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Professor Paul Harpur

Paul Harpur

+61 7 336 58864



Professor Paul Harpur OAM (introductory video) aims to create a world which is more inclusive for all. He advances his vision through advancing human rights and helping universities become disability champions of change. Professor Harpur is an nationally and internationally acclaimed legal scholar, advocate and director. He is currently Affiliated with the Harvard Law School Project on Disability, and an International Distinguished Fellow with the Burton Blatt Institute, College of Law, Syracuse University, New York.

He is a former Fulbrighter, having been awarded a prestigious Fulbright Future Scholarship entitled "Universally Designed for Whom? Disability, the Law and Practice of Expanding the "Normal User".

In2021 Professor Harpur was awarded a 4 year Future Fellowship, commencing in 2022, with the Australian Research Council entitled “Normalizing Ability Diversity through Career Transitions: Disability at Work”. Professor Harpur is using his Future Fellowship to support the higher education sector to become champions of disability inclusion.

Professor Harpur is involved in higher education reforms, including serving during 2023 on the Federal Education Minister's Universities Accord Ministerial Reference Group. He also serves on the Higher Education Standards Panel (HESP), which is a statutory body under Part 9 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (Cth). The HESP is charged to advise and make recommendations to the Minister and to the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) on the Higher Education Standards Framework and to TEQSA on matters including TEQSA’ strategic objectives, corporate plan, performance against that plan, regulatory and reform agenda. From 2024 Professor Harpur serves on the Advisory Board for the Australian Centre for Student Equity and Success, formerly the National Center for Student Equity in Higher Education.

Professor Harpur is also an ambassador for the Australian Human Rights IncludeAbility Network. This network has major Australian employers who are actively seeking to champion disability inclusion. With the support of Vice-Chancellor Debbie Terry and Deputy Provost Pauline Ford the university continues as the first founding member from the higher education sector. IncludeAbility is an initiative of the Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) developed to increase meaningful employment opportunities for people with disability, and to close the gap in workforce participation between people with disability and people without disability.

In 2019 he was named a fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Professor Harpur chairs the UQ Disability Inclusion Group, which supports the university in its implementation of the UQ Disability Action Plan. He also sits on the Academic Board, the University Senate's sub-committee focusing on inclusion, and on the Senate Committee for Equity Diversity and Inclusion.

Professor Harpur has published monographs with Cambridge University Press. 'His monograph, Discrimination, Copyright and Equality: Opening the E-Book for the Print Disabled (2017), analyses the interaction between anti-discrimination and copyright laws, and his Ableism at Work, Disablement and Hierarchies of Impairment 2019, analyses disability inequalities

at work in several jurisdictions. Professor Harpur has also led a range of projects, including an International Labour Organization project assessing labour rights in the South Pacific, including a particular focus on the rights of persons with disabilities.

Professor Harpur is a TEDx Speaker, ‘Universities as Disability Champions of Change’, and has given numerous keynotes and speeches, including addressing the International Labour Organization in


Outside the law, Professor Harpur has been a professional athlete with a disability, competing in the 2000 Sydney and 2004 Athens Paralympics, the 2002 Manchester and 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games and a range of other World Titles and international competitions.

In the 2024 Australia Day Honours, Professor Harpur was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia by the Governor General of Australia (OAM). The citation for his OAM is “for service to people with disability”.

Professor Harpur is the 2022 Blind Australian of the Year.The Blind Australian of the Year Award recognises and celebrates “Blind Australians, who by example- inspire others to excellence, by action, improve Australian life.”

He received the 2021 BEL Employee Excellence Award in Research for excellence in Cross-Faculty Research.

The UQ Disability Inclusion Group, which he chairs, was recognised as Champions for Change in recognition of the tireless work they do to improve inclusion and access to higher education” by the Nationa

l Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education& Equity Practitioners in Higher Education Australasia.

In the Australian HR Awards, Excellence Awardees 2021, the University of Queensland was awarded the “BEST Workplace Diversity & Inclusion Program”.Dr Harpur is part of this large team including, Al Jury, Provost Professor Aidan Byrne, Angie Sturrock, Professor DVCR Bronwyn Harch (FTSE, FAQ), Caitlin Bennett, Celina Campas, Dr Deanne (Dee) Gibbon CSC OAM, Vice Chancellor Professor Debbie Terry, Dr Dino Willox, Elodie Tischer, Jordan Akhurst, Kriti Garg, Monika Andersen, Neena Mitter, Nicole Barton, Rob Moffatt, Tanya Lutvey, and Taylor Bamin.

The University of Queensland 2019 Excellence Award, received the Community, diversity and inclusion Award, for the team, the University of Queensland Disability Inclusion Group, chaired by Professor Harpur:

“Formed in 2017, UQ's Disability Inclusion Group (DIG) provides outstanding leadership and advocacy for students/staff with disability. The Group has delivered numerous programs and actions to dismantle physical, technological and cultural barriers impacting students and staff with disability, to enable full access to UQ life. The DIG is a unique operating model within Higher Education, in that it brings stakeholders, staff and students with disability together in a cohesive way, to champion and progress disability inclusion outcomes. The Disability Action Plan developed by DIG members in 2018 is considered 'industry leading', and is receiving considerable external interest. The DIG works across a range of area in support of inclusion, including law, academia, information technology, student and staff support, governance, property and facilities and library services.”

The University of Queensland 2019 Excellence Award, received commendation in the Community, diversity and inclusion category as an individual:

“Dr Harpur has been championing the rights of persons with disabilities from the age of 14, when a train accident caused him to become blind. The problems he had in accessing print textbooks inspired a research and advocacy agenda that has resulted in a substantial body of scholarship in Australia and internationally, and a drive to transform how UQ provides access to its students and community. His work has led to the formation of a UQ-wide body monitoring and coordinating disability inclusion, which he now chairs, and progress in how various other groups across the University manage disability digital inclusion.”

Professor Harpur was recognised to receive a 2019 Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning, as part of the Australian Award for University Teaching (AAUT) program.Professor Harpur’s citation is“for outstanding leadership in translating disability strategy into a vision of ability equality and core university business.”.

of Queensland for the 2019 Australian Awards for University Teaching. These Universities Australia awards celebrate and reward excellence in university teaching.

Professor Harpur is often in the media and engaged with public discourse. See for example the Federal Education Minister, the Hon Jason Clare speaking on the life of Professor Harpur during the Minister’s speech at the Australian Parliament House at the Australian-American Fulbright Commission Gala Presentation Dinner 2022.

Professor Harpur's publications and speeches can be found on his Google Scholar page. Further information can be found on his Linkedin page.


Professor Paul Harpur is:
Not available for supervision
Media expert


  • Bachelor of Law, Queensland University of Technology
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice, Queensland University of Technology
  • Masters (Coursework) of Law, Queensland University of Technology
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Queensland University of Technology

Research interests

  • International and Comparative Disability Law

    I have 4 major projects extending over the next few years around the topics of: 1. Ablism at Work and Hierarchies of Impairments 2. The Relevance of International Disability Human Rights Laws to the Developing World 3. Universally Designed for Whom? Disability, the Law and Practice of Expanding the “Normal” User 4. Equality and Disability Assistance Animals

  • Labour and Work Health and Safety Laws


Search Professor Paul Harpur’s works on UQ eSpace

195 works between 2003 and 2024

61 - 80 of 195 works


Conference Publication

When should organisations consider a targeted recruitment strategy and how can they use this strategy to not only recruit but also progress people with disability in the workplace?

Harpur, Paul (2022). When should organisations consider a targeted recruitment strategy and how can they use this strategy to not only recruit but also progress people with disability in the workplace?. IncludeAbility Employer Network Meeting, Online, 25 August. Australian Human Rights Commission.

When should organisations consider a targeted recruitment strategy and how can they use this strategy to not only recruit but also progress people with disability in the workplace?


Conference Publication

From disablement to empowerment: universities are the key to realizing ability equality in society

Harpur, Paul (2022). From disablement to empowerment: universities are the key to realizing ability equality in society. BEL Researchers session - UQ ChangeMakers Global Alumni Volunteer Symposium, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 3 August 2022.

From disablement to empowerment: universities are the key to realizing ability equality in society


Conference Publication

Ensuring equal access to all levels of education for persons with disabilities: advancing the SDGS with the support of the CRPD and Marrakesh Treaty

Harpur, Paul and Stein, Michael Ashley (2022). Ensuring equal access to all levels of education for persons with disabilities: advancing the SDGS with the support of the CRPD and Marrakesh Treaty. IP And Sustainable Development Companion - Asia-Pacific Workshop, Online, 15 July 2022.

Ensuring equal access to all levels of education for persons with disabilities: advancing the SDGS with the support of the CRPD and Marrakesh Treaty


Journal Article

Exploring constraints in business travel for disabled workers: an ecological systems perspective

Karl, Marion, Pegg, Shane and Harpur, Paul (2022). Exploring constraints in business travel for disabled workers: an ecological systems perspective. Disability and Society, 39 (3), 767-790. doi: 10.1080/09687599.2022.2088333

Exploring constraints in business travel for disabled workers: an ecological systems perspective


Conference Publication

IncludeAbility: ICTs and meaningful employment for people with disability

Gauntlett, Ben, Fischer, Trudi, Carroll, Sharon, Silanesu, Emmanuele, Speldewinde, Steven and Harpur, Paul (2022). IncludeAbility: ICTs and meaningful employment for people with disability. World Summit on the Information Society Forum 2022: ICTs for Well-Being, Inclusion and Resilience, Online, 15 March - 3 June. Online: UNESCO.

IncludeAbility: ICTs and meaningful employment for people with disability


Conference Publication

Nothing about us unless it is led by us: Academics with Disabilities Driving Higher Education Reforms

Harpur, Paul and Szucs, Brooke (2022). Nothing about us unless it is led by us: Academics with Disabilities Driving Higher Education Reforms. Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality & Anti-Discrimination Law Disability Rights Working Group Conference, Online, 5-6 May.

Nothing about us unless it is led by us: Academics with Disabilities Driving Higher Education Reforms


Conference Publication

States developing national level programming on access

Harpur, Paul (2022). States developing national level programming on access. Disability Law and Policy, DPI 515, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, March 8.

States developing national level programming on access


Conference Publication

Celebrating International Women's Day at UQ

Harpur, Paul, Pachana, Nancy, Fitzsimmons, Terrance, French, Flic, Bunda, Tracey and Mitter, Neena (2022). Celebrating International Women's Day at UQ. International Women's Day 2022, University of Queensland, March 8.

Celebrating International Women's Day at UQ


Other Outputs

Intersectionality and why in 2022 inclusion must allow for multiple identities

Harpur, Paul , Willox, Dino and Szucs, Brooke (2022, 02 24). Intersectionality and why in 2022 inclusion must allow for multiple identities THE Campus

Intersectionality and why in 2022 inclusion must allow for multiple identities


Journal Article

Where are the leaders with a disability in higher education?

Harpur, Paul and Szücs, Brooke (2022, 02 22). Where are the leaders with a disability in higher education? THE Campus

Where are the leaders with a disability in higher education?


Journal Article

Workplace health surveillance and COVID-19: algorithmic health discrimination and cancer survivors

Harpur, Paul, Hyseni, Fitore and Blanck, Peter (2022). Workplace health surveillance and COVID-19: algorithmic health discrimination and cancer survivors. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 16 (1), 200-212. doi: 10.1007/s11764-021-01144-1

Workplace health surveillance and COVID-19: algorithmic health discrimination and cancer survivors


Conference Publication

Leadership and participation of persons with disabilities toward an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-COVID-19 world

Harpur, Paul (2021). Leadership and participation of persons with disabilities toward an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-COVID-19 world. International Day for People with Disabilities, Online, 3 December 2021.

Leadership and participation of persons with disabilities toward an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-COVID-19 world


Conference Publication

On track to create a more disabiity inclusive state: universities, industry, and government

Harpur, Paul (2021). On track to create a more disabiity inclusive state: universities, industry, and government. International Day of People with Disabilities, Brisbane, Queensland, December 3. Queensland Department of the Premier and Cabinet.

On track to create a more disabiity inclusive state: universities, industry, and government


Conference Publication


Harpur, Paul (2021). Keynote. Disability Inclusion in the Legal Profession, Brisbane, Queensland, 2 December. Herbert Smith Freehills.



Conference Publication

Access to new technology as an enabling right for people with disability

Harpur, Paul (2021). Access to new technology as an enabling right for people with disability. Queensland Government Human Rights Policy and Legislation Fourm, Brisbane, Queensland, 19 November.

Access to new technology as an enabling right for people with disability


Other Outputs

ADM+S submission to report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities on Artificial Intelligence and the rights of persons with disabilities

Coco, Brooke, Harpur, Paul, Henman, Paul, Obeid, Abdul, Radke, Amelia, Scully, Jackie Leach, Sleep, Lyndal, Snoswell, Aaron, Soldatic, Karen and van Toorn, Georgia (2021). ADM+S submission to report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities on Artificial Intelligence and the rights of persons with disabilities. Geneva, Switzerland: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights .

ADM+S submission to report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities on Artificial Intelligence and the rights of persons with disabilities


Conference Publication

Making universities ready for everyone - universal design

Harpur, Paul (2021). Making universities ready for everyone - universal design. University of Queensland BEL Workshop: Practices and strategies that enhance inclusive learning experiences, University of Queensland, 4 November.

Making universities ready for everyone - universal design


Conference Publication

The participatory dynamic animates the CRPD: nothing about us unless it is led by us

Harpur, Paul (2021). The participatory dynamic animates the CRPD: nothing about us unless it is led by us. Australian Social Policy Conference (ASPC), Online, October 25 - November 5.

The participatory dynamic animates the CRPD: nothing about us unless it is led by us


Conference Publication

Inclusion panel discussion: inclusive teaching and learning practices, and the impact of intersectionality

Willox, Dino, Langton, Marcia, Kavanagh, Lydia, Bunda, Tracey, Harpur, Paul, Dianati, Seb and Blanch, Elias (2021). Inclusion panel discussion: inclusive teaching and learning practices, and the impact of intersectionality. Teaching and Learning Week, University of Queensland, November 1-5.

Inclusion panel discussion: inclusive teaching and learning practices, and the impact of intersectionality


Other Outputs

Stand-alone contribution for the United Nations Special Rapporteur's HRC49 Artificial Intelligence Report

Harpur, Paul and Blanck, Peter (2021). Stand-alone contribution for the United Nations Special Rapporteur's HRC49 Artificial Intelligence Report.

Stand-alone contribution for the United Nations Special Rapporteur's HRC49 Artificial Intelligence Report


Current funding

  • 2022 - 2025
    Normalising Ability Diversity through Career Transitions:Disability at Work
    ARC Future Fellowships
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2021
    Young people with cognitive disability transitioning to adulthood: experiences of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation
    The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (referred to as the Disability Royal Commission)
    Open grant
  • 2021
    The Unsettling of Old Norms by a New World of COVID-19 Public Health Surveillance
    Just Tech Covid-19 Rapid Response Grants
    Open grant
  • 2019
    NDIS Commission's Worker Screening Literature Review and Evaluation Framework
    NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
    Open grant
  • 2015
    Multi-national enterprises (MNE) in Fiji
    International Labour Organisation
    Open grant
  • 2013
    Is the Regulation of Technologies Enabling or Disabling? Realising the Potential for EBooks to Transform the Lives of Persons with Print Disabilities
    UQ New Staff Research Start-Up Fund
    Open grant
  • 2011 - 2014
    From ratification to implementation: The disability human rights paradigm and the right to work in the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities
    UQ Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
    Open grant



Professor Paul Harpur is:
Not available for supervision

Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Proposed PhD - Disability within the judiciary: An analysis of the barriers for lawyers with visual disabilities to be appointed to the judicial branch of government in New Zealand and Australia.

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Graeme Orr

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Normalising Ability Diversity through Career Transitions: Disability at Work

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Kathy Ellem

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Two steps forward, one step back - the benefits and challenges of service dogs

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Martie-Louise Verreynne, Professor Nancy Pachana

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Language rights and minority language publishing in Australia.

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Samantha Disbray, Associate Professor Pradip Thomas

Completed supervision



Contact Professor Paul Harpur directly for media enquiries about:

  • Anti-discrimination
  • Assistance animals
  • copyright law
  • Corporate law
  • corporate social responsibility
  • digital equality and rights to access information
  • Disability discrimination
  • Disability law and policy
  • employment law
  • Human rights law
  • industrial relations
  • international human and civil rights
  • Labour law
  • UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
  • work health and safety laws

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