Stephen is a physiologist with expertise in endocrinology and student learning. His research examines the hormonal control of growth, metabolism, appetite, and reproduction - unravelling how hormones regulate physiological mechanisms in healthy individuals versus dysfunction that occurs in disease states. Stephen is also interested in metacognition of learning, self-regulation of learning, and lifelong learning. He is currently investigating how students develop capabilities during their undergraduate studies to support their future professional roles.
Stephen held the position of Director of Teaching and Learning in the School of Biomedical Sciences at UQ from 2019 to 2024, and holds Graduate Certificates in Higher Education (University of Queensland, 2013) and Tertiary Education Management (University of Melbourne, 2023). In 2020 he was awarded Academic Leader of the Year in the UQ Faculty of Medicine. Stephen has taught physiology to about 40,000 UQ students across science, biomedical science, animal and veterinary sciences, health science, exercise science, human movement and nutrition science, dentistry, pharmacy, speech pathology, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and medical doctor programs.
- Associate Professor Stephen Anderson is:
- Available for supervision
Fields of research
- Bachelor (Honours) of Agriculture, University of Sydney
- Doctor of Philosophy, University of New England Australia
- Graduate Certificate in Higher Education, The University of Queensland
- Graduate Certificate of Tertiary Education Management, University of Melbourne
Research interests
Bone Mineral Metabolism
The physiology of phosphorus and calcium metabolism during pregnancy and lactation is intriguing. Maternal bone stores are often drawn upon to supplement dietary intake to meet the high mineral demand of a rapidly growing foetus before birth and during lactation in the postpartum period. Replenishment of maternal bone stores are necessary for future reproductive success. With adequate nutrition such bone mineral replacement will occur in the annual breeding cycles of many animals. However in animals grazing native grasslands, such as those found in Northern Australia, phosphorus deficiency is a major challenge. Our research seeks to extend our knowledge in applied physiology and nutrition to aid practical management of phosphorus deficiency in Australian cattle.
Dealing with complexity.
Learning in the 21st century is about developing a highly valuable skill set for the future. Beyond specific subject knowledge, 21st century skills are often defined as ways of thinking, ways of working, and ways of living. Our research focus is on "ways of thinking" which includes creativity and innovation, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, learning to learn, and metacognition. It is about helping students develop the capability to be responsive and adaptive. Stephen's research specifically investigates how students comprehend and deal with complexity, seeking to better support pre-clinical biomedical and allied health students develop such capability for future career success.
Research impacts
Stephen was scientific consultant for National Geo documentary series "Moody Beasts" produced by Wildbear Entertainment, a quirky look at how hormones drive animals wild.
A report to Meat and Livestock Australia on our research project "Improved management of cattle phosphorus status through applied physiology" can be viewed here. Our research formed the basis of an evidence based approach for cattle producers to assess and manage the risk of P deficiency in cattle - see the new MLA phosphorus hub here.
Search Professor Stephen Anderson’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Stress and strain: differentiating the responses to high and moderate heat loads and subsequent recovery in grain-fed feedlot steers—metabolic hormones
Wijffels, Gene, Sullivan, Megan L., Stockwell, Sally, Briscoe, Suzie, Pearson, Roger, Anderson, Stephen T., Li, Yutao, de Melo Costa, Cintia C., McCulloch, Russell and Gaughan, John B. (2025). Stress and strain: differentiating the responses to high and moderate heat loads and subsequent recovery in grain-fed feedlot steers—metabolic hormones. Animals, 15 (2) 251, 1-23. doi: 10.3390/ani15020251
Journal Article
Mobilisation and replenishment of phosphorus reserves in Bos indicus cows. 2. Mature lactating cows fed diets deficient or adequate in phosphorus
Dixon, R. M., Benvenutti, M. A., Goodwin, K. L., Anderson, S. T., Mayer, R. J., Isherwood, P., Kidd, L. J. and Fletcher, M. T. (2025). Mobilisation and replenishment of phosphorus reserves in Bos indicus cows. 2. Mature lactating cows fed diets deficient or adequate in phosphorus. Animal Production Science, 65 (2), 1-21. doi: 10.1071/an24216
Journal Article
Mobilisation and replenishment of phosphorus reserves in Bos indicus cows. 1. Mid-pregnant mature cows post-weaning
Dixon, R. M., Castells, L., Goodwin, K. L., Kidd, L. J., Anderson, S. T., Mayer, R. J., Isherwood, P., McNeill, D. M. and Fletcher, M. T. (2024). Mobilisation and replenishment of phosphorus reserves in Bos indicus cows. 1. Mid-pregnant mature cows post-weaning. Animal Production Science, 64 (18). doi: 10.1071/an24213
Conference Publication
Investigating how biomedical science students understand complexity
Anderson, S.T. and Colthorpe, K. (2024). Investigating how biomedical science students understand complexity. 4th International Conference on Science and Technology Education 2024 (STE 2024), Porto, Portugal, 3-4 October 2024. Quântica Editora.
Conference Publication
Dealing with complexity: a key capability for biomedical and health science students
Anderson, Stephen and Colthorpe, Kay (2024). Dealing with complexity: a key capability for biomedical and health science students. International Conference of Physiological Sciences, Qingdao, China, 22-25 August 2024. Chinese Association for Physiological Sciences.
Conference Publication
Advancing scientific skills and capabilities in undergraduate physiology courses by combining inquiry-based laboratory practicals with meta-learning assessment tasks
Anderson, S. T., Kibedi, J. and Colthorpe, K.L. (2024). Advancing scientific skills and capabilities in undergraduate physiology courses by combining inquiry-based laboratory practicals with meta-learning assessment tasks. International Conference of Physiological Sciences, Qingdao, China, 22-25 August 2024. Chinese Association for Physiological Sciences.
Journal Article
Frequency of diabetic remission, predictors of remission and survival in cats using a low-cost, moderate-intensity, home-monitoring protocol and twice-daily glargine
Gottlieb, Susan, Rand, Jacquie S. and Anderson, Stephen T. (2024). Frequency of diabetic remission, predictors of remission and survival in cats using a low-cost, moderate-intensity, home-monitoring protocol and twice-daily glargine. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 26 (4) 1098612X241232546, 1-12. doi: 10.1177/1098612x241232546
Journal Article
Differential voluntary feed intake and whole transcriptome profiling in the hypothalamus of young sheep offered crude protein and phosphorus deficient diets
Innes, D. J., Hudson, N. J., Anderson, S. T., Poppi, D. P. and Quigley, S. P. (2023). Differential voluntary feed intake and whole transcriptome profiling in the hypothalamus of young sheep offered crude protein and phosphorus deficient diets. Animal, 17 (10) 100973, 100973. doi: 10.1016/j.animal.2023.100973
Journal Article
Investigating dog welfare when interacting with autistic children within canine-assisted occupational therapy sessions: a single case study
Hill, Jessica, Driscoll, Carlie, Cawdell-Smith, Judy, Anderson, Stephen and Ziviani, Jenny (2023). Investigating dog welfare when interacting with autistic children within canine-assisted occupational therapy sessions: a single case study. Animals, 13 (12) 1965, 1-15. doi: 10.3390/ani13121965
Journal Article
Comparing the responses of grain fed feedlot cattle under moderate heat load and during subsequent recovery with those of feed restricted thermoneutral counterparts: metabolic hormones
Wijffels, G., Sullivan, M. L., Stockwell, S., Briscoe, S., Anderson, S. T., Li, Y., de Melo Costa, C. C., McCulloch, R., Olm, J. C. W., Cawdell-Smith, J. and Gaughan, J. B. (2023). Comparing the responses of grain fed feedlot cattle under moderate heat load and during subsequent recovery with those of feed restricted thermoneutral counterparts: metabolic hormones. International Journal of Biometeorology, 67 (5), 1-15. doi: 10.1007/s00484-023-02464-w
Conference Publication
Learning gains of students in differing delivery modes of physiology laboratory classes
Colthorpe, Kay, Lim, Yit Chiun, Ainscough, Louise and Anderson, Stephen Todd (2022). Learning gains of students in differing delivery modes of physiology laboratory classes. Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education, Perth, WA Australia, 28-30 September 2022. Camperdown, NSW Australia: The University of Sydney.
Journal Article
Measures of insulin sensitivity, leptin, and adiponectin concentrations in cats in diabetic remission compared to healthy control cats
Gottlieb, Susan, Rand, Jacquie S., Ishioka, Katsumi, Dias, Daniel A., Boughton, Berin A., Roessner, Ute, Ramadan, Ziad and Anderson, Stephen T. (2022). Measures of insulin sensitivity, leptin, and adiponectin concentrations in cats in diabetic remission compared to healthy control cats. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9 905929, 905929. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2022.905929
Journal Article
Growth and reproductive performance responses to post-weaning supplementation of early and normally-weaned Brahman crossbred heifers raised in tropical rangelands
Silva, Tiago A. C. C., Quigley, Simon P., Kidd, Lisa J., Anderson, Stephen T., McLennan, Stuart R., Schatz, Timothy J., McCosker, Kieren D. and Poppi, Dennis P. (2022). Growth and reproductive performance responses to post-weaning supplementation of early and normally-weaned Brahman crossbred heifers raised in tropical rangelands. PLoS One, 17 (2) e0263786, e0263786. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0263786
Journal Article
Hepatic homeostasis of metal ions following acute repeated stress exposure in rats
Spiers, Jereme G., Tan, Li Si, Anderson, Stephen T., Hill, Andrew F., Lavidis, Nickolas A. and Chen, Hsiao-Jou Cortina (2022). Hepatic homeostasis of metal ions following acute repeated stress exposure in rats. Antioxidants, 11 (1) 85, 1-16. doi: 10.3390/antiox11010085
Conference Publication
Essential oils in maternal feeds improve performance, reduce salivary cortisol and increase plasma ghrelin in pigs after weaning
Castro, C., Palou, R., Anderson, S.T. and Roura, E. (2021). Essential oils in maternal feeds improve performance, reduce salivary cortisol and increase plasma ghrelin in pigs after weaning. Manipulating Pig Production XVIII - Eighteenth Biennial Conference of theAustralasian Pig Science Association (APSA), Brisbane, QLD Australia, 15-18 November 2021. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.anscip.2021.09.115
Journal Article
Effect of a high crude protein content diet during energy restriction and re-alimentation on animal performance, skeletal growth and metabolism of bone tissue in two genotypes of cattle
Silva, Tiago A. C. C., Quigley, Simon P., Kidd, Lisa J., Anderson, Stephen T., McLennan, Stuart R. and Poppi, Dennis P. (2021). Effect of a high crude protein content diet during energy restriction and re-alimentation on animal performance, skeletal growth and metabolism of bone tissue in two genotypes of cattle. PLoS One, 16 (2) e0247718, e0247718. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0247718
Conference Publication
Feed intake is regulated by metabolic mechanisms in young wethers fed diets deficient in crude protein and phosphorus
Innes, D. J., Hudson N. J., Anderson, S. T., Poppi, D. P. and Quigley, S. P. (2021). Feed intake is regulated by metabolic mechanisms in young wethers fed diets deficient in crude protein and phosphorus. 33rd Biennial Conference of the Australian Association of Animal Sciences, Fremantle, WA Australia, 1-3 Febraury 2021. Orange, NSW Australia: Australian Association of Animal Sciences.
Journal Article
Effects of insulin on IGF-1 receptors in equine lamellar tissue in vitro
Rahnama, S., Spence, R., Vathsangam, N., Baskerville, C. L., Bailey, S. R., de Laat, M. A., Anderson, S. T., Pollitt, C. C. and Sillence, M. N. (2021). Effects of insulin on IGF-1 receptors in equine lamellar tissue in vitro. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 74 106530, 106530. doi: 10.1016/j.domaniend.2020.106530
Journal Article
Identification of monoclonal antibodies suitable for blocking IGF-1 receptors in the horse
Rahnama, S., Vathsangam, N., Spence, R., Anderson, S. T., de Laat, M. A., Bailey, S. and Sillence, M. N. (2021). Identification of monoclonal antibodies suitable for blocking IGF-1 receptors in the horse. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 74 106510, 106510. doi: 10.1016/j.domaniend.2020.106510
Journal Article
Repeated acute stress modulates hepatic inflammation and markers of macrophage polarisation in the rat
Spiers, Jereme G., Steiger, Natasha, Khadka, Arun, Juliani, Juliani, Hill, Andrew F., Lavidis, Nickolas A., Anderson, Stephen T. and Cortina Chen, Hsiao-Jou (2021). Repeated acute stress modulates hepatic inflammation and markers of macrophage polarisation in the rat. Biochimie, 180, 30-42. doi: 10.1016/j.biochi.2020.10.014
Current funding
- Associate Professor Stephen Anderson is:
- Available for supervision
Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.
Available projects
Dealing with complexity: a key capability for university students.
This is an educational research project in biomedical sciences. It is available as either an Honours, MPhil, or PhD project.
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Diabetic Cats in Remission
Associate Advisor
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Intake regulation in ruminants consuming nutrient deficient diets
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Nick Hudson
Master Philosophy
Salivary and skin biomarkers relevant to perinatal conditioning in pigs
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Eugeni Roura, Dr Marta Navarro
Doctor Philosophy
Skeletal growth in cattle in response to nutritional and hormonal manipulation
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Screening for prediabetes in senior cats and metabolomic characteristics of obesity and Burmese cats
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Post-partum Anoestrus in Bali Cattle under Low-input Animal Production Systems in Eastern Indonesia
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Biological Responses of Feedlot Cattle to Heat Load
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor John Gaughan
Master Philosophy
Insulin resistance in pregnant mares:the influence of body condition
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
New insights into the Reproductive Physiology and Management of the Female Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus): Factors affecting the control of the oestrous cycle
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Steve Johnston
Master Philosophy
Refining a 'toolkit' for objective assessment of pain and stress in ruminants
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Rachel Allavena
Doctor Philosophy
Fatty Liver Haemorrhagic Syndrome in Laying Hens: Field and Experimental Investigations
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Glucose and Insulin Dynamics of Mares During Pregnancy and Lactation and of Growing Foals
Associate Advisor
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