Associate Professor Francesca Bartlett lectures in Ethics and the Legal Profession and Contract Law. She is the Director of Teaching and Learning at the School of Law. She is a Fellow of the Centre for Public, Comparative and International Law and researches in the area of lawyers' ethics and practice, access to justice and women and the law. She was a CI on the Australian Feminist Judgments Project funded by the Australian Research Council under a Discovery Project Grant. She is undertaking a number of projects relating to lawyers working across Australia including around family violence, and how technology impacts upon access to justice and ethics in the legal profession. She has led a project concerning technology and access to justice in the legal assistance sector funded under an AIBE Applied Research Fund grant and was a CI on a project funded by the Queensland Law Society concerning disruption to and innovation by small law firms across Queensland. Francesca was a Visiting Fellow at the Centre on the Legal Profession at Stanford University in November 2018.
She is a member of the Queensland Law Society Ethics Committee and is the Vice President of the International Association of Legal Ethics. Francesca is an Academic Member of the School's Pro Bono Centre Advisory Board. Before joining the Law School, she practiced for a number of years as a commercial solicitor at a national law firm in Melbourne and Brisbane. Prior to embarking on her legal career, Francesca completed a PhD in English which concerned the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families.
- Associate Professor Francesca Bartlett is:
- Available for supervision
Fields of research
- Bachelor of Arts, La Trobe University
- Doctor of Philosophy, La Trobe University
- Masters (Coursework) of Juris Doctor, University of Melbourne
Research interests
Socio-legal research into legal professionalism
Women and the Law
Feminist jurisprudence
Women and the judiciary
Pro bono and cause lawyering
Lawyers' ethics
Research impacts
Associate Professor Bartlett's research has contributed to debates surrounding the regulation of the legal profession in a number of ways. For instance, she has conducted empirical research concerning women lawyers and judges and the barriers they face to achieving 'success' in law. Some of this research is cited on the Law Council of Australia's website and has been considered by the Council of Law Deans. She has also provided expert advice to an Australian Law Reform Council Inquiry, including drafting a background paper, concerning judicial independence and ethics. She was invited to join the Queensland Law Society’s Ethics Committee based on her research around lawyers’ ethics. In this role she regularly participates in production of professional ethics education and guidance as well as policy advice. She regularly provides education to the legal sector such as a recent webinar hosted by the Community Legal Centres Queensland reporting on her research concerning best practice for lawyers working in domestic and family violence contexts. Her recent project collaborating with academics from a regional university resulted in a report delivered to the Queensland Law Society on disruption to legal practice.
Search Professor Francesca Bartlett’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Representative or the Same? Representative rule and class actions in Queensland and Western Australia
Bartlett, Francesca and Corrin, Jennifer Clare (2016). Representative or the Same? Representative rule and class actions in Queensland and Western Australia. Civil Justice Quarterly, 35 (1), 41-60.
Book Chapter
Reflections on rewriting the law
Douglas, Heather Anne, Bartlett, Francesca, Luker, Trish and Hunter, Rosemary (2014). Reflections on rewriting the law. Australian Feminist Judgments: Righting and Rewriting Law. (pp. 19-40) edited by Heather Douglas, Francesca Bartlett, Trish Luker and Rosemary Hunter. Oxford, United Kingdom: Hart Publishing.
Book Chapter
Formal equality and third party interests in the family home
Bartlett, Francesca (2014). Formal equality and third party interests in the family home. Australian Feminist Judgments: Righting and Rewriting Law. (pp. 207-211) edited by Heather Douglas, Francesca Bartlett, Trish Luker and Rosemary Hunter. Oxford, United Kingdom: Hart Publishing.
Journal Article
An empirical study of lawyers’ capability to adapt to disruption in Queensland, Australia
Timoshanko, Aaron, Hart, Caroline, Bartlett, Francesca and Murray, Angus (2024). An empirical study of lawyers’ capability to adapt to disruption in Queensland, Australia. International Journal of the Legal Profession, 31 (1), 83-110. doi: 10.1080/09695958.2023.2295365
Other Outputs
Future ready report: Queensland sole, micro, small and medium law firm capability to meet disruption: COVID-19, technology and intergenerational change
Hart, Caroline, Timoshanko, Aaron, Bartlett, Francesca, Murray, Angus and Perry-Petersen, Andrea (2023). Future ready report: Queensland sole, micro, small and medium law firm capability to meet disruption: COVID-19, technology and intergenerational change. Queensland, Australia: Submitted to Queensland Law Society.
Journal Article
What is ‘good domestic violence lawyering’?: Views from specialist women’s legal services in Australia
Wangmann, Jane, Bartlett, Francesca, Batagol, Becky, Booth, Tracey, Douglas, Heather, Kaye, Miranda and Seear, Kate (2023). What is ‘good domestic violence lawyering’?: Views from specialist women’s legal services in Australia. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 37 (1) ebac034, 1-23. doi: 10.1093/lawfam/ebac034
Parker & Evans's Inside Lawyers' Ethics
Holmes, Vivien and Bartlett, Francesca (2023). Parker & Evans's Inside Lawyers' Ethics. 4th ed. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Journal Article
Weaponizing the law and the cost of lawyers in intimate partner violence
Bartlett, Francesca (2022). Weaponizing the law and the cost of lawyers in intimate partner violence. JOTWELL.
Conference Publication
Domestic and Family Violence Lawyering in Australia - Shared Understandings and Teaching Ethical Competency
Bartlett, Francesca (2021). Domestic and Family Violence Lawyering in Australia - Shared Understandings and Teaching Ethical Competency. 2021 Stellenbosch University Legal Ethics/Ethics in Law conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa (attended online), 29-30 November 2021.
Other Outputs
Feeling dirty: emotional taint and use of emotion as an English criminal barrister
Bartlett, Francesca (2021, 04 05). Feeling dirty: emotional taint and use of emotion as an English criminal barrister JOTWELL
Other Outputs
Happiness in NewLaw—assessing the lifestyle claims of alternative legal practices in Australia
Bartlett, Francesca (2020, 05 05). Happiness in NewLaw—assessing the lifestyle claims of alternative legal practices in Australia JOTWELL
Journal Article
The profession(s)' engagements with lawtech: narratives and archetypes of future law
Webley, Lisa, Flood, John, Webb, Julian, Bartlett, Francesca, Galloway, Kate and Tranter, Kieran (2019). The profession(s)' engagements with lawtech: narratives and archetypes of future law. Law, Technology and Humans, 1 (1), 6-26. doi: 10.5204/lthj.v1i0.1314
Journal Article
The legal academy’s engagements with lawtech: technology narratives and archetypes as drivers of change
Galloway, Kate, Webb, Julian, Bartlett, Francesca, Flood, John and Webley, Lisa (2019). The legal academy’s engagements with lawtech: technology narratives and archetypes as drivers of change. Law, Technology and Humans, 1 (1), 27-45. doi: 10.5204/lthj.v1i0.1337
Conference Publication
Measuring effectiveness and acceptance of legaltech in self-representation services
Bartlett, Francesca (2019). Measuring effectiveness and acceptance of legaltech in self-representation services. Taking Justice Online: A Critical Perspectives Workshop, Monash Law School, Monash University, 26 November 2019.
Conference Publication
Lawyers as Gatekeepers
Bartlett, Francesca (2019). Lawyers as Gatekeepers. The Regualtion of Corporate Ethics: Governance in an Age of Inquiries, Supreme Court of Queensland, 13 September 2019.
Journal Article
A Professional Project in the South Pacific: Regionalism and Reforming Solomon Islands' Legal Profession
Bartlett, Francesca (2018). A Professional Project in the South Pacific: Regionalism and Reforming Solomon Islands' Legal Profession. Fordham International Law Journal, 42 (2), 230-270.
Journal Article
'Benchmarking' a Supreme Court and Federal Court Judge in Australia
Bartlett, Francesca and Douglas, Heather (2018). 'Benchmarking' a Supreme Court and Federal Court Judge in Australia. Onati Socio-Legal Series, 8 (9), 1355-1385. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-0992
Conference Publication
Collaboration between universities and the community legal sector - the case of A2J author and unpaid wages
Bartlett, Francesca (2018). Collaboration between universities and the community legal sector - the case of A2J author and unpaid wages. National Community Legal Centres Conference, Sydney, Australia, 27-30 August 2018.
Conference Publication
An uncomfortable place for technology in the Australian community legal sector
Bartlett, Francesca (2018). An uncomfortable place for technology in the Australian community legal sector. International Legal Ethics Conference (ILEC 2018), Melbourne, Australia, 6-8 December 2018.
Conference Publication
The Changing Professional Identity of Hong Kong Women Lawyers: From Local to Transnational Practitioners
Bartlett, Francesca and Wu, Richard (2018). The Changing Professional Identity of Hong Kong Women Lawyers: From Local to Transnational Practitioners. Asia Law and Society Association Conference 2018, Bond Law School, Gold Coast, 29 November-1 December 2018.
Past funding
- Associate Professor Francesca Bartlett is:
- Available for supervision
Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.
Available projects
Lawyer’s ethics and professional standards
Potential topics available include:
- Technology and ethical legal practise;
- The role of the lawyer in access to justice and efficient administration of the courts
- Prosecutorial ethics and judicial ethics;
- Regulation of the legal profession including admission and disciplinary law and debates about professionalism
- Teaching lawyers’ ethics and legal education.
For further information contact Dr Francesca Bartlett, e: f.bartlett@law.uq.edu.au
Gender and ‘Others’ doing the law
Potential topics available include:
- Gender and judging – does diversity matter? What is the scope for feminist judging?
- Questions of bias and gendered approaches to the law
- Advocating ‘other’ interests
- Equality of representation within the legal profession
For further information contact Dr Francesca Bartlett, e: f.bartlett@law.uq.edu.au
Lawyer’s ethics and professional standards
Potential topics available include:
- Technology and ethical legal practise;
- The role of the lawyer in access to justice and efficient administration of the courts
- Prosecutorial ethics and judicial ethics;
- Regulation of the legal profession including admission and disciplinary law and debates about professionalism
- Teaching lawyers’ ethics and legal education.
For further information contact Dr Francesca Bartlett, e: f.bartlett@law.uq.edu.au
Gender and ‘Others’ doing the law
Potential topics available include:
- Gender and judging – does diversity matter? What is the scope for feminist judging?
- Questions of bias and gendered approaches to the law
- Advocating ‘other’ interests
- Equality of representation within the legal profession
For further information contact Dr Francesca Bartlett, e: f.bartlett@law.uq.edu.au
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
The Real Housewives of Academia: Working Class Women's Labour and Higher Education through the 21st Century
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Sharlene Leroy-Dyer
Master Philosophy
Legal risk and its management in corporate and commercial transactions: Formulating a principle-based definition of legal risk.
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor John Swinson
Master Philosophy
Legal risk and its management in corporate and commercial transactions: Formulating a principle-based definition of legal risk.
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor John Swinson
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
A right to breastfeed at work? A feminist human rights account of the legal entitlement to breastfeed in the Australian workplace.
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Paul Harpur
Doctor Philosophy
Compensatory Justice and Advocates' Immunity
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Julian Lamont
Doctor Philosophy
Unrepresented Defendants in Criminal Trials in Bhutan: A Comparative Study between Australia and Bhutan
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
The right choice? An interpretive policy analysis of assistive technology in Australian disability services
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Paul Harpur
Doctor Philosophy
Remedies in Government Procurement: A Comparative Analysis of the Legal Position in Malaysia, Australia and Singapore - The Implications for Malaysia
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Anthony Cassimatis
For media enquiries about Associate Professor Francesca Bartlett's areas of expertise, story ideas and help finding experts, contact our Media team: