingle, J. (2006). Palm kernel meal in broiler diets: effect on chicken performance and health. Worlds Poultry Science Journal, 62 (2), 316-325. doi: 10.1079/WPS2005100
Conference Publication
Performance of layers fed xylanase, phytase or both in low phosphorus diets
Kumar, A, Dingle, J. G. and Broz, (2006). Performance of layers fed xylanase, phytase or both in low phosphorus diets. 18th Annual Australian Poultry Science Symposium, Sydney, NSW, 20-22 February, 2006. Sydney: The Poultry Research Foundation.
Conference Publication
Supplementing layer diets with phytase to reduce the use of meat and bone meal.
Li, X., Kumar, A., Zhang, D., Cao, M., Shini, A., Wendt, P., Huang, K. and Bryden, W. L. (2005). Supplementing layer diets with phytase to reduce the use of meat and bone meal.. Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition in Australia 2005, UNE, Armidale, NSW, Australia, 10-13 July, 2005. Australia: University of New England.
Conference Publication
Growth pattern of broilers fed a physically or enzymatically treated copra meal diet
Sundu, B., Kumar, A. and Dingle, J. G. (2005). Growth pattern of broilers fed a physically or enzymatically treated copra meal diet. 17th Annual Australian Poultry Science Symposium, Sydney, NSW, 7-9 February 2005. Australia: University of Sydney, Poultry Research Foundation.
Conference Publication
The effect of particle size of pelleted copra meal in broiler diets with or without enzymes
Sundu, B., Kumar, A. and Dingle, J. G. (2005). The effect of particle size of pelleted copra meal in broiler diets with or without enzymes. Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition in Australia 2005, UNE, Armicale, NSW, Australia, 10-13 July 2005. Australia: University of New England.
Conference Publication
Methionine requirements and immune function in broiler chicks
Shini, S., Li, X., Ni Gusti Ayu, M., Zhang, D., Shini, A., Kumar, A., Hosking, B. and Bryden, W. L. (2005). Methionine requirements and immune function in broiler chicks. Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition in Australia 2005, UNE, Armidale, NSW, 10-13 July, 2005. Australia: University of New England.
Current funding
Past funding
- Dr Arun Kumar is:
- Available for supervision
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Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Peri-hatching strategies to endure enteric pathogens in broilers
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Eugeni Roura, Associate Professor Daniel Cozzolino
Doctor Philosophy
Program 1 of the Agrifutures Consortium on Chicken Nutrition, Gut Health, and Environment
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Marta Navarro, Dr Elham Assadi Soumeh, Professor Chiara Palmieri, Professor Eugeni Roura
Doctor Philosophy
Eliminating pig tail removal to improve welfare and industry sustainability
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Marta Navarro, Professor Alan Tilbrook, Professor Eugeni Roura
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Associate Advisor
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