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Professor Andrew Burton-Jones

Andrew Burton-Jones

+61 7 334 68172



Andrew graduated from UQ’s Commerce program in 1998 and worked for several years in IT risk management for one of the Big-4 accounting/consulting firms. He then moved to Georgia State University in Atlanta, USA, to complete his Ph.D., followed by seven years at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, where he became a tenured Associate Professor. He returned to UQ in May 2012.

Andrew has taught information systems in undergraduate, graduate, and executive programs, in several counties. He has extensive experience teaching IT governance and control, systems analysis and design, and digital health. He undertakes research in three areas. His first area focuses on how effectively organisations use IT. For example, he has been studying the effective use of electronic health records in health authorities. His second research area focused on improving methods to analyse and design IT systems. For example, he has examined ways to improve the specification of user requirements. His third research stream focuses on improving theories and methods used by researchers in the Information Systems discipline.

He has published in and served on the editorial boards of many journals, including the Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, Information and Organization, and Academy of Management Discoveries. He has also served as Representative for the Americas for the Association of Information Systems and as International Representative for the Academy of Management (OCIS/CTO Division). He is a Fellow of the Association for Information Systems, Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences of Australia, and Editor-in-Chief of MIS Quarterly (2021-2023).


Professor Andrew Burton-Jones is:
Available for supervision


  • Bachelor (Honours) of Commerce, The University of Queensland
  • Masters (Coursework), The University of Queensland
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Georgia State University

Research impacts

My research is intended to help organisations to analyse, design, use, and govern their information systems more effectively, and to evaluate the impact of their information systems investments. Much of my work is situated in healthcare contexts, where I seek to help health services and their many stakeholders to engage effectively in the digital transformation of healthcare. For example, I have conducted extensive work evaluating the implementation of electronic medical records in Queensland hospitals and provided insights for how these systems can be improved and how such evaluations can also be conducted more effectively.


Search Professor Andrew Burton-Jones’s works on UQ eSpace

116 works between 1999 and 2024

101 - 116 of 116 works


Journal Article

Veni, vidi, vici: breaking the TAM logjam

Straub, Detmar and Burton-Jones, Andrew (2007). Veni, vidi, vici: breaking the TAM logjam. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 8 (4), 223-229.

Veni, vidi, vici: breaking the TAM logjam


Conference Publication

Informational equivalence, computational equivalence, and the evaluation of conceptual modelling

Burton-Jones, Andrew, Yand, Wand and Weber, Ron (2007). Informational equivalence, computational equivalence, and the evaluation of conceptual modelling. Annual Workshop of the AIS Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design (SIGSAND), Tulsa, OK, United States, 12-13 May 2007. Atlanta, GA, United States: Association for Information Systems.

Informational equivalence, computational equivalence, and the evaluation of conceptual modelling


Journal Article

The mediation of external variables in the technology acceptance model

Burton-Jones, Andrew and Hubona, Geoffrey S. (2006). The mediation of external variables in the technology acceptance model. Information and Management, 43 (6), 706-717. doi: 10.1016/

The mediation of external variables in the technology acceptance model


Journal Article

Reconceptualizing system usage: An approach and empirical test

Burton-Jones, Andrew and Straub, Detmar W. (2006). Reconceptualizing system usage: An approach and empirical test. Information Systems Research, 17 (3), 228-246. doi: 10.1287/isre.1060.0096

Reconceptualizing system usage: An approach and empirical test


Journal Article

Conceptualizing systems for understanding: An empirical test of decomposition principles in object-oriented analysis

Burton-Jones, Andrew and Meso, Peter N. (2006). Conceptualizing systems for understanding: An empirical test of decomposition principles in object-oriented analysis. Information Systems Research, 17 (1), 38-60. doi: 10.1287/isre.1050.0079

Conceptualizing systems for understanding: An empirical test of decomposition principles in object-oriented analysis


Journal Article

Individual differences and usage behavior: Revisiting a technology acceptance model assumption

Burton-Jones, Andrew and Hubona, Geoffrey S. (2005). Individual differences and usage behavior: Revisiting a technology acceptance model assumption. Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, 36 (2), 58-77.

Individual differences and usage behavior: Revisiting a technology acceptance model assumption


Journal Article

A semiotic metrics suite for assessing the quality of ontologies

Burton-Jones, Andrew, Storey, Veda C., Sugumaran, Vijayan and Ahluwalia, Punit (2005). A semiotic metrics suite for assessing the quality of ontologies. Data and Knowledge Engineering, 55 (1), 84-102. doi: 10.1016/j.datak.2004.11.010

A semiotic metrics suite for assessing the quality of ontologies


Conference Publication

The role of user profiles in context-aware query processing for the semantic web

Storey, Veda C., Sugumaran, Vijayan and Burton-Jones, Andrew (2004). The role of user profiles in context-aware query processing for the semantic web. 9th International Conference on the Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, Salford, United Kingdom, 23-25 June 2004. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-27779-8_5

The role of user profiles in context-aware query processing for the semantic web


Conference Publication

Minimizing method variance in measures of system usage

Burton-Jones, Andrew and Straub Jr., Detmar W. (2004). Minimizing method variance in measures of system usage. Annual Conference of the Southern Association for Information Systems (SAIS), Savannah, GA, United States, 27-28 February 2004. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL): Association for Information Systems.

Minimizing method variance in measures of system usage


Conference Publication

Assessing the effectiveness of the DAML ontologies for the semantic web

Burton-Jones, Andrew, Storey, Veda C., Sugumaran, Vijayan and Ahluwalia, Punit (2003). Assessing the effectiveness of the DAML ontologies for the semantic web. International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB), Burg, Germany, June 2003. Bonn, Germany: GI, Gesellschaft für Informatik.

Assessing the effectiveness of the DAML ontologies for the semantic web


Conference Publication

A heuristic-based methodology for semantic augmentation of user queries on the web

Burton-Jones, Andrew, Storey, Veda C., Sugumaran, Vijayan and Purao, Sandeep (2003). A heuristic-based methodology for semantic augmentation of user queries on the web. 22nd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2003), Chicago, IL, United States, 13-16 October 2003. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-39648-2_37

A heuristic-based methodology for semantic augmentation of user queries on the web


Conference Publication

Modeling the user acceptance of e-mail

Hubona, Geoffrey S. and Burton-Jones, Andrew (2003). Modeling the user acceptance of e-mail. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Waikoloa, Hawaii, 6-9 January 2003. Piscataway, NJ, United States: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/HICSS.2003.1173675

Modeling the user acceptance of e-mail


Conference Publication

Properties do not have properties: Investigating a questionable conceptual modeling practice

Burton-Jones, Andrew and Weber, Ron (2003). Properties do not have properties: Investigating a questionable conceptual modeling practice. Annual Symposium on Research in Systems Analysis and Design, Miami, FL, United States, 2003.

Properties do not have properties: Investigating a questionable conceptual modeling practice


Conference Publication

Context-aware query processing on the semantic web

Burton-Jones, Andrew, Purao, Sandeep and Storey, Veda (2002). Context-aware query processing on the semantic web. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Barcelona, Spain, 15-18 December 2002. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL): Association for Information Systems.

Context-aware query processing on the semantic web


Conference Publication

How good are these UML diagrams? An empirical test of the Wand and Weber Good Decomposition Model

Burton-Jones, Andrew and Meso, Peter (2002). How good are these UML diagrams? An empirical test of the Wand and Weber Good Decomposition Model. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Barcelona, Spain, 15-18 December 2002.

How good are these UML diagrams? An empirical test of the Wand and Weber Good Decomposition Model


Conference Publication

Understanding relationships with attributes in entity-relationship diagrams

Burton-Jones, Andrew and Weber, Ron A. (1999). Understanding relationships with attributes in entity-relationship diagrams. 20th Annual International Conference on Information Systems ICIS'99, Charlotte, North Carolina, 12-15 Dec, 1999. Atlanta, GA, USA: Association for Information Systems (ACM Digital Library).

Understanding relationships with attributes in entity-relationship diagrams


Current funding

  • 2021 - 2027
    UQ-QH HDR Alliance Program
    Queensland Health
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2026
    ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience
    ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centres
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2025
    Enhanced data extraction and modelling from electronic medical records and phenotyping for clinical care, and research: Case studies in management of medication stewardship
    Digital Health CRC
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2024
    Bringing Digital Excellence to Clinical Excellence: Leading Digital Excellence in Queensland Health
    Digital Health CRC
    Open grant
  • 2019 - 2024
    Unlocking Benefits from Digital Investments through Meaningful Use
    ARC Linkage Projects
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2023
    Digital public health to transform obesity prevention in Queensland
    UQ Knowledge Exchange & Translation Fund
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2023
    SMART Project - Towards Systematic Maturation of Analytics and System Redesign to Transform (SMART) Healthcare and Public Health Research
    Queensland Health
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2022
    Digital Hospital Evaluation
    Queensland Health
    Open grant
  • 2017 - 2020
    Understanding and Improving the Effective Use of Electronic Medical Records
    UQ Development Fellowships
    Open grant
  • 2017 - 2020
    Using electronic medical record systems effectively and aligning to a Digital Healthcare vision (ieMR Assessment Program)
    Queensland Health
    Open grant
  • 2017 - 2018
    Electronic Medical Records and a Digital Healthcare Vision: Benefits Evaluation
    Metro South Hospital and Health Service
    Open grant
  • 2016 - 2020
    Evidence-based approach to evaluating strategic transformation.
    Mater Misericordiae Public Hospital
    Open grant
  • 2016 - 2017
    Learning how to reconfigure the governance of multi-site electronic medical record projects to achieve planned and emergent benefits
    UQ Collaboration and Industry Engagement Fund - FirstLink
    Open grant
  • 2014 - 2016
    Resolving the Alignment Issue between Business and Information Technology in Organizations (ARC Discovery Project administered by QUT)
    Queensland University of Technology
    Open grant
  • 2014
    Resolving the Alignment Issue between Business and Information Technology in Organizations
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2013 - 2017
    A New Paradigm for Understanding and Improving the Effective Use of Information Systems in Organisations
    ARC Future Fellowships
    Open grant
  • 2013
    Clarifying Domain Semantics Through Improved Conceptual Modelling
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2011 - 2013
    Clarifying Domain Semantics Through Improved Conceptual Modelling (ARC Discovery Grant Administered by Monash University)
    Monash University
    Open grant



Professor Andrew Burton-Jones is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

Completed supervision



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