Yunxia Zhu is an award-winning researcher and educator and has an international reputation in cross-cultural management and business negotiation. Yunxia’s PhD is from the Australian National University in the area of international business communication. She is a negotiation expert trained in Advanced Harvard negotiation programme and Oxford Programme on negotiation at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. She has taught Undergraduate, MBA, Doctoral and Executive Development programs at universities in Australia and abroad. She was a visiting academic to Imperial College London, University of Michigan and Lund University Sweden.
Yunxia has been a recipient of numerous prestigious awards. She is the winner of 2015 UQ Teaching and Learning Fellowship, 2014 Australian National Teaching Citation Awards, UQ Vice Chancellor’s 2013 Internationalisation award, UQ 2013 Outstanding Teaching Citation award, 2011 Best Researcher Award and 2006 Best Publication by Association for Business Communication, and 2008 UQ Business School Research Excellence award, just to name a few.
As an active researcher, Yunxia has written two scholarly books and has published extensively in prestigious international journals (e.g., top-tier of A* or A journals ABDC ranking). She serves on a number of editorial boards for prestigious journals including Academy of Management Discovery, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Journal of World Business, Discourse and Communication, and Public Relations Review. She also serves as an intercultural expert for the prestigious Pragmatics & Beyond New Series (PBNS), John Benjamins.
Yunxia serves as the Vice President of Association for Business Communication in the Asia Pacific Region and is holding adjunct and honorary professorial positions with a number of major Chinese universities with the most recent being awarded by the Top 500 Chinese Enterprises Research Centre, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. She has served on expert advisory board and panels for publicly listed companies, providing professional consulting and training in relation to internationalization and market development in the global business contexts.
- Associate Professor Yunxia Zhu is:
- Available for supervision
Fields of research
Research interests
Cross-cultural and international management
Cross-cultural investigation of business relationship and networking patterns based on both universal and culture-specifics dimensions; examining of the interaction of culture and institutional dynamics of internationalization in Chinese and developed countries; developing Chinese management theories (e.g., based on Confucian wisdom and guanxi (networking) and applying to the global contexts.
International Business Communication
Applying situated discourse and communication theory to international organisational settings including technological, corporate, and ideological sites especially during international organisational restructuring, joint ventures, etc. The spin-off of research findings from this research area is organisational learning and education for international business organisations and firms.
Moral Emotions and Business Ethics in Global Contexts
Applying moral psychology and practical classical wisdom (e.g., from Aristotle and Confucius) to studying business ethics (e.g., ethical guanxi) in international organisations and responsible global leadership.
Search Professor Yunxia Zhu’s works on UQ eSpace
Book Chapter
Emic and etic
Zhu, Yunxia (2024). Emic and etic. Elgar Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural Management. (pp. 281-283) Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9781803928180.ch72
Journal Article
How export-oriented SMEs from emerging markets respond to the CSR-related code of conduct: a content analysis of auditing reports
Chen, Changdong, Zhu, Yunxia, Jiang, Ruochen and Zhu, Lifeng (2023). How export-oriented SMEs from emerging markets respond to the CSR-related code of conduct: a content analysis of auditing reports. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 18 (12), 6061-6080. doi: 10.1108/IJOEM-12-2021-1808
Journal Article
Imitation, performance feedback, and outward foreign direct investments by emerging market firms
Wang, Yong, Li, Kaige, Zhu, Yunxia and Chen, Jiawen (2023). Imitation, performance feedback, and outward foreign direct investments by emerging market firms. International Business Review, 32 (4) 102077, 1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2022.102077
Journal Article
Post-entry internationalization speed, learning speed, and performance: a meta-analytic review and theory extension
Huang, Sheng, Ding, Zhenkuo, Lin, Xiaoman and Zhu, Yunxia (2023). Post-entry internationalization speed, learning speed, and performance: a meta-analytic review and theory extension. Global Strategy Journal, 13 (2), 483-516. doi: 10.1002/gsj.1452
Journal Article
A dynamic model of internationalization and innovation in emerging market enterprises: knowledge exploration, transformation, and exploitation
Shen, Suqin, Venaik, Sunil and Zhu, Yunxia (2023). A dynamic model of internationalization and innovation in emerging market enterprises: knowledge exploration, transformation, and exploitation. Management International Review, 63 (4), 561-601. doi: 10.1007/s11575-023-00509-1
Journal Article
Congruence in Communication and Customer Booking Decision: A Cognitive Heuristic Perspective
Wang, Hongli, Liang, Cuiqi, Zhu, Yunxia and Zhou, Mengnan (2023). Congruence in Communication and Customer Booking Decision: A Cognitive Heuristic Perspective. International Journal of Business Communication, 61 (3), 1-19. doi: 10.1177/23294884231157561
Journal Article
Internationalization speed and international performance among international new ventures: the moderating role of resource synchronization
Huang, Sheng, Zhu, Yunxia, Ding, Zhenkuo and Chen, Chenming (2022). Internationalization speed and international performance among international new ventures: the moderating role of resource synchronization. British Journal of Management, 34 (4), 2234-2262. doi: 10.1111/1467-8551.12697
Journal Article
Business ethics in China and Iceland—contrasts and convergence
Sigurjonsson, Throstur Olaf, Arnardottir, Audur Arna, Jiao, Hao, Zhu, Yunxia and Schwarzkopf, David (2022). Business ethics in China and Iceland—contrasts and convergence. Thunderbird International Business Review, 64 (1), 39-49. doi: 10.1002/tie.22238
Journal Article
The determinants of international new venture performance: a review and future research agenda
Sheng, Huang, Yunxia, Zhu, Kun, Zhang and Zhenkuo, Ding (2021). The determinants of international new venture performance: a review and future research agenda. International Marketing Review, 38 (5), 1006-1046. doi: 10.1108/IMR-12-2019-0295
Book Chapter
Using ethnography of communication in cross-cultural management and communication research
Zhu, Yunxia (2021). Using ethnography of communication in cross-cultural management and communication research. Handbook of Qualitative Research Methodologies in Workplace Contexts. (pp. 176-188) Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9781789904345.00017
Conference Publication
A wave-type of real-time translation work: shifting the high-speed-rail scientific frontier in China
Zhang, Kun, Zhu, Yunxia, Liesch, Peter W., Kriz, Alexandra and Jiao, Hao (2020). A wave-type of real-time translation work: shifting the high-speed-rail scientific frontier in China. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Online, 7 - 11 August 2020. Briarcliff Manor, NY United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/ambpp.2020.18350abstract
Journal Article
Social capital, guanxi and political influence in Chinese government relations
Hou, Jenny Zhengye and Zhu, Yunxia (2020). Social capital, guanxi and political influence in Chinese government relations. Public Relations Review, 46 (1) 101885, 101885. doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2020.101885
Journal Article
Organizational unlearning and knowledge transfer in cross-border M&As: the mediating role of knowledge integration from a routine-based view
Xi, Yujuan, Wang, Xiangyang and Zhu, Yunxia (2020). Organizational unlearning and knowledge transfer in cross-border M&As: the mediating role of knowledge integration from a routine-based view. Journal of Knowledge Management, 24 (4), 841-860. doi: 10.1108/JKM-08-2019-0419
Journal Article
The construction of home feeling by Airbnb guests in the sharing economy: a semantics perspective
Zhu, Yunxia, Cheng, Mingming, Wang, Jie, Ma, Laikun and Jiang, Ruochen (2019). The construction of home feeling by Airbnb guests in the sharing economy: a semantics perspective. Annals of Tourism Research, 75, 308-321. doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2018.12.013
Journal Article
A cross-cultural study of English and Chinese online platform reviews: a genre-based view
Zhu, Yunxia, Ma, Laikun and Jiang, Ruochen (2019). A cross-cultural study of English and Chinese online platform reviews: a genre-based view. Discourse and Communication, 13 (3), 342-365. doi: 10.1177/1750481319835642
Journal Article
The mediating role of moral elevation in cause-related marketing: a moral psychological perspective
Zheng, Ling, Zhu, Yunxia and Jiang, Ruochen (2017). The mediating role of moral elevation in cause-related marketing: a moral psychological perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 156 (2), 1-16. doi: 10.1007/s10551-017-3614-3
Journal Article
Developing management student cultural fluency for the real world: a situated cultural learning approach
Zhu, Yunxia, Okimoto, Tyler G., Roan, Amanda and Xu, Henry (2017). Developing management student cultural fluency for the real world: a situated cultural learning approach. Education and Training, 59 (4), 353-373. doi: 10.1108/ET-03-2016-0059
Conference Publication
Exploring the construction of 'national unity' in Malaysia: Framing analysis of texts and audiences
Ahmad Tajuddin, Siti Nor Amalina, Collie, Natalie and Zhu, Yunxia (2017). Exploring the construction of 'national unity' in Malaysia: Framing analysis of texts and audiences. International Conference on Communication and Media: An International Communication Association Regional Conference (i-COME’16), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 18-20, 2016. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences – Web of Conferences. doi: 10.1051/shsconf/20173300011
Journal Article
Practice-based wisdom theory for integrating institutional logics: a new model for social entrepreneurship learning and education
Zhu, Yunxia, Rooney, David and Phillips, Nelson (2016). Practice-based wisdom theory for integrating institutional logics: a new model for social entrepreneurship learning and education. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 15 (3), 607-625. doi: 10.5465/amle.2013.0263
Journal Article
Top executive leaders’ compassionate actions: an integrative framework of compassion incorporating a confucian perspective
Wei, Hongguo, Zhu, Yunxia and Li, Shaobing (2016). Top executive leaders’ compassionate actions: an integrative framework of compassion incorporating a confucian perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 33 (3), 767-787. doi: 10.1007/s10490-016-9463-2
Past funding
- Associate Professor Yunxia Zhu is:
- Available for supervision
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Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Multinational enterprises' information disclosure: tailoring the information to audience based on different languages
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Tao Bai
Master Philosophy
MNCs' information disclosure strategy toward the dual pressure from the host and home-country institutions
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Tao Bai
Doctor Philosophy
Chinese expatriation in emerging markets countries: The country-of-origin theory perspective
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Tao Bai
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Internationalization, Innovation and State Ownership in Emerging Market Enterprises
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Sunil Venaik
Doctor Philosophy
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Peter Liesch, Dr Alexandra Kriz
Doctor Philosophy
Through the lens of Activity Theory: understanding intercultural competence from the Persian-speaking business managers' perspectives in Australia
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Emeritus Professor Peter Renshaw
Doctor Philosophy
Framing in Strategic Communications: The Construction of 'National Unity' through Public Service Announcements (PSAs) in Malaysia
Joint Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Natalie Collie
Doctor Philosophy
Humour in customer engagement on Chinese social media - A rhetorical perspective
Joint Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
An institutional approach to understanding public relations in Chinese cultural contexts: Field and institutional work
Joint Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Teacher attribute and student motivation: The exploration of specific attributes of English teachers teaching English as a foreign language in high schools of China
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Robyn Gillies
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