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Associate Professor Caroline Salom
Associate Professor

Caroline Salom

+61 7 334 67695



Associate Professor Caroline Salom is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Bachelor (Honours) of Science (Advanced), Australian National University
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland

Research interests

  • Substance use/misuse and associated problems

    Co-morbid substance use and mental health disorders Social factors impacting on substance use and mental health Youth substance misuse Drug trends Alcohol related harm Domestic & Family Violence Health systems for substance use and mental health problems Event-based substance use (e.g. Schoolies) Social and health program evaluation Social determinants of health


Search Professor Caroline Salom’s works on UQ eSpace

173 works between 1988 and 2024

101 - 120 of 173 works


Journal Article

Social drinking contexts and their influence on problematic drinking at age 30

Meque, Ivete, Betts, Kim S., Salom, Caroline L., Scott, James G., Clavarino, Alexandra, Mamun, Abdulla, Najman, Jake M. and Alati, Rosa (2019). Social drinking contexts and their influence on problematic drinking at age 30. Substance Use and Misuse, 55 (2), 1-12. doi: 10.1080/10826084.2019.1660679

Social drinking contexts and their influence on problematic drinking at age 30


Journal Article

Community based support for people at risk for suicide and those who care for them – areas for improvement

Finlayson-Short, Laura, Hetrick, Sarah, Krysinska, Karolina, Harris, Meredith, Salom, Caroline, Stefanac, Nina, Bailey, Eleanor and Robinson, Jo (2019). Community based support for people at risk for suicide and those who care for them – areas for improvement. Archives of Suicide Research, 24 (2), 1-33. doi: 10.1080/13811118.2019.1619113

Community based support for people at risk for suicide and those who care for them – areas for improvement


Journal Article

A survey of people with lived experience of suicide-related behavior in Queensland, Australia: Their experiences with available resources

Finlayson-Short, Laura, Hetrick, Sarah, Krysinska, Karolina, Harris, Meredith, Salom, Caroline, Bailey, Eleanor and Robinson, Jo (2019). A survey of people with lived experience of suicide-related behavior in Queensland, Australia: Their experiences with available resources. Crisis, 41 (1), 1-8. doi: 10.1027/0227-5910/a000602

A survey of people with lived experience of suicide-related behavior in Queensland, Australia: Their experiences with available resources


Journal Article

Predictors of alcohol use disorders among young adults: a systematic review of longitudinal studies

Meque, Ivete, Salom, Caroline, Betts, Kim S. and Alati, Rosa (2019). Predictors of alcohol use disorders among young adults: a systematic review of longitudinal studies. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 54 (3) agz020, 310-324. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agz020

Predictors of alcohol use disorders among young adults: a systematic review of longitudinal studies


Journal Article

Externalizing and internalizing symptoms in childhood and adolescence and the risk of alcohol use disorders in young adulthood: a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies

Meque, Ivete, Dachew, Berihun Assefa, Maravilla, Joemer C., Salom, Caroline and Alati, Rosa (2019). Externalizing and internalizing symptoms in childhood and adolescence and the risk of alcohol use disorders in young adulthood: a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 53 (10), 000486741984430-975. doi: 10.1177/0004867419844308

Externalizing and internalizing symptoms in childhood and adolescence and the risk of alcohol use disorders in young adulthood: a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies


Journal Article

The association between experiencing discrimination and physical and mental health among PWID

Couto e Cruz, Camila, Salom, Caroline L., Dietze, Paul, Burns, Lucinda and Alati, Rosa (2019). The association between experiencing discrimination and physical and mental health among PWID. International Journal of Drug Policy, 65, 24-30. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2018.12.010

The association between experiencing discrimination and physical and mental health among PWID


Conference Publication

Recent use of 'capsules contents unknown' among a sample of people who frequently use ecstasy and other illicit stimulants in Australia

Kelly, Georgia, Bruno, Raimondo, Gibbs, Daisy, Karlsson, Antonia, Uporova, Julia, Sutherland, Rachel, Dietze, Paul M., Salom, Caroline, Lenton, Simon, Degenhardt, Louisa, Farrell, Michael and Peacock, Amy (2019). Recent use of 'capsules contents unknown' among a sample of people who frequently use ecstasy and other illicit stimulants in Australia. APSAD 2019 Conference, Hobart, TAS, Australia, 10-13 November, 2019. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/dar.12991

Recent use of 'capsules contents unknown' among a sample of people who frequently use ecstasy and other illicit stimulants in Australia


Other Outputs

Queensland drug trends 2018: key findings from the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS) interviews

Morris, Leith and Salom, Caroline (2019). Queensland drug trends 2018: key findings from the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS) interviews. Australian Drug Trends Series Sydney, NSW, Australia: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre. doi: 10.26190/5e4dc33fcec49

Queensland drug trends 2018: key findings from the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS) interviews


Conference Publication

Trends in methamphetamine forms and routes of administration among people who regularly consume drugs in Australia

Karlsson, Antonia, Gibbs, Daisy, Kelly, Georgia, Uporova, Julia, Dietze, Paul M., Bruno, Raimondo, Lenton, Simon, Salom, Caroline, Degenhardt, Louisa, Farrell, Michael and Peacock, Amy (2019). Trends in methamphetamine forms and routes of administration among people who regularly consume drugs in Australia. APSAD 2019 Conference, Hobart, TAS, Australia, 10-13 November, 2019. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/dar.12991

Trends in methamphetamine forms and routes of administration among people who regularly consume drugs in Australia


Conference Publication

Ketamine use among people who regularly use illicit stimulants in Australia: trends and characteristics of use

Stewart, Ashleigh, Djordjevic, Filip, Cossar, Reece, Dietze, Paul M., Lenton, Simon, Bruno, Raimondo, Salom, Caroline and Peacock, Amy (2019). Ketamine use among people who regularly use illicit stimulants in Australia: trends and characteristics of use. APSAD 2019 Conference, Hobart, TAS, Australia, 10-13 November, 2019. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/dar.12991

Ketamine use among people who regularly use illicit stimulants in Australia: trends and characteristics of use


Conference Publication

Driving after using alcohol and drugs: roadside testing and risk perception among people who use drugs in Australia

Uporova, Julia, Karlsson, Antonia, Gibbs, Daisy, Kelly, Georgia, Dietze, Paul M., Bruno, Raimondo, Salom, Caroline, Lenton, Simon and Peacock, Amy (2019). Driving after using alcohol and drugs: roadside testing and risk perception among people who use drugs in Australia. APSAD 2019 Conference, Hobart, TAS, Australia, 10-13 November, 2019. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/dar.12991

Driving after using alcohol and drugs: roadside testing and risk perception among people who use drugs in Australia


Conference Publication

Dual disorders: precision medicine or precision public health?

Salom, Caroline, Betts, Kim and Alati, Rosa (2019). Dual disorders: precision medicine or precision public health?. 6th International Congress of Dual Disorders, Madrid, Spain, 19-22 June 2019. Madrid, Spain: World Association on Dual Disorders.

Dual disorders: precision medicine or precision public health?


Conference Publication

Hepatitis C virus cascade of care among people who inject drugs: a cross-sectional study of characteristics associated with HCV testing and treatment in Australia

Gibbs, Daisy, Larney, Sarah, Grebely, Jason, Butler, Kerryn, Sutherland, Rachel, Degenhardt, Louisa, Kelly, Georgia, Karlsson, Antonia, Uporova, Julia, Bruno, Raimondo, Salom, Caroline, Dietze, Paul M., Lenton, Simon, Farrell, Michael and Peacock, Amy (2019). Hepatitis C virus cascade of care among people who inject drugs: a cross-sectional study of characteristics associated with HCV testing and treatment in Australia. APSAD 2019 Conference, Hobart, TAS, Australia, 10-13 November, 2019. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/dar.12991

Hepatitis C virus cascade of care among people who inject drugs: a cross-sectional study of characteristics associated with HCV testing and treatment in Australia


Conference Publication

Influence of depression on contraceptive use among adolescents

Maravilla, Joemer Calderon, Salom, Caroline, Betts, Kim and Alati, Rosa (2019). Influence of depression on contraceptive use among adolescents. RCPCH and SAHM Adolescent Health Conference, Ascot, Windsor, United Kingdom, 18–19 September 2019. London, United Kingdom: BMJ Publishing Group. doi: 10.1136/bmjpo-2019-rcpch-sahm.1

Influence of depression on contraceptive use among adolescents


Conference Publication

Illicit drug use in Australian prisons amongst people who regularly inject drugs

Gibbs, Daisy, Larney, Sarah, Kirwan, Amy, Stoove, Mark, Stewart, Ashleigh, Karlsson, Antonia, Kelly, Georgia, Uporova, Julia, Sutherland, Rachel, Dietze, Paul M., Bruno, Raimondo, Salom, Caroline, Lenton, Simon and Peacock, Amy (2019). Illicit drug use in Australian prisons amongst people who regularly inject drugs. APSAD 2019 Conference, Hobart, TAS, Australia, 10-13 November, 2019. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/dar.12991

Illicit drug use in Australian prisons amongst people who regularly inject drugs


Other Outputs

Queensland drug trends 2018: findings from the Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS)

Morris, Leith and Salom, Caroline (2019). Queensland drug trends 2018: findings from the Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS). Australian Drug Trends Series Sydney, NSW, Australia: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre.

Queensland drug trends 2018: findings from the Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS)


Conference Publication

Drug checking and other harm reduction behaviours reported by people who use ecstasy: Findings from the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System 2019

Peacock, Amy, Bruno, Raimondo, Barratt, Monica, Sutherland, Rachel, Hughes, Caitlin, Gibbs, Daisy, Grigg, Jodie, Uporova, Julia, Karlsson, Antonia, Kelly, Georgia, Dietze, Paul M., Salom, Caroline, Lenton, Simon, Degenhardt, Louisa, Farrell, Michael and Ezard, Nadine (2019). Drug checking and other harm reduction behaviours reported by people who use ecstasy: Findings from the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System 2019. APSAD 2019 Conference, Hobart, Australia, 10–13 November 2019. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/dar.12991

Drug checking and other harm reduction behaviours reported by people who use ecstasy: Findings from the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System 2019


Other Outputs

One person, many stories: Consumer experiences of service integration and referrals in far western Queensland

Alati, Rosa, McIlwraith, Fairlie, Salom, Caroline, Maravilla, Joemer and Parsell, Cameron (2018). One person, many stories: Consumer experiences of service integration and referrals in far western Queensland. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Queensland Mental Health Commission.

One person, many stories: Consumer experiences of service integration and referrals in far western Queensland


Journal Article

Frequent experience of discrimination among people who inject drugs: links with health and wellbeing

Couto E. Cruz, Camila, Salom, Caroline L., Dietze, Paul, Lenton, Simon, Burns, Lucinda and Alati, Rosa (2018). Frequent experience of discrimination among people who inject drugs: links with health and wellbeing. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 190, 188-194. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2018.06.009

Frequent experience of discrimination among people who inject drugs: links with health and wellbeing


Journal Article

Support for people bereaved or affected by suicide and for their careers in Queensland: quality of resources and a classification framework

Krysinska, Karolina, Finlayson-Short, Laura, Hetrick, Sarah, Harris, Meredith, Salom, Caroline, Bailey, Eleanor and Robinson, Jo (2018). Support for people bereaved or affected by suicide and for their careers in Queensland: quality of resources and a classification framework. Advances in Mental Health, 17 (2), 1-18. doi: 10.1080/18387357.2018.1502614

Support for people bereaved or affected by suicide and for their careers in Queensland: quality of resources and a classification framework


Current funding

  • 2024 - 2026
    Independent Research and Evaluation of the Police Drug Diversion Program (PDDP)
    Queensland Police Service
    Open grant
  • 2024 - 2025
    Monitoring Framework and Evaluation of drug checking services
    Queensland Health
    Open grant
  • 2024 - 2025
    Evaluation of the Perinatal Mental Health and Wellbeing initiatives, and the National Perinatal Mental Health Check
    Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care
    Open grant
  • 2024 - 2027
    Navigator pilot program evaluation
    Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney-General
    Open grant
  • 2023 - 2025
    Program Evaluation Services for Fast Track Sentencing Pilot
    Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney-General
    Open grant
  • 2023 - 2025
    Drug Trends 2023 - 2025 (National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre project administered by the University of New South Wales)
    University of New South Wales
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2026
    FamilyLinQ Evaluation Framework and Plan
    Queensland Department of Education
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2024
    Evaluation Program for DES threatened Species Program
    Queensland Government Department of Environment and Science
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2023
    Review of alcohol and other drugs program
    Queensland Department of Education
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2023
    Evaluation of the VREC Pilot
    Queensland Police Service
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2024
    Informing best practice bereavement support services at Red Nose
    Red Nose Limited
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2022
    Reducing stigma in the justice system for people who use drugs: supporting safe and meaningful consumer participation
    UQ Knowledge Exchange & Translation Fund
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2023
    Evaluation of the SANE Australia pilot for people with complex mental health needs
    Commonwealth Department of Health
    Open grant
  • 2021
    DFV Specialist Health Workforce Evaluation Project
    Queensland Health
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2022
    Student equity in higher education evaluation framework
    Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program
    Open grant
  • 2021
    Student equity in higher education evaluation framework
    Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2024
    Research Partnership - Health and Wellbeing Queensland and ISSR
    Health and Wellbeing Queensland
    Open grant
  • 2019 - 2021
    Queensland Housing Strategy 2017 - 2027 Research and Evaluation Program
    Queensland Department of Housing and Public Works
    Open grant
  • 2019 - 2021
    Evaluation of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Subsidised Take Home Naloxone Pilot
    Commonwealth Department of Health
    Open grant
  • 2019 - 2023
    Drug Trends (National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre project administered by the University of New South Wales)
    University of New South Wales
    Open grant
  • 2018 - 2021
    Evaluation of the national support for child and youth mental health program and longitudinal research plan
    Commonwealth Department of Health
    Open grant
  • 2018 - 2020
    Evaluation - Recovery focused residential care
    Queensland Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women
    Open grant
  • 2018 - 2019
    Recognise, Respond, Refer: An Integrated Health Response to Domestic and Family Violence - Evaluation
    Brisbane South Primary Health Network Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2017 - 2018
    Design of an Evaluation Framework for IUIH Family Wellbeing Services
    Institute for Urban Indigenous Health
    Open grant
  • 2017 - 2019
    Drug Trends (Illicit Drug Reporting System & Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System)
    University of New South Wales
    Open grant
  • 2017 - 2018
    Service User Experiences of Service Integration and Referrals (Queensland Mental Health Commission)
    Queensland Mental Health Commission
    Open grant



Associate Professor Caroline Salom is:
Available for supervision

Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.

Available projects

  • Social, justice and educational challenges among people with mental health and/or substance use problems

    • Drug Trends – monitoring trends in substance use, harms and harm reduction and associated issues in people who regularly use illicit drugs

    • Drug Checking – systems for testing illicit drugs

    • Dual disorders – mental health issues among people who regularly use illicit drugs

    • Evaluating support systems for people with mental health and/or substance use problems

Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Exploring the relationship between methamphetamine use and undiagnosed and/or untreated attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) within the Queensland correctional population

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Natalie Thomas

Completed supervision



Contact Associate Professor Caroline Salom directly for media enquiries about:

  • alcohol
  • drugs
  • evaluation
  • illicit drugs
  • mental health
  • substance misuse

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