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Dr Gry Boe-Hansen

Gry Boe-Hansen

+61 7 54601 857



Dr. Gry Boe-Hansen graduated with a DVM in 2001 and a PhD in Veterinary Reproduction in 2005 from The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL) Denmark. She took up a position as Assistant Professor at the department of Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics at KVL. In 2007 she was appointed at UQ as Lecturer in Veterinary Reproduction at School of Veterinary Sciences. Her overall research theme is causes of and methods to improve suboptimal reproduction in livestock. She is particularly interested in andrology, including venereal disease, with emphasis on genetic and environmental factors affecting reproduction and has published particularly in the field of sperm and semen quality, and biomarkers in relation to fertility. This has involved implementation of reliable, precise and accurate semen quality assays into conventional semen analysis, in both domestic animal semen laboratories and human clinics.


Dr Gry Boe-Hansen is:
Available for supervision


  • Masters (Coursework), unknown
  • Doctor of Philosophy, unknown


Search Professor Gry Boe-Hansen’s works on UQ eSpace

72 works between 2002 and 2024

21 - 40 of 72 works


Journal Article

Pre- and post-puberty expression of genes and proteins in the uterus of Bos indicus heifers: the luteal phase effect post-puberty

Fortes, M. R.S., Zacchi, L. F., Nguyen, L. T., Raidan, F., Weller, M. M.D.C.A., Choo, J. J.Y., Reverter, A., Rego, J. P.A., Boe-Hansen, G. B., Porto-Neto, L. R., Lehnert, S. A., Cánovas, A., Schulz, B. L., Islas-Trejo, A., Medrano, J. F., Thomas, M. G. and Moore, S. S. (2018). Pre- and post-puberty expression of genes and proteins in the uterus of Bos indicus heifers: the luteal phase effect post-puberty. Animal Genetics, 49 (6), 539-549. doi: 10.1111/age.12721

Pre- and post-puberty expression of genes and proteins in the uterus of Bos indicus heifers: the luteal phase effect post-puberty


Journal Article

Blastocyst-induced changes in the bovine endometrial transcriptome

Passaro, Claudia, Tutt, Desmond, Mathew, Daniel J., Sanchez, Jose Maria, Browne, John A., Boe-Hansen, Gry, Fair, Trudee and Lonergan, Pat (2018). Blastocyst-induced changes in the bovine endometrial transcriptome. Reproduction, 156 (3), REP-18. doi: 10.1530/REP-18-0188

Blastocyst-induced changes in the bovine endometrial transcriptome


Journal Article

Morphological defects, sperm DNA integrity, and protamination of bovine spermatozoa

Boe-Hansen, G. B., Fortes, M. R. S. and Satake, N. (2018). Morphological defects, sperm DNA integrity, and protamination of bovine spermatozoa. Andrology, 6 (4), 627-633. doi: 10.1111/andr.12486

Morphological defects, sperm DNA integrity, and protamination of bovine spermatozoa


Journal Article

Investigation of in vitro measurable sperm attributes and their influence on electroejaculated bull semen with a fixed-time artificial insemination protocol in Australian Bos indicus cattle

Satake, N, Edwards, Saa, Tutt, D, McGowan, M R and Boe-Hansen, G B (2018). Investigation of in vitro measurable sperm attributes and their influence on electroejaculated bull semen with a fixed-time artificial insemination protocol in Australian Bos indicus cattle. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 53 (2), 414-422. doi: 10.1111/rda.13121

Investigation of in vitro measurable sperm attributes and their influence on electroejaculated bull semen with a fixed-time artificial insemination protocol in Australian Bos indicus cattle


Journal Article

Review: Ontology and endocrinology of the reproductive system of bulls from fetus to maturity

McGowan, M., Holland, M. K. and Boe-Hansen, G. (2018). Review: Ontology and endocrinology of the reproductive system of bulls from fetus to maturity. Animal, 12 (s1), 1-8. doi: 10.1017/S1751731118000460

Review: Ontology and endocrinology of the reproductive system of bulls from fetus to maturity


Conference Publication

Blastocyst-induced changes in the bovine endometrial transcriptome

Passaro, Claudia , Tutt, Desmond , Browne, John A. , Boe-Hansen, Gry B. , Fair, Trudee and Lonergan, Patrick (2018). Blastocyst-induced changes in the bovine endometrial transcriptome. Society for the Study of Reproduction 51st annual meeting, New Orleans Lousiana, United States, 10-13 July 2018.

Blastocyst-induced changes in the bovine endometrial transcriptome


Conference Publication

Advances in the proteome of electroejaculated seminal plasma from tropical-adapted bulls

Satake, N. , Skovsgaard Pedersen, H. , McGowan, M. and Boe-Hansen, G. (2018). Advances in the proteome of electroejaculated seminal plasma from tropical-adapted bulls. International Bull Fertility Conference, Westport, Co Mayo, Ireland, 27 - 30 May 2018.

Advances in the proteome of electroejaculated seminal plasma from tropical-adapted bulls


Conference Publication

In-vitro sperm characteristics of electroejaculated chilled semen using different extenders in Droughtmaster bulls

Satake, Nana , Skovsgaard Pedersen, Hanne and Boe-Hansen, Gry (2018). In-vitro sperm characteristics of electroejaculated chilled semen using different extenders in Droughtmaster bulls. XIII International Symposium on Spermatology, Stockholm Sweden, 9-13 May 2018. Stockholm Sweden: ANOVA.

In-vitro sperm characteristics of electroejaculated chilled semen using different extenders in Droughtmaster bulls


Journal Article

Candidate gene expression in Bos indicus ovarian tissues: prepubertal and postpubertal heifers in diestrus

Weller, Mayara Morena Del Cambre Amaral, Fortes, Marina Rufino S., Porto-Neto, Laercio R., Kelly, Matthew, Venus, Bronwyn, Kidd, Lisa, do Rego, Joao Paolo Arcelino, Edwards, Sophia, Boe-Hansen, Gry B., Piper, Emily, Lehnert, Sigrid A., Guimarães, Simon Eliza Facioni and Moore, Stephen Stewart (2016). Candidate gene expression in Bos indicus ovarian tissues: prepubertal and postpubertal heifers in diestrus. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 3 (94) 94, 94. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2016.00094

Candidate gene expression in Bos indicus ovarian tissues: prepubertal and postpubertal heifers in diestrus


Journal Article

Transcriptome analyses identify five transcription factors differentially expressed in the hypothalamus of post-versus prepubertal Brahman heifers

Fortes, M. R. S., Nguyen, L. T., Weller, M. M. D. C. A., Canovas, A., Islas-Trejo, A., Porto-Neto, L. R., Reverter, A., Lehnert, S. A., Boe-Hansen, G. B., Thomas, M. G., Medrano, J. F. and Moore, S. S. (2016). Transcriptome analyses identify five transcription factors differentially expressed in the hypothalamus of post-versus prepubertal Brahman heifers. Journal of Animal Science, 94 (9), 3693-3702. doi: 10.2527/jas.2016-0471

Transcriptome analyses identify five transcription factors differentially expressed in the hypothalamus of post-versus prepubertal Brahman heifers


Conference Publication

Assessment of porcine sperm nuclear packaging utilizing CMA3 dual spectra flow cytometry

Satake, Nana and Boe-Hansen, Gry (2016). Assessment of porcine sperm nuclear packaging utilizing CMA3 dual spectra flow cytometry. 10th Biennial Conference of the Association for Applied Animal Andrology, Tours, France, 24-26 June 2016. AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. doi: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2016.03.028

Assessment of porcine sperm nuclear packaging utilizing CMA3 dual spectra flow cytometry


Conference Publication

Morphological defects, sperm DNA integrity and protamination of bovine spermatozoa

Boe-Hansen, Gry, Fortes, Marina and Satake, Nana (2016). Morphological defects, sperm DNA integrity and protamination of bovine spermatozoa. 10th Biennial Conference of the Association for Applied Animal Andrology, Tours, France, 24-26 June 2016. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2016.03.027

Morphological defects, sperm DNA integrity and protamination of bovine spermatozoa


Conference Publication

Semi-automatic morphometric analysis of normal boar sperm head

Syanda, A. M., Boe-Hansen, G. and Satake, N. (2016). Semi-automatic morphometric analysis of normal boar sperm head. 10th Biennial Conference of the Association for Applied Animal Andrology, Tours, France, 24-26 June 2016. AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. doi: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2016.03.045

Semi-automatic morphometric analysis of normal boar sperm head


Journal Article

Seminal plasma proteins and their relationship with percentage of morphologically normal sperm in 2-year-old Brahman (Bos indicus) bulls

Boe-Hansen G.B., Rego J.P.A., Crisp, J.M., Moura, A.A., Nouwens, A.S., Li, Y., Venus, B., Burns, B.M. and McGowan, M.R. (2015). Seminal plasma proteins and their relationship with percentage of morphologically normal sperm in 2-year-old Brahman (Bos indicus) bulls. Animal Reproduction Science, 162, 20-30. doi: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2015.09.003

Seminal plasma proteins and their relationship with percentage of morphologically normal sperm in 2-year-old Brahman (Bos indicus) bulls


Journal Article

A field investigation of a modified intravaginal progesterone releasing device and oestradiol benzoate based ovulation synchronisation protocol designed for fixed-time artificial insemination of Brahman heifers

Edwards, S. A. A., Boe-Hansen, G. B., Satake, N., Chandra, K. and McGowan, M. R. (2015). A field investigation of a modified intravaginal progesterone releasing device and oestradiol benzoate based ovulation synchronisation protocol designed for fixed-time artificial insemination of Brahman heifers. Animal Reproduction Science, 160, 105-111. doi: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2015.07.011

A field investigation of a modified intravaginal progesterone releasing device and oestradiol benzoate based ovulation synchronisation protocol designed for fixed-time artificial insemination of Brahman heifers


Journal Article

Seminal plasma protein profiles of ejaculates obtained by internal artificial vagina and electroejaculation in Brahman bulls.

Rego, J. P. A., Moura, A. A., Nouwens, A. S., McGowan, M. R. and Boe-Hansen, G. B. (2015). Seminal plasma protein profiles of ejaculates obtained by internal artificial vagina and electroejaculation in Brahman bulls.. Animal Reproduction Science, 160, 126-137. doi: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2015.07.015

Seminal plasma protein profiles of ejaculates obtained by internal artificial vagina and electroejaculation in Brahman bulls.


Journal Article

Evaluation and histological examination of a Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis small animal infection model

Koya, A., de Wet, S. C., Turner, S., Cawdell-Smith, J., Venus, B., Greer, R. M., Lew-Tabor, A. E. and Boe-Hansen, G. B. (2015). Evaluation and histological examination of a Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis small animal infection model. Research in Veterinary Science, 99, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2014.12.005

Evaluation and histological examination of a Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis small animal infection model


Journal Article

Quality assessment of boar semen by multivariate analysis of flow cytometric data

Babamoradi, Hamid, Amigo, José Manuel, van den Berg, Frans, Ronn Petersen, Morten, Satake, Nana and Boe-Hansen, Gry (2015). Quality assessment of boar semen by multivariate analysis of flow cytometric data. Chemometrics And Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 142, 219-230. doi: 10.1016/j.chemolab.2015.02.008

Quality assessment of boar semen by multivariate analysis of flow cytometric data


Journal Article

Ovarian dynamics in response to two modified intravaginal progesterone releasing device and oestradiol benzoate based ovulation synchronisation protocols designed for use in Brahman heifers

Edwards, S. A. A., Atkinson, P. C., Satake, N., Boe-Hansen, G. and McGowan, M. R. (2014). Ovarian dynamics in response to two modified intravaginal progesterone releasing device and oestradiol benzoate based ovulation synchronisation protocols designed for use in Brahman heifers. Animal Reproduction Science, 148 (1-2), 18-25. doi: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2014.05.005

Ovarian dynamics in response to two modified intravaginal progesterone releasing device and oestradiol benzoate based ovulation synchronisation protocols designed for use in Brahman heifers


Journal Article

Seminal plasma proteome of electroejaculated Bos indicus bulls

Rego, J. P. A., Crisp, J. M., Moura, A. A., Nouwens, A. S., Li, Y., Venus, B., Corbet, N. J., Corbet, D. H., Burns, B. M., Boe-Hansen, G. B. and McGowan, M. R. (2014). Seminal plasma proteome of electroejaculated Bos indicus bulls. Animal Reproduction Science, 148 (1-2), 1-17. doi: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2014.04.016

Seminal plasma proteome of electroejaculated Bos indicus bulls


Current funding

  • 2024 - 2025
    Single-shot anti-fertility vaccine in pigs
    Australia's Economic Accelerator Seed Grants
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2026
    NB2: Assessing practical interventions to reduce calf wastage and herd mortality in northern systems
    Meat & Livestock Australia
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2025
    A single-shot anti-fertility vaccine in female cattle
    Meat & Livestock Australia
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2022 - 2023
    Product development of an Australian trichomoniasis vaccine: Pilot trial
    Meat & Livestock Australia
    Open grant
  • 2017 - 2024
    Improving fertility in northern cattle through host and pathogen molecular diagnosis
    Meat & Livestock Australia
    Open grant
  • 2015 - 2018
    Pig Reproduction Trial
    UniQuest Pty Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2014
    Establishment of a core facility in reproductive technology including cell micromanipulation and stem cells to improve research capacity and benefit animal health at the Gatton campus
    UQ Major Equipment and Infrastructure
    Open grant
  • 2013 - 2015
    Heritability and role of new sperm assays
    Meat & Livestock Australia
    Open grant
  • 2012 - 2016
    Transformational genetic and breeding strategies to create a sustained and globally competitive Queensland tropical beef herd
    Queensland Government Smart Futures Research Partnerships Program
    Open grant
  • 2010
    Integrated molecular and cellular imaging facility for animal health research and consulting at UQ Gatton campus
    UQ Major Equipment and Infrastructure
    Open grant
  • 2009 - 2012
    An integrated genomics approach to improve our understanding of the biology of genital campylobacteriosis in beef cattle
    ARC Linkage Projects
    Open grant
  • 2009
    Deltavision Core deconvolution microscope
    UQ School/Centre Co-Funding
    Open grant
  • 2008 - 2010
    The effect of heat stress on sperm quality, sperm DNA integrity and heat shock proteins in Bos indicus bulls
    UQ New Staff Research Start-Up Fund
    Open grant



Dr Gry Boe-Hansen is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

Completed supervision



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