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Professor Bill Vicenzino

Bill Vicenzino

+61 7 336 52781



I am a Professor in Sports Physiotherapy in the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences where I am the Director of the Master of Physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapy Majors) and co-Director of the Sports Injury Rehabilitation and Prevention for Health Research unit. My research is mainly focussed on non-surgical management of persistent musculoskeletal problems like tendon related pain/disability (tendinopathy) and knee cap pain (patellofemoral pain). I also delve into the underlying mechanisms of these conditions and other common sporting injuries (e.g., ankle sprains) – a leading cause of ankle osteoarthritis.

Since gaining my PhD in 2000, I have been awarded over $30million in competitive research funding as a chief investigator to study these conditions – 5 NHMRC project grants, 2 NHMRC CRE, 2 NHMRC program grants, 2 NHMRC MRFF grants and an ARC Linkage grant. I have also conducted over half a million dollars of commercially sponsored research.

I have authored 2 books, 26 book chapters and over 382 peer reviewed publications (h-index 68). My top tendinopathy papers are cited over 10 times more than average for the field – most are published in the top sports/general medicine and physiotherapy journals . I have 2 highly cited papers – in the top 1% of the academic field of Clinical Medicine 2022. I have presented my work world wide in over 300 workshops, seminars and keynote presentations.

I enjoy my role in mentoring early/mid career academics and supervising researh higher degree students – having supervised 40 PhD and 2 MPhil candidates to completion. In this capacity I lead the physiotherapy research higher degree seminar series where our students engage in presenting their work and hearing from top international researchers on a range of relevant topics. One reason why my work was recently recognised by the school award for research mentoring.


Professor Bill Vicenzino is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Bachelor, The University of Queensland
  • Postgraduate Diploma, Curtin University of Technology
  • Masters (Research) of Science, Curtin University of Technology
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland

Research impacts

I am internationally recognised as a leading researcher in tendinopathy and patellfemoral pain. I am ranked in the top 1 to 3 researchers in tennis elbow, tendinopathy and patellofemoral pain in expertscape. The other top 4 ranked tennis elbow researchers all completed their PhD under my supervision.

My work in tennis elbow has made an impact on patients with better outcomes, while halving rates of treatment and use of non-evidence based treatments. It has been replicated in several other UK NHS sites and implemented in online knowledge translation platforms in Canada, Denmark and UK specialist practice.My scholarly outputs in tendinopathy are the basis of implementation research in a Health Research Board Ireland project and a UK NHS Doctoral Fellowship Optimising Physiotherapy for Tennis Elbow.


Search Professor Bill Vicenzino’s works on UQ eSpace

604 works between 1993 and 2024

161 - 180 of 604 works


Journal Article

International ankle consortium rehabilitation-oriented assessment

Delahunt, Eamonn, Bleakley, Chris M, Bossard, Daniela S, Caulfield, Brian M, Docherty, Carrie L, Doherty, Cailbhe, Fourchet, Francois, Fong, Daniel T P, Hertel, Jay, Hiller, Claire E, Kaminski, Thomas W, McKeon, Patrick O, Refshauge, Kathryn M, Remus, Alexandria, Verhagen, Evert A, Vicenzino, Bill T, Wikstrom, Erik A and Gribble, Phillip A (2019). International ankle consortium rehabilitation-oriented assessment. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 53 (19), bjsports-2018. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2018-099935

International ankle consortium rehabilitation-oriented assessment


Conference Publication

Diagnostic accuracy of clinical tests to diagnose ultrasound-confirmed tibialis posterior tendinopathy in patients presenting with medial foot/ankle pain

Ross, M., Smith, M. and Vicenzino, B. (2019). Diagnostic accuracy of clinical tests to diagnose ultrasound-confirmed tibialis posterior tendinopathy in patients presenting with medial foot/ankle pain. 2019 ASICS SMA Conference, Novotel Twin Waters, 23-26 October 2019. Chatswood, NSW, Australia: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2019.08.181

Diagnostic accuracy of clinical tests to diagnose ultrasound-confirmed tibialis posterior tendinopathy in patients presenting with medial foot/ankle pain


Journal Article

Self-dosed and pre-determined progressive heavy-slow resistance training have similar effects in people with plantar fasciopathy: a randomised trial

Riel, Henrik, Jensen, Martin Bach, Olesen, Jens Lykkegaard, Vicenzino, Bill and Rathleff, Michael Skovdal (2019). Self-dosed and pre-determined progressive heavy-slow resistance training have similar effects in people with plantar fasciopathy: a randomised trial. Journal of Physiotherapy, 65 (3), 144-151. doi: 10.1016/j.jphys.2019.05.011

Self-dosed and pre-determined progressive heavy-slow resistance training have similar effects in people with plantar fasciopathy: a randomised trial


Conference Publication

Foot orthoses and footwear in individuals with patellofemoral osteoarthritis: a pilot randomised trial

Wyndow, N., Crossley, K. M., Vicenzino, B., Tucker, K. and Collins, N. J. (2019). Foot orthoses and footwear in individuals with patellofemoral osteoarthritis: a pilot randomised trial. OARSI World Congress on Osteoarthritis - Promoting Clinical and Basic Research in Osteoarthritis, Toronto, Canada, 2-5 May 2019. London, United Kingdom: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2019.02.541

Foot orthoses and footwear in individuals with patellofemoral osteoarthritis: a pilot randomised trial


Conference Publication

The design, user characteristics and efficacy of online support groups for arthritis and other chronic musculoskeletal disorders: A systematic review

Mills, K. A., Maclachlan, L. R., Lawford, B., Besomi, M., Egerton, T., Eyles, J., Hall, L. M., Melo, L., Mellor, R., Plisinga, M. L., Robbins, S. R., Setchell, J., Hunter, D. J., Vicenzino, B. and Bennell, K. L. (2019). The design, user characteristics and efficacy of online support groups for arthritis and other chronic musculoskeletal disorders: A systematic review. OARSI World Congress on Osteoarthritis - Promoting Clinical and Basic Research in Osteoarthritis, Toronto, Canada, 2-5 May, 2019. London, United Kingdom: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2019.02.488

The design, user characteristics and efficacy of online support groups for arthritis and other chronic musculoskeletal disorders: A systematic review


Conference Publication

The multimodal nature of persistent greater trochanteric pain syndrome

Plinsinga, M., Coombes, B., Mellor, R. and Vicenzino, B. (2019). The multimodal nature of persistent greater trochanteric pain syndrome. 2019 ASICS SMA Conference, Maroochydore, QLD, Australia, 23rd – 26th October. Chatswood, NSW, Australia: Elsevier Australia. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2019.08.179

The multimodal nature of persistent greater trochanteric pain syndrome


Conference Publication

Effect of combined conservative therapies on clinical outcomes in patients with thumb base osteoarthritis (COMBO): A randomised controlled trial

Robbins, S. R., Duong, V., Deveza, L., Fu, K., Oo, W., Riordan, E. A., Wajon, A., Jongs, R., Bennell, K. L., Vicenzino, B., Hodges, P., Eyles, J. P., O'Connell, R. and Hunter, D. J. (2019). Effect of combined conservative therapies on clinical outcomes in patients with thumb base osteoarthritis (COMBO): A randomised controlled trial. OARSI World Congress on Osteoarthritis - Promoting Clinical and Basic Research in Osteoarthritis, Toronto, Canada, 2-5 May, 2019. London, United Kingdom: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2019.02.048

Effect of combined conservative therapies on clinical outcomes in patients with thumb base osteoarthritis (COMBO): A randomised controlled trial


Conference Publication

Hip extension deficits and psychosocial features in tibialis posterior tendinopathy: a cross sectional study

Ross, M., Smith, M. and Vicenzino, B. (2019). Hip extension deficits and psychosocial features in tibialis posterior tendinopathy: a cross sectional study. 2019 ASICS SMA Conference, Novotel Twin Waters, 23-26 October 2019. Chatswood, NSW, Australia: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2019.08.182

Hip extension deficits and psychosocial features in tibialis posterior tendinopathy: a cross sectional study


Conference Publication

Development and evaluation of online education for greater trochanteric pain syndrome. Protocol for a randomized control trial

Plinsinga, M., Mellor, R., Grimaldi, A., Coombes, B. and Vicenzino, B. (2019). Development and evaluation of online education for greater trochanteric pain syndrome. Protocol for a randomized control trial. 2019 ASICS SMA Conference, Maroochydore, QLD Australia, 23-26 October 2019. Chatswood, NSW: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2019.08.133

Development and evaluation of online education for greater trochanteric pain syndrome. Protocol for a randomized control trial


Conference Publication

Simple advice as a treatment option for GTPS: what does the patient think?

Plinsinga, M., Mellor, R., Ford, K., Lynch, L., Polansky, C., Setchell, J. and Vicenzino, B. (2019). Simple advice as a treatment option for GTPS: what does the patient think?. 2019 ASICS SMA Conference, Maroochydore, QLD, Australia, 23rd – 26th October. Chatswood, NSW, Australia: Elsevier Australia. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2019.08.178

Simple advice as a treatment option for GTPS: what does the patient think?


Journal Article

Foot and ankle characteristics and dynamic knee valgus in individuals with patellofemoral osteoarthritis

Wyndow, Narelle, Collins, Natalie J., Vicenzino, Bill, Tucker, Kylie and Crossley, Kay M. (2018). Foot and ankle characteristics and dynamic knee valgus in individuals with patellofemoral osteoarthritis. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 11 (1) 65, 65. doi: 10.1186/s13047-018-0310-1

Foot and ankle characteristics and dynamic knee valgus in individuals with patellofemoral osteoarthritis


Journal Article

The effect of isometric exercise on pain in individuals with plantar fasciopathy: a randomized crossover trial

Riel, Henrik, Vicenzino, Bill, Jensen, Martin Bach, Olesen, Jens Lykkegaard, Holden, Sinead and Rathleff, Michael Skovdal (2018). The effect of isometric exercise on pain in individuals with plantar fasciopathy: a randomized crossover trial. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 28 (12), 2643-2650. doi: 10.1111/sms.13296

The effect of isometric exercise on pain in individuals with plantar fasciopathy: a randomized crossover trial


Journal Article

Distinct patterns of variation in the distribution of knee pain

Boudreau, Shellie A., Royo, Albert Cid, Matthews, Mark, Graven-Nielsen, Thomas, Kamavuako, Ernest N., Slabaugh, Greg, Thorborg, Kristian, Vicenzino, Bill and Rathleff, Michael Skovdal (2018). Distinct patterns of variation in the distribution of knee pain. Scientific Reports, 8 (1) 16522, 16522. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-34950-2

Distinct patterns of variation in the distribution of knee pain


Journal Article

Which treatment is most effective for patients with patellofemoral pain? A protocol for a living systematic review including network meta-analysis

Winters, Marinus, Holden, Sinead, Vicenzino, Bill, Welton, Nicky J., Caldwell, Deborah M., Lura, Carolina Bryne, Weir, Adam and Rathleff, Michael Skovdal (2018). Which treatment is most effective for patients with patellofemoral pain? A protocol for a living systematic review including network meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 8 (11) e022920, e022920. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-022920

Which treatment is most effective for patients with patellofemoral pain? A protocol for a living systematic review including network meta-analysis


Conference Publication

A cross-sectional study of somatosensory and psychological factors in patellofemoral pain

Maclachlan, L., Hodges, P., Collins, N. and Vicenzino, B. (2018). A cross-sectional study of somatosensory and psychological factors in patellofemoral pain. 2018 Sports Medicine Australia Conference, Perth, WA Australia, 10 - 13 October 2018. Chatswood, NSW Australia: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2018.09.121

A cross-sectional study of somatosensory and psychological factors in patellofemoral pain


Journal Article

Education plus exercise versus corticosteroid injection use versus a wait and see approach on global outcome and pain from gluteal tendinopathy: Prospective, single blinded, randomised clinical trial

Mellor, Rebecca, Bennell, Kim, Grimaldi, Alison, Nicolson, Philippa, Kasza, Jessica, Hodges, Paul, Wajswelner, Henry and Vicenzino, Bill (2018). Education plus exercise versus corticosteroid injection use versus a wait and see approach on global outcome and pain from gluteal tendinopathy: Prospective, single blinded, randomised clinical trial. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 52 (22), 1464-1472. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2018-k1662rep

Education plus exercise versus corticosteroid injection use versus a wait and see approach on global outcome and pain from gluteal tendinopathy: Prospective, single blinded, randomised clinical trial


Journal Article

Stretching the evidence behind tennis elbow: mobile app user guide

Heales, Luke J., Lastella, Michele, Coombes, Brooke K. and Vicenzino, Bill (2018). Stretching the evidence behind tennis elbow: mobile app user guide. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 52 (19) e5, e5-e5. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2017-098093

Stretching the evidence behind tennis elbow: mobile app user guide


Journal Article

Exercise for posterior tibial tendon dysfunction: a systematic review of randomised clinical trials and clinical guidelines

Ross, Megan H., Smith, Michelle D., Mellor, Rebecca and Vicenzino, Bill (2018). Exercise for posterior tibial tendon dysfunction: a systematic review of randomised clinical trials and clinical guidelines. BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, 4 (1) e000430, e000430. doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2018-000430

Exercise for posterior tibial tendon dysfunction: a systematic review of randomised clinical trials and clinical guidelines


Journal Article

Self-reported social and activity restrictions accompany local impairments in posterior tibial tendon dysfunction: a systematic review

Ross, Megan H., Smith, Michelle, Plinsinga, Melanie L. and Vicenzino, Bill (2018). Self-reported social and activity restrictions accompany local impairments in posterior tibial tendon dysfunction: a systematic review. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 11 (1) 49, 49. doi: 10.1186/s13047-018-0292-z

Self-reported social and activity restrictions accompany local impairments in posterior tibial tendon dysfunction: a systematic review


Journal Article

A comparison of fine wire insertion techniques for deep finger flexor muscle electromyography

Heales, Luke J., Tucker, Kylie, Vicenzino, Bill, Hodges, Paul W. and MacDonald, David A. (2018). A comparison of fine wire insertion techniques for deep finger flexor muscle electromyography. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 41, 77-81. doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2018.05.003

A comparison of fine wire insertion techniques for deep finger flexor muscle electromyography


Current funding

  • 2023 - 2026
    Walk with Ease Australia (MRFF 2022 Effective Treatments and Therapies Grant Opportunity administered by the University of Sydney)
    University of Sydney
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2014 - 2015
    Patellofemoral joint disease may be associated with poor function after ACL reconstruction: implications for enhanced rehabilitation
    Queensland Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Network
    Open grant
  • 2012 - 2014
    Orthoses or Flip-Flops for Pain in the Heel (OFFPH Study): A randomised clinical trial
    Vasyli International
    Open grant
  • 2008 - 2009
    Factors Associated with the Recruitment and Retention of the Current and Future Allied Health Workforce - A Longitudinal E-Cohort Study
    UQ FirstLink Scheme
    Open grant
  • 2008 - 2012
    Optimising corticosteroid injection for lateral epicondylalgia with physiotherapy: a randomised placebo control trial
    NHMRC Project Grant
    Open grant
  • 2004 - 2006
    Musculoskeletal Pain and Injury Research unit Donation
    Vasyli International
    Open grant
  • 2004 - 2008
    Foot orthotics in the treatment of patellofemoral pain syndrome:a randomised control trial in primary care
    NHMRC Project Grant
    Open grant
  • 2002
    To visit the gait laboratory at the Northern Arizona University to enhance skills and expertise in the study of movement dysfunction and its treatment.
    UQ Travel Grants Scheme
    Open grant
  • 2001
    Physiotherapy of the injured ankle: An evaluation of outcome measures and a pilot randomised clinical trial of a rehabilitation program.
    UQ Early Career Researcher
    Open grant
  • 2001
    Responsiveness to change and predictive ability of a battery of clinical tests in ankle injured subjects
    Physiotherapy Research Foundation
    Open grant
  • 1997
    Peripheral joint manipulation: an investigation of the initial pain relieving effects of a new physiotherapy treatment for lateral epicondylagia
    Physiotherapy Research Foundation
    Open grant



Professor Bill Vicenzino is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

Completed supervision



Contact Professor Bill Vicenzino directly for media enquiries about:

  • Ankle Injuries
  • Exercise
  • Foot Injuries
  • Foot Orthotics
  • Injury Prevention
  • Injury Rehabilitation
  • Knee Injuries
  • Kneecap Pain
  • Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
  • Running Injuries
  • Sports Injuries
  • Sports Medicine
  • Sports Physiotherapy
  • Tendon Injuries

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