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Associate Professor Jay Weerawardena
Associate Professor

Jay Weerawardena

+61 7 334 68093




Associate Professor Jay Weerawardena is a leading researcher in Strategic Marketing and social Impact Research. His core theoretical foundation is the role of dynamic capabilities in innovation-based competitive strategy. Jay has expanded his research into related areas of international marketing strategy and social sector research. In social sector research, he has extensively published in social entrepreneurship, social innovation, and social value creation. In addition to his impactful papers in reputed journals, Jay has won ARC Discovery grants, edited special issues, represented his core research expertise in editorial boards of reputed journals, delivered keynote and plenary presentations, led special topic sessions, and taken leadership roles in reputed international conferences.

Jay has co-edited several special issues of internally reputed journals which include the Journal of Business Research (ABDC A) (2021) on ‘business model innovation in social purpose organizations’, Industrial Marketing Management Journal (A*) on ‘capabilities, innovation and competitive advantage’ (2011), Journal of World Business (A*) (2007) on ‘accelerated internationalization of born global firms’ and the International Journal of Non-profit and Voluntary Sector Marketing on ‘non-profit competitive strategy’ (2008).

Jay has actively collaborated with internationally reputed scholars that had led to higher-ranked publications and competitive grant success. His current work involves examining the role of big data and marketing analytics role firm competitive strategy and how social purpose organizations balance social mission and commercial value in their effort to build financially viable social purpose organizations. While the former is fuelled by the exponential growth of the digital economy the latter has attracted the increased scholar attention due to its pivotal importance for the sustenance of social purpose organizations.

Jay serves in several editorial boards of reputed international journals including the Journal of Social Entrepreneurship of which he is an Associate Editor. He is a fellow of the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) and a Certified Marketing Practitioner of the AMI.

Current service roles

Elected member of the UQ Academic Board and its Assessment Sub-Committee (ASC)

Co-lead, UQBS Research Hub on Social Impact and Social Enterprises

Current research interests

(1) Social entrepreneurship and social innovation-led dual value creation

(2) Non-profit brand vulnerability and building resilient non-profit brands

(3) Business model innovation in social purpose organizations

(3) Big data and marketing analytics capabilities in digital innovation and firm competitive strategy

(4) Value co-creation in digital services context


Associate Professor Jay Weerawardena is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Bachelor of Economics, unknown
  • Masters (Coursework) of Business Administration, unknown
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland

Research interests

  • Dynamic capabilities and innovation-based competitive advantage

    Dynamic capabilities theory has emerged as a better explanation of firm performance heterogeneity. My work contributed to advancing the field by conceptualizing and measuring dynamic capabilities that facilitate innovation-based competitive advantage

  • Social entrepreneurship and social innovation-led dual value creation

    With the highly challenging operating environment social purpose organizations (SPOs) are forced pursue a dual value creation (social value to target communities and economic value for the sustenance of the organization). My work in very stages have made a notable effect in advancing this field of research

  • Building resilient non-profit brands, business model innovation in social purpose organizations

    With a reputed team of researchers, namely, Prof Peter Popkowski, Dr Jo Previte and Dr Cassandra France at the UQBS and Professor Roderic Brodie at Auckland University I have been working on this timely topic. Our work aims to understand what factors cause brand vulnerability and developing brand vulnerability index that can be used by non-profit practitioners to determine if their brand is vulnerable to external risks.

  • Big data and marketing analytics driven innovation and competitive advantage

    With the growing interest in understanding the role of big data in firm innovation and competitive advantage, I have extended my dynamic capability frameworks to examine what capabilities help big data driven innovation and firm competitive advantage.

Research impacts

Research Impacts

Scholarly impact

Jay’s research has had an exceptional scholarly impact which is demonstrated by,

(a) his current Google Scholar citations which stands at 13,550 (26-06-23) with a corresponding h-index of 34 and exceptionally high Hg Index of 53.

(b)In 2017, the Google Scholar awarding the Classic Paper status to his co-authored paper 'Weerawardena, J. & Sullivan Mort, G. (2006), Investigating Social Entrepreneurship: A Multidimensional Model. Journal of World Business. (ABDC Tier A*). Citations = 2172 (as at 20-01-2023).

(b) AMA Gerald E. Hills Best Paper on Entrepreneurial Marketing award Professor Gillian Sullivan Mort, Associate Professor Jay Weerawardena and Professor Peter Liesch were awarded the, for their 2012 European Journal of Marketing paper, titled “Advancing Entrepreneurial Marketing: Evidence from Born Global Firms,” for making ‘a significant impact on marketing entrepreneurship interface research’, based on the paper’s impact, citations, and quality. The award was acknowledged by the AMA Entrepreneurial Marketing Special Interest Group (EM SIG) at the 2022 Global Research Conference on Marketing and Entrepreneurship at Whistler, BC, Canada on August 2-4, 2022.

(c) longevity of his citations indicated by 90% of his research are cited (Scopus, March 2020)

(d) his work has widespread application across disciplines incl Engineering, Decision Sciences, Computer Science (Scopus, March 2019) (Form A- p.45).

(e) his work receiving international attention - USA and UK leading followed by Australia (Scopus, March 2019), and

(f) his theoretical frameworks/measures are used by other scholars in his field.

Industry Impact

Jay’s research has also made a notable impact to industry, indicated by:

(a) Current joint research project with Surf Life Saving Queensland (SLAQ) on brand vulnerability and building resilient non-profit brands. With Dr Jo Previte, Professor Peter Popkowski-Leszczyc and Professor Roderick Brodie, University of Auckland Business School.

(b) the Australian Business Foundation, Sydney (ABF), inviting his ARC (2004) Discovery Grant team for a further study to examine post-internationalization growth secrets of born global firms for the benefit of their member firms.

(b) (2007) invited by the leading non-profit Surf Life Saving Australia (SLSA) to undertake a branding strategy for them

(c) (1995), his study on SME strategic planning practices in Queensland for the State Government for policy development purposes. Currently Jay is a Certified Marketing Practitioner (CPM) of the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) –a professional marketer recognised by his peers for his extensive experience and formal qualifications. CPM is the peak professional benchmark for marketers (AMI website).


Search Professor Jay Weerawardena’s works on UQ eSpace

97 works between 1996 and 2024

21 - 40 of 97 works


Conference Publication

Resolving the Market Learning-Firm Competitive Advantage Debate, an Empirical Investigation: An Abstract

Weerawardena, Jay and Salunke, Sandeep (2017). Resolving the Market Learning-Firm Competitive Advantage Debate, an Empirical Investigation: An Abstract. 2016 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress, Orlando, FL United States, 18-21 May 2016. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-47331-4_133

Resolving the Market Learning-Firm Competitive Advantage Debate, an Empirical Investigation: An Abstract


Journal Article

Establishing measures and drivers of consumer brand engagement behaviours

Dwivedi, Abhishek, Wilkie, Dean, Johnson, Lester and Weerawardena, Jay (2016). Establishing measures and drivers of consumer brand engagement behaviours. Journal of Brand Management, 23 (5), 41-69. doi: 10.1057/s41262-016-0001-9

Establishing measures and drivers of consumer brand engagement behaviours


Journal Article

From “virtuous” to “pragmatic” pursuit of social mission: A sustainability-based typology of nonprofit organizations and corresponding strategies

McDonald, Robert E., Weerawardena, Jay., Madhavaram, Sreedhar. and Sullivan Mort, Gillian. (2015). From “virtuous” to “pragmatic” pursuit of social mission: A sustainability-based typology of nonprofit organizations and corresponding strategies. Management Research Review, 38 (9), 970-991. doi: 10.1108/MRR-11-2013-0262

From “virtuous” to “pragmatic” pursuit of social mission: A sustainability-based typology of nonprofit organizations and corresponding strategies


Book Chapter

Social Entrepreneurship and Value Creation in Not-For-Profit Organizations

Mort, Gillian Sullivan, Weerawardena, Jay, Sargeant, Adrian and Bennett, Roger (2015). Social Entrepreneurship and Value Creation in Not-For-Profit Organizations. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science. (pp. 372-376) Cham: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-18687-0_140

Social Entrepreneurship and Value Creation in Not-For-Profit Organizations


Journal Article

The role of the market sub-system and the socio-technical sub-system in innovation and firm performance: a dynamic capabilities approach

Weerawardena, Jay, Mort, Gillian Sullivan, Salunke, Sandeep, Knight, Gary and Liesch, Peter W. (2014). The role of the market sub-system and the socio-technical sub-system in innovation and firm performance: a dynamic capabilities approach. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 43 (2), 221-239. doi: 10.1007/s11747-014-0382-9

The role of the market sub-system and the socio-technical sub-system in innovation and firm performance: a dynamic capabilities approach


Journal Article

Competitive advantage through HR innovation

Amarakoon, Upamali, Weerawardena, Jay and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2013). Competitive advantage through HR innovation. The European Business Review, 70-72.

Competitive advantage through HR innovation


Journal Article

Competing through service innovation: the role of bricolage and entrepreneurship in project-oriented firms

Salunke, Sandeep, Weerawardena, Jay and McColl-Kennedy, Janet R. (2013). Competing through service innovation: the role of bricolage and entrepreneurship in project-oriented firms. Journal of Business Research, 66 (8), 1085-1097. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2012.03.005

Competing through service innovation: the role of bricolage and entrepreneurship in project-oriented firms


Conference Publication

HR innovation and competitive advantage: Towards an integrated framework

Amarakoon, Upamali, Weerawardena, Jay and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2013). HR innovation and competitive advantage: Towards an integrated framework. SMA 2013: Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, 5-9 November, 2013. Southern Management Association.

HR innovation and competitive advantage: Towards an integrated framework


Conference Publication

Theorising about the role of HR innovation in the competitive advantage of firms

Amarakoon, Upamali, Weerawardena, Jay and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2013). Theorising about the role of HR innovation in the competitive advantage of firms. Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange Conference 2013, Brisbane, Australia, 6 - 8 February 2013. Brisbane, Australia: Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange.

Theorising about the role of HR innovation in the competitive advantage of firms


Conference Publication

HR innovation for competitive advantage: insights from Australia

Amarakoon, Upamali, Weerawardena, Jay and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2013). HR innovation for competitive advantage: insights from Australia. HRM&PD2013: 3rd Human Resource Management and Professional Development in the Digital Age, Singapore, 22-23 July, 2013. Singapore, Singapore: GSTF: Global Science and Technology Forum. doi: 10.5176/2251-2349_HRMPD13.09

HR innovation for competitive advantage: insights from Australia


Journal Article

Competitive strategy in socially entrepreneurial nonprofit organizations: innovation and differentiation

Weerawardena, Jay and Sullivan Mort, Gillian (2012). Competitive strategy in socially entrepreneurial nonprofit organizations: innovation and differentiation. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 31 (1), 91-101. doi: 10.1509/jppm.11.034

Competitive strategy in socially entrepreneurial nonprofit organizations: innovation and differentiation


Conference Publication

The newly internationalizing firm and its capabilities

Weerawardena, Jay, Liesch, Peter W., Sullivan Mort, Gillian, Knight, Gary and Salunke, Sandeep (2012). The newly internationalizing firm and its capabilities. Australian and New Zealand International Business Academy Annual Conference (ANZIBA, 2012), Adelaide, Australia, 12-14 April 2012. ANZIBA.

The newly internationalizing firm and its capabilities


Journal Article

Capabilities, innovation and competitive advantage

Weerawardena, Jay and Mavondo, Felix T. (2012). Capabilities, innovation and competitive advantage. Industrial Marketing Management, 40 (8), 1220-1223. doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2011.10.012

Capabilities, innovation and competitive advantage


Conference Publication

Capability presence in the newly internationalizing firm

Weerawardena, Jay, Sullivan Mort, Gillian, Liesch, Peter W., Knight, Gary and Salunke, Sandeep (2012). Capability presence in the newly internationalizing firm. AIB 2012 Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, United States, 30 June - 3 July 2012. East Lansing, MI, United States: Academy of International Business.

Capability presence in the newly internationalizing firm


Journal Article

Advancing entrepreneurial marketing: Evidence from born global firms

Sullivan Mort, Gillian, Weerawardena, Jay and Liesch, Peter (2012). Advancing entrepreneurial marketing: Evidence from born global firms. European Journal of Marketing, 46 (3/4), 542-561. doi: 10.1108/03090561211202602

Advancing entrepreneurial marketing: Evidence from born global firms


Conference Publication

Life beyond the valley of death: Market development for surviving the chasm in case of high-tech start-ups

Pathak, Kavita, Weerawardena, Jay and Tombs, Alastair (2012). Life beyond the valley of death: Market development for surviving the chasm in case of high-tech start-ups. IIML International Conference in Marketing: "Shaping the Future of Research in Marketing in Emerging Economies: Looking Ahead", Lucknow, India, 12- 14 January 2012.

Life beyond the valley of death: Market development for surviving the chasm in case of high-tech start-ups


Journal Article

Towards a model of dynamic capabilities in innovation-based competitive strategy: Insights from project-oriented service firms

Salunke, Sandeep, Weerawardena, Jay and McColl-Kennedy, Janet R. (2011). Towards a model of dynamic capabilities in innovation-based competitive strategy: Insights from project-oriented service firms. Industrial Marketing Management, 40 (8), 1251-1263. doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2011.10.009

Towards a model of dynamic capabilities in innovation-based competitive strategy: Insights from project-oriented service firms


Journal Article

Sustainability of nonprofit organizations: An empirical investigation

Weerawardena, Jay, McDonald, Robert E. and Mort, Gillian Sullivan (2010). Sustainability of nonprofit organizations: An empirical investigation. Journal of World Business, 45 (4), 346-356. doi: 10.1016/j.jwb.2009.08.004

Sustainability of nonprofit organizations: An empirical investigation


Journal Article

The effects of perceived industry competitive intensity and marketing-related capabilities: Drivers of superior brand performance

O'Cass, Aron and Weerawardena, Jay (2010). The effects of perceived industry competitive intensity and marketing-related capabilities: Drivers of superior brand performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 39 (4), 571-581. doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2009.04.002

The effects of perceived industry competitive intensity and marketing-related capabilities: Drivers of superior brand performance


Conference Publication

A sustainability typology for nonprofit organizations: Inherent challenges and normative strategies

McDonald, Robert E., Weerawardena, Jay, Madhavaram, Sreedhar and Sullivan Mort, Gillian (2010). A sustainability typology for nonprofit organizations: Inherent challenges and normative strategies. 2010 AMA Winter Educator's Conference, New Orleans, LA, United States, 19-22 February 2010. Chicago, IL, United States: American Marketing Association.

A sustainability typology for nonprofit organizations: Inherent challenges and normative strategies


Current funding

  • 2024
    Building resilient social enterprises in Queensland
    Social Enterprise Research Grants
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2011 - 2012
    Examining the role of service innovation & service branding capabilities in services firms value creation & appropriation:a multi-level study (ARC DP administered by University of Tasmania)
    University of Tasmania
    Open grant
  • 2005 - 2007
    A Study of Dynamic Capabilities in Australian and US Born Global Firms
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2002
    Social entrepreneurship: towards conceptualisatin and measurement
    University of Queensland Research Development Grants Scheme
    Open grant
  • 2000
    The role of distinctive learning capabilities in organisational innovation and sustained competitive advantage: A cross cultural study.
    UQ Early Career Researcher
    Open grant
  • 1999
    The role of distinctive capabilities in organisational innovation and sustained competitive advantage (SCA) in small manufacturing firms.
    UQ New Staff Research Start-Up Fund
    Open grant



Associate Professor Jay Weerawardena is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Value co-creation: A cross-cultural comparison between managers and customers in a services context

    Principal Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Building digital social enterprises in India

    Principal Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy

    An empirical study on the relationships between customers¿ mindset, customers¿ effort, and the effect of product customisation

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Wen Mao

Completed supervision



Contact Associate Professor Jay Weerawardena directly for media enquiries about:

  • Business management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation-based competitive strategy - marketing
  • International marketing
  • Management - small business
  • Marketing
  • Organisational learning - marketing
  • Service science - business
  • Small business management
  • Social entrepreneurship

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