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Associate Professor Karine Chenu
Associate Professor

Karine Chenu

+61 7 4529 4252
+61 7 535 15093



Dr Karine Chenu is Associate Professor at the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI) at the University of Queensland. Karine has expertise in ecophysiology, genetics and modelling with a focus on drought and heat adaptation.

Her group is conducting research that supports crop modelling technology, plant design and breeding strategies in winter cereals.

Her research mainly concerns: - understanding trait physiology and genetics, - developing gene-to-phenotype crop modelling - exploring novel combinations of genotypes, environments and management practices to assist productivity improvement in changing environments.

Karine collaborates with plant breeders, geneticists, modellers and agronomists in a range of national and international research projects in both public and private sectors.

She is also one of the UQ representatives on the APSIM Initiative Reference Panel, which is responsible for the on-going development of the APSIM model (, which is now used world-wide.


Associate Professor Karine Chenu is:
Available for supervision


  • Masters (Coursework) of Science, Montpellier 2 University
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Montpellier 2 University


Search Professor Karine Chenu’s works on UQ eSpace

225 works between 2002 and 2024

161 - 180 of 225 works


Journal Article

Breeding for the future: what are the potential impacts of future frost and heat events on sowing and flowering time requirements for Australian bread wheat (Triticum aestivium) varieties?

Zheng, Bangyou, Chenu, Karine, Dreccer, M. Fernanda and Chapman, Scott C. (2012). Breeding for the future: what are the potential impacts of future frost and heat events on sowing and flowering time requirements for Australian bread wheat (Triticum aestivium) varieties?. Global Change Biology, 18 (9), 2899-2914. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2012.02724.x

Breeding for the future: what are the potential impacts of future frost and heat events on sowing and flowering time requirements for Australian bread wheat (Triticum aestivium) varieties?


Conference Publication

Drought experienced by Australian wheat: current and future trends

Chenu, Karine and Chapman, Scott (2012). Drought experienced by Australian wheat: current and future trends. 16th Australian Agronomy Conference, Armidale, NSW, Australia, 14-18 October 2012. Armidale, NSW, Australia: Australian Society of Agronomy.

Drought experienced by Australian wheat: current and future trends


Conference Publication

Grain number and the response to increasing temperatures in wheat

Chenu, Karine, Chapman, Scott, Wockner, Kimberly, Liu, Wenjie, Miralles, Daniel and Dreccer, M. (2012). Grain number and the response to increasing temperatures in wheat. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, United States, 21-24 October 2012.

Grain number and the response to increasing temperatures in wheat


Conference Publication

Large-scale characterization of drought pattern: current and future trends in the Australian wheatbelt

Chenu, K. and Chapman, S. C. (2012). Large-scale characterization of drought pattern: current and future trends in the Australian wheatbelt. 6th International Crop Science Congress (ICSC), Bento Goncalves, Brazil, 6-12 August 2012.

Large-scale characterization of drought pattern: current and future trends in the Australian wheatbelt


Conference Publication

How high temperature affects wheat growth and development

Chenu, K., Oudin, F., Chapman, S. C., Dreccer, M. F. and Hammer, G. L. (2012). How high temperature affects wheat growth and development. 6th International Crop Science Congress (ICSC), Bento Goncalves, Brazil, 6-12 August 2012.

How high temperature affects wheat growth and development


Conference Publication

Modelling crop physiology and genetics to simulate Genotype x Management x Environment (GxMxE) interactions

Chenu, Karine, Hammer, Graeme, van Oosterom, Erik, Christopher, Jack, McLean, Greg, Doherty, Al and Chapman, Scott (2012). Modelling crop physiology and genetics to simulate Genotype x Management x Environment (GxMxE) interactions. APSIM Users and Developers Forum, Canberra, Australia, 14 March 2012.

Modelling crop physiology and genetics to simulate Genotype x Management x Environment (GxMxE) interactions


Journal Article

Water and thermal regimes for field pea in Australia and their implications for breeding

Sadras, V.O., Lake, L., Chenu, K., McMurray, L.S. and Leonforte, A. (2012). Water and thermal regimes for field pea in Australia and their implications for breeding. Crop and Pasture Science, 63 (1), 33-44. doi: 10.1071/CP11321

Water and thermal regimes for field pea in Australia and their implications for breeding


Journal Article

Protocols for experimental plot sampling, handling and processing of cereal experiments: standardised methods for use in large agronomic, physiological and genetic field studies

Rebetzke, G., van Herwaarden, A., Chenu, K., Moeller, C., Biddulph, B., Richards, R. and Rattey, A. (2012). Protocols for experimental plot sampling, handling and processing of cereal experiments: standardised methods for use in large agronomic, physiological and genetic field studies. Prometheus Wiki.

Protocols for experimental plot sampling, handling and processing of cereal experiments: standardised methods for use in large agronomic, physiological and genetic field studies


Conference Publication

Modelling genotype and environment effects to aid crop improvement

Chenu, Karine, Hammer, Graeme and Chapman, Scott (2012). Modelling genotype and environment effects to aid crop improvement. 6th International Crop Science Congress (ICSC), 6-12 August 2012, Bento Goncalves, Brazil.

Modelling genotype and environment effects to aid crop improvement


Conference Publication

Frost and heat limits to the wheat flowering ‘window’ in present and future climates

Zheng, B., Chenu, K., Dreccer, M. F. and Chapman, S. C. (2011). Frost and heat limits to the wheat flowering ‘window’ in present and future climates. Wheat Breeding Assembly, Perth, Australia, 24-26 August 2011.

Frost and heat limits to the wheat flowering ‘window’ in present and future climates


Conference Publication

Revealing the yield impacts of organ-level quantitative trait loci associated with drought response in maize – a gene-to phenotype modelling approach

Chenu, Karine, Chapman, Scott, Tardieu, Francois, McLean, Greg, Welcker, Claude and Hammer, Graeme L. (2011). Revealing the yield impacts of organ-level quantitative trait loci associated with drought response in maize – a gene-to phenotype modelling approach. XVIII International Botanical Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 23-30 July 2011.

Revealing the yield impacts of organ-level quantitative trait loci associated with drought response in maize – a gene-to phenotype modelling approach


Conference Publication

Drought environment types for rain-fed barley in Australia – Interpreting genotype-environment interaction by modelling water-deficit patterns

Chenu, K., Deihimfard, R., McIntyre, K. and Hammer, G. L. (2011). Drought environment types for rain-fed barley in Australia – Interpreting genotype-environment interaction by modelling water-deficit patterns. The 15th Australian Barley Technical Symposium, Adelaide, Australia, 18-21 September 2011.

Drought environment types for rain-fed barley in Australia – Interpreting genotype-environment interaction by modelling water-deficit patterns


Conference Publication

Characterising root systems throughout the life cycle to identify adaptive root traits for water-limitation

Christopher, J. T., Borrell, A. K., Chenu, K., Jennings, R., Harvey, G., Manschadi, A. M. and Hammer, G. L. (2011). Characterising root systems throughout the life cycle to identify adaptive root traits for water-limitation. Wheat Breeding Assembly, Perth, Australia, 24-26 August 2011.

Characterising root systems throughout the life cycle to identify adaptive root traits for water-limitation


Conference Publication

New lysimeter platforms to phenotype daily transpiration over the crop cycle in contrasting wheat lines

Chenu, K., Christopher, J. T., McLean, G., Payero, J. O. and Hammer, G. L. (2011). New lysimeter platforms to phenotype daily transpiration over the crop cycle in contrasting wheat lines. Wheat Breeding Assembly, Perth, Australia, 24-26 August 2011.

New lysimeter platforms to phenotype daily transpiration over the crop cycle in contrasting wheat lines


Conference Publication

Characterisation of drought patterns across the Australian Wheat Belt

Chenu, K., Deihimfard, R., Hammer, G. L., Doherty, A. and Chapman, S. C. (2011). Characterisation of drought patterns across the Australian Wheat Belt. Wheat Breeding Assembly, Perth, Australia, 24-26 August 2011.

Characterisation of drought patterns across the Australian Wheat Belt


Conference Publication

Adapting wheat germplasm for elevated CO2 and higher temperatures – environment characterisation, trait screening and crop modelling

Chapman, S.C., Dreccer, M.F., Palta-Paz, J., Bourgault, M., Wockner, K., Zheng, B., Kearns, R., Dias De Oliveria, E. and Chenu, K. (2011). Adapting wheat germplasm for elevated CO2 and higher temperatures – environment characterisation, trait screening and crop modelling. ComBiom2011, Cairns, Australia, 25-29 September.

Adapting wheat germplasm for elevated CO2 and higher temperatures – environment characterisation, trait screening and crop modelling


Conference Publication

Wheat response to increasing temperatures: The role of genetic variability

Wockner, K. B., Chenu, K., Oudin, F., Chapman, S. C. and Dreccer, M. F. (2011). Wheat response to increasing temperatures: The role of genetic variability. Wheat Breeding Assembly, Perth, Australia, 24-26 August 2011.

Wheat response to increasing temperatures: The role of genetic variability


Journal Article

Detection and use of QTL for complex traits in multiple environments

van Eeuwijk, Fred A., Bink, Marco C.A.M., Chenu, Karine and Chapman, Scott C. (2010). Detection and use of QTL for complex traits in multiple environments. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 13 (2), 193-205. doi: 10.1016/j.pbi.2010.01.001

Detection and use of QTL for complex traits in multiple environments


Conference Publication

Environmental characterisation for drought-prone environments

Chenu, K., Hammer, G. L. and Chapman, S. C. (2010). Environmental characterisation for drought-prone environments. DROPS workshop, Montpellier, France, 2-3 September 2010.

Environmental characterisation for drought-prone environments


Conference Publication

Revealing the yield impacts of organ-level QTL associated with drought response in maize - A gene-to-phenotype modelling approach

Chenu, K., Chapman, S. C., Tardieu, F., Welcker, C., McLean, G. and Hammer, G. L. (2010). Revealing the yield impacts of organ-level QTL associated with drought response in maize - A gene-to-phenotype modelling approach. DROPS workshop, Montpellier, France, 2-3 September.

Revealing the yield impacts of organ-level QTL associated with drought response in maize - A gene-to-phenotype modelling approach


Current funding

  • 2024 - 2028
    Fast tracking deployment of chickpea heat tolerance
    GRDC - PROC-9176886 - Fast tracking deployment of chickpea heat tolerance to develop chickpea varieties with improved high temperature tolerance
    Open grant
  • 2024 - 2027
    Root structure and function traits: Overcoming the root phenotyping bottleneck in cereals
    PROC-9176895 Phenomics methods and tools to enable improved resource capture efficiency in grain crops
    Open grant
  • 2023 - 2026
    Enhancing Genomic Prediction for Changing Environments in Wheat
    ARC Linkage Projects
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2026
    Digging deeper to improve yield stability
    ARC Linkage Projects
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2021 - 2024
    REGARD - In the search for climate analogues to breeding crop of the future (FSOV grant administered by Arvalis)
    ARVALIS - Institut du vegetal
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2021
    CRACQ (Clone the ARC875 QTL) Cloning and characterisation of a wheat gene that yields under drought and heat stress (GNIS-FSOV project Administered by BIOGEMMA, in collaboration with Uni of Adelaide)
    University of Adelaide
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2024
    CropPhen: Remote mapping of grain crop type and phenology
    Grains Research & Development Corporation
    Open grant
  • 2014 - 2017
    High yielding cereal agronomy in the northern grains region
    Grains Research & Development Corporation
    Open grant
  • 2014 - 2017
    Improving yield and reliability of field peas and chickpeas under water deficit
    South Australian Research and Development Institute
    Open grant
  • 2014 - 2019
    Raising water productivity: Trait assessment for Australian rainfed wheat (Grains and Research Development Corporation grant administered by CSIRO)
    Open grant
  • 2013 - 2015
    Frost Situation Analysis
    Grains Research & Development Corporation
    Open grant
  • 2012 - 2016
    StressMaster: A decision support tool to manage irrigation in real time in managed environments
    Grains Research & Development Corporation
    Open grant
  • 2012
    Phenotyping whole-plant transpiration efficiency to aid breeding for drought-tolerant wheat varieties
    UQ Early Career Researcher
    Open grant
  • 2010 - 2013
    Experiments and models to capture genotypic differences in physiological controls of carbon allocation among plant organs and economic yield in wheat (CSIRO project novated from DEEDI)
    Open grant
  • 2008 - 2013
    Optimised wheat root architecture for increased yield and yield stability in the face of a changing climate
    Grains Research & Development Corporation
    Open grant



Associate Professor Karine Chenu is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

Completed supervision



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