2019 Book Chapter Collaborative, scenario-based, open-ended, problem-solving tasks in chemistryLawrie, Gwen, Matthews, K. E. and Gahan, Lawrie (2019). Collaborative, scenario-based, open-ended, problem-solving tasks in chemistry. Teaching chemistry in higher education: a festschrift in honour of Professor Tina Overton. (pp. 105-122) edited by Michael K. Seery and Claire McDonnell. Dublin, Ireland: Creathach Press. |
2019 Book Chapter AfterwordMarquis, Beth, Healey, Mick and Matthews, Kelly E. (2019). Afterword. Pedagogical partnerships: a how-to guide for faculty, students, and academic developers in higher education. (pp. 279-281) Elon, NC, United States: Elon University Center for Engaged Learning. doi: 10.36284/celelon.oa1 |
2018 Journal Article What we talk about when we talk about students as partnersCook-Sather, Alison, Matthews, Kelly E., Ntem, Anita and Leathwick, Sandra (2018). What we talk about when we talk about students as partners. International Journal for Students as Partners, 2 (2), 1-9. doi: 10.15173/ijsap.v2i2.3790 |
2018 Journal Article Enhancing outcomes and reducing inhibitors to the engagement of students and staff in learning and teaching partnerships: implications for academic developmentMatthews, Kelly E., Mercer-Mapstone, Lucy, Dvorakova, Sam Lucie, Acai, Anita, Cook-Sather, Alison, Felten, Peter, Healey, Mick, Healey, Ruth L. and Marquis, Elizabeth (2018). Enhancing outcomes and reducing inhibitors to the engagement of students and staff in learning and teaching partnerships: implications for academic development. International Journal for Academic Development, 24 (3), 1-14. doi: 10.1080/1360144x.2018.1545233 |
2018 Journal Article Engaging students as participants and partners: an argument for partnership with students in higher education research on student successMatthews, Kelly E. (2018). Engaging students as participants and partners: an argument for partnership with students in higher education research on student success. International Journal of Chinese Education, 7 (1), 42-64. doi: 10.1163/22125868-12340089 |
2018 Journal Article Frontier perspectives and insights into higher education student successCoates, Hamish and Matthews, Kelly E. (2018). Frontier perspectives and insights into higher education student success. Higher Education Research and Development, 37 (5), 903-907. doi: 10.1080/07294360.2018.1474539 |
2018 Journal Article It is a complicated thing: leaders’ conceptions of students as partners in the neoliberal universityMatthews, Kelly E., Dwyer, Alexander, Russell, Stuart and Enright, Eimear (2018). It is a complicated thing: leaders’ conceptions of students as partners in the neoliberal university. Studies in Higher Education, 44 (12), 1-12. doi: 10.1080/03075079.2018.1482268 |
2018 Other Outputs Stop treating students like customers and start working with them as partners in learningMatthews, Kelly (2018, 04 13). Stop treating students like customers and start working with them as partners in learning The Conversation |
2018 Journal Article Conceptions of students as partnersMatthews, Kelly E., Dwyer, Alexander, Hine, Lorelei and Turner, Jarred (2018). Conceptions of students as partners. Higher Education, 76 (6), 1-15. doi: 10.1007/s10734-018-0257-y |
2018 Journal Article Growing partnership communities: what experiences of an international institute suggest about developing student-staff partnership in higher educationMarquis, Elizabeth, Guitman, Rachel, Black, Christine, Healey, Mick, Matthews, Kelly and Dvorakova, Lucie Sam (2018). Growing partnership communities: what experiences of an international institute suggest about developing student-staff partnership in higher education. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 56 (2), 1-11. doi: 10.1080/14703297.2018.1424012 |
2018 Book Chapter Connecting learning, teaching, and research through student–staff partnerships: Toward universities as egalitarian learning communitiesMatthews, Kelly E., Cook-Sather, Alison and Healey, Mick (2018). Connecting learning, teaching, and research through student–staff partnerships: Toward universities as egalitarian learning communities. Shaping higher education with students: Ways to connect research and teaching. (pp. 23-29) edited by Tong, Vincent C. H., Standen, Alex and Sotiriou, Mina. London, United Kingdom: UCL Press. doi: 10.2307/j.ctt21c4tcm.7 |
2018 Other Outputs An Analysis of Interpretive Framing in Literature on Students as Partners in Teaching and Learning: Data TablesMatthews, Kelly E., Cook-Sather, Alison, Acai, Anita, Dvorakova, Sam Lucie, Felten, Peter, Marquis, Elizabeth and Mercer-Mapstone, Lucy (2018). An Analysis of Interpretive Framing in Literature on Students as Partners in Teaching and Learning: Data Tables. University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/uql.2018.519 |
2018 Conference Publication Writing for publication in the scholarship of teaching and learningHealey, Mick, Matthews, Kelly E., Cook-Sather, Alison and Healey, Ruth (2018). Writing for publication in the scholarship of teaching and learning. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Bergen, Norway, 24-27 October 2018. |
2018 Journal Article On the use of history of mathematics: an introduction to Galileo's study of free fall motionPonce Campuzano, Juan Carlos, Matthews, Kelly E. and Adams, Peter (2018). On the use of history of mathematics: an introduction to Galileo's study of free fall motion. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 49 (4), 517-529. doi: 10.1080/0020739X.2017.1377301 |
2018 Other Outputs The Higher Education Learning Framework: an evidence-informed model for university learningCarroll, Annemaree, Lodge, Jason M., Bagraith, Rupert, Nugent, Annita, Matthews, Kelly and Sah, Pankaj (2018). The Higher Education Learning Framework: an evidence-informed model for university learning. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland. |
2018 Other Outputs “Commitment to Collaboration”: What Students Have to Say About the Values Underpinning Partnership Practices: Dataset.Lou, Benjamin, Matthews, Kelly and Chunduri, Prasad G. (2018). “Commitment to Collaboration”: What Students Have to Say About the Values Underpinning Partnership Practices: Dataset.. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/uql.2018.527 |
2018 Conference Publication Values that matter to students in Students as PartnersChunduri, Prasad, Luo, Benjamin and Matthews, Kelly E (2018). Values that matter to students in Students as Partners. STARS Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 8-11 July 2018. |
2018 Edited Outputs National Students as Partners Roundtable ProgramEimear Enright, Kelly E. Matthews, Stuart Russell and Catherine Sherwood eds. (2018). National Students as Partners Roundtable Program. 4th Annual Australian National Students as Partners Roundtable, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 2 October 2018. Brisbane, Australia: University of Queensland. |
2018 Conference Publication Doing ‘Students as Partners’ is not enough: the role of theory in our partnership practicesMatthews, Kelly E. (2018). Doing ‘Students as Partners’ is not enough: the role of theory in our partnership practices. ISSOTL18: Toward a learning culture, Bergen, Norway, 24-27 October 2018. Bergen, Norway: International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. |
2018 Book Higher education learning framework: an evidence informed model for university learningNugent, Annita, Lodge, Jason, Carroll, Annemaree, Bagraith, Rupert, MacMahon, Stephanie, Matthews, Kelly E. and Sah, Pankaj (2018). Higher education learning framework: an evidence informed model for university learning. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/348c85f |