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Professor Sara Dolnicar

Sara Dolnicar

+61 7 336 56702
0437 216185



Sara Dolnicar was born in Ljubljana (Slovenia), grew up in Vienna (Austria) and now lives and works in Brisbane (Australia). She holds university degrees in psychology and business administration.

Sara is an expert on Airbnb and Airbnb regulation, making hotels operate in more environmentallyb sustainable ways while reducing operating cost, public acceptance of recycled waster and social marketing more generally.

To date, Sara has (co-)authored more than 300 refereed papers and led 16 Australian Research Council (ARC) grants, including the prestigous QEII and Laureate Fellowships. She won more than 30 awards, including two lifetime achievement awards: The US-based Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) Distinguished Researcher Award (2017) for ground-breaking research that positively impacts the tourism industry, and outstanding service to the tourism research community (in the association’s 48-year history this award has been given to only four people); and the Slovenian Ambassador of Science 2016, the highest honour the Republic of Slovenia bestows on expatriate Slovenian researchers in recognition of global excellence, impact, and knowledge transfer.


Professor Sara Dolnicar is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Masters (Coursework) of Business Administration (Advanced), Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
  • Masters (Coursework) of Natural Sciences (Psychology), International University Vienna

Research interests

  • Improving market segmentation methodology

  • Making tourists behave in a more environmentally friendly way

  • Improving measurement in the social sciences

  • Peer-to-peer accommodation networks

  • Developing better tools for tourism marketing

  • Improving brand image measures

  • Attracting good foster carers

  • Increasing public knowledge about and acceptance of water alternatives

Research impacts


In the area of market segmentation research, Dolnicar has uncovered flaws in segmentation studies, both at the methodological and conceptual level (Dolnicar, 2002; 2003; 2005; 2007), recently proving that factor analysing items before constructing segments (the predominant method in tourism research) leads to inferior results compared to using the raw data directly (Dolnicar & Grün, 2008).

Dolnicar has also contributed significantly to segmentation methodology. Since her PhD in 1997, which compared nueral networks with traditional algorithms, she has been exploring the usefulness of novel algorithms for market segmentation. Later she adapted bagged clustering — an ensemble method leading to increased stability of solutions — for segmentation purposes (Dolnicar & Leisch, 2000; 2003). Most recently she introduced bi-clustering to solve the item selection problem while grouping individuals (Dolnicar, Kaiser, Lazarevski & Leisch, 2013). A comparative study of indices for determining the number of clusters in binary survey data led to a Psychometrika publication in 2002 (Dimitriadou, Dolnicar & Weingessel, 2002) which is cited by researchers from not only marketing, but also psychology, geophysics and engineering. Dolnicar was part of the research team that invented perceptions-based market segmentation, a nonparametric simultaneous analysis of segmentation, positioning and competition which prevents sequence errors from occurring when both positioning and segmentation decisions are made (Dolnicar, Grabler & Mazanec, 1999; Buchta, Mazanec & Strasser, 2000; Buchta, Dolnicar & Reutterer, 2000). As such, she has made a significant contribution to the improvement of segmentation in the broader context of marketing strategy.


In the the area of measurement in the social sciences, Sara has conducted numerous empirical studies investigating the VALIDITY OF ORDINAL ANSWER FORMATS, raising serious validity concerns about the most popular answer format used by marketers: the ordinal multi-category scale such as the Likert scale (Dolnicar, 2003; Dolnicar, Grün & Leisch, 2004; Dolnicar & Grün, 2007). She also investigated the problem of data contamination by cross-cultural RESPONSE STYLES, and developed an ensemble-based method to assess the robustness of results from potentially contaminated data (Dolnicar & Grün, 2007a; Dolnicar & Grün, 2007b). During her research on the validity of marketing measures as well as ensemble methods for the assessment of response bias in survey data, the question of OPTIMALITY OF ANSWER FORMATS arose. Currently Dolnicar is conducting a large-scale investigation supported by two ARC Discovery grants: one specifically investigating optimal brand image measures (Dolnicar & Rossiter, 2008; Dolnicar & Grün, 2007), the other investigating general answer format optimality. Results indicate that the level-free full binary answer format outperforms more commonly used multi-category answer formats in the context of brand image measurement.


Sara has worked with many industry partners since commencing her academic career in Austria. For example, she assisted the Austrian Business Chamber (Hotel Section) in developing a research-based national hotel starring system for Austria. She advised the Austrian Ministry of Tourism on strategic matters and undertook research for the Austrian National Tourism Organization. In Australia, she has for many years worked with a consortium of not for profit organisations responsible for the placement of foster children. Currently she is working with a group of online market research companies in developing and testing improved survey measures specifically designed for the online environment.


Search Professor Sara Dolnicar’s works on UQ eSpace

316 works between 2000 and 2024

41 - 60 of 316 works


Journal Article

Why targeting attitudes often fails to elicit sustainable tourist behaviour

Dolnicar, Sara and Demeter, Csilla (2023). Why targeting attitudes often fails to elicit sustainable tourist behaviour. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 36 (3), 730-742. doi: 10.1108/IJCHM-07-2022-0828

Why targeting attitudes often fails to elicit sustainable tourist behaviour


Journal Article

Increasing employer willingness to hire people with disability: the perspective of disability employment service providers

Mahasneh, Rola, Randle, Melanie, Gordon, Rob, Algie, Jennifer and Dolnicar, Sara (2023). Increasing employer willingness to hire people with disability: the perspective of disability employment service providers. Journal of Social Marketing, 13 (3), 361-379. doi: 10.1108/JSOCM-08-2022-0174

Increasing employer willingness to hire people with disability: the perspective of disability employment service providers


Journal Article

Waste production patterns in hotels and restaurants: an intra-sectoral segmentation approach

Juvan, Emil, Grün, Bettina and Dolnicar, Sara (2023). Waste production patterns in hotels and restaurants: an intra-sectoral segmentation approach. Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights, 4 (1) 100090, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.annale.2023.100090

Waste production patterns in hotels and restaurants: an intra-sectoral segmentation approach


Journal Article

Progress in field experimentation for environmentally sustainable tourism – A knowledge map and research agenda

Demeter, Csilla, Fechner, David and Dolnicar, Sara (2023). Progress in field experimentation for environmentally sustainable tourism – A knowledge map and research agenda. Tourism Management, 94 104633, 1-10. doi: 10.1016/j.tourman.2022.104633

Progress in field experimentation for environmentally sustainable tourism – A knowledge map and research agenda


Book Chapter

Market – Tourist

Dolnicar, Sara (2023). Market – Tourist. Encyclopedia of Tourism. (pp. 1-3) Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-01669-6_126-2

Market – Tourist


Journal Article

Defining and operationalizing eight forms of eudaimonia and hedonia and assessing tourism-specific context-dependency

Demeter, Csilla, MacInnes, Sarah and Dolnicar, Sara (2023). Defining and operationalizing eight forms of eudaimonia and hedonia and assessing tourism-specific context-dependency. Journal of Travel Research, 62 (7), 1448-1459. doi: 10.1177/00472875221133042

Defining and operationalizing eight forms of eudaimonia and hedonia and assessing tourism-specific context-dependency


Journal Article

Tourism and emerging infectious diseases: more connections than first meet the eye

Fechner, David, Reid, Simon and Dolnicar, Sara (2022). Tourism and emerging infectious diseases: more connections than first meet the eye. Journal of Travel Research, 62 (5), 004728752211277-948. doi: 10.1177/00472875221127718

Tourism and emerging infectious diseases: more connections than first meet the eye


Journal Article

Do employees hold the key to environmental sustainability in tourism businesses? Empirical evidence from a field study

Knezevic Cvelbar, Ljubica, Grün, Bettina and Dolnicar, Sara (2022). Do employees hold the key to environmental sustainability in tourism businesses? Empirical evidence from a field study. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 32 (2), 1-14. doi: 10.1080/09669582.2022.2131796

Do employees hold the key to environmental sustainability in tourism businesses? Empirical evidence from a field study


Journal Article

When sustainability backfires: A review on the unintended negative side-effects of product and service sustainability on consumer behavior

Acuti, Diletta, Pizzetti, Marta and Dolnicar, Sara (2022). When sustainability backfires: A review on the unintended negative side-effects of product and service sustainability on consumer behavior. Psychology and Marketing, 39 (10), 1933-1945. doi: 10.1002/mar.21709

When sustainability backfires: A review on the unintended negative side-effects of product and service sustainability on consumer behavior


Journal Article

Do instructional manipulation checks measure inattention or miscomprehension?

Babakhani, Nazila, Paas, Leo and Dolnicar, Sara (2022). Do instructional manipulation checks measure inattention or miscomprehension?. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 26 (6), 1-12. doi: 10.1080/13645579.2022.2111064

Do instructional manipulation checks measure inattention or miscomprehension?


Journal Article

A review of air travel behavior and climate change

Gössling, Stefan and Dolnicar, Sara (2022). A review of air travel behavior and climate change. WIREs Climate Change, 14 (1) e802, 1-11. doi: 10.1002/wcc.802

A review of air travel behavior and climate change


Journal Article

Travel career or childhood travel habit?: Which better explains adult travel behaviour?

MacInnes, S., Ong, F. and Dolnicar, S. (2022). Travel career or childhood travel habit?: Which better explains adult travel behaviour?. Annals of Tourism Research, 95 103413, 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2022.103413

Travel career or childhood travel habit?: Which better explains adult travel behaviour?


Journal Article

Delivery or desirability of benefits? Predicting the effectiveness of egoistic and altruistic message appeals for recycled water use

Posetti, Ben, Hurlimann, Anna, Tkaczynski, Aaron, Randle, Melanie and Dolnicar, Sara (2022). Delivery or desirability of benefits? Predicting the effectiveness of egoistic and altruistic message appeals for recycled water use. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 29 (2), 1-18. doi: 10.1080/14486563.2022.2028686

Delivery or desirability of benefits? Predicting the effectiveness of egoistic and altruistic message appeals for recycled water use


Journal Article

Solidarity tourism how can tourism help the Ukraine and other war-torn countries?

Dolnicar, Sara and McCabe, Scott (2022). Solidarity tourism how can tourism help the Ukraine and other war-torn countries?. Annals of Tourism Research, 94 103386. doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2022.103386

Solidarity tourism how can tourism help the Ukraine and other war-torn countries?


Journal Article

Are 10,752 journal articles per year too many?

McKercher, Bob and Dolnicar, Sara (2022). Are 10,752 journal articles per year too many?. Annals of Tourism Research, 94 103398. doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2022.103398

Are 10,752 journal articles per year too many?


Journal Article

Can disasters improve the tourism industry? The role of normative, cognitive and relational expectations in shaping industry response to disaster-induced disruption

Zhu, Oscar Yuheng and Dolnicar, Sara (2022). Can disasters improve the tourism industry? The role of normative, cognitive and relational expectations in shaping industry response to disaster-induced disruption. Annals of Tourism Research, 93 103288, 103288. doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2021.103288

Can disasters improve the tourism industry? The role of normative, cognitive and relational expectations in shaping industry response to disaster-induced disruption


Journal Article

Habit drives sustainable tourist behaviour

MacInnes, Sarah, Grün, Bettina and Dolnicar, Sara (2022). Habit drives sustainable tourist behaviour. Annals of Tourism Research, 92 103329. doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2021.103329

Habit drives sustainable tourist behaviour


Journal Article

Tourist behaviour change for sustainable consumption (SDG Goal12): Tourism Agenda 2030 Perspective article

Dolnicar, Sara (2022). Tourist behaviour change for sustainable consumption (SDG Goal12): Tourism Agenda 2030 Perspective article. Tourism Review, 78 (2), 326-331. doi: 10.1108/TR-11-2022-0563

Tourist behaviour change for sustainable consumption (SDG Goal12): Tourism Agenda 2030 Perspective article


Book Chapter

Market segmentation for e-tourism

Dolnicar, Sara (2022). Market segmentation for e-tourism. Handbook of e-tourism. (pp. 849-863) edited by Zheng Xiang, Matthias Fuchs, Ulrike Gretzel and Wolfram Höpken. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-48652-5_53

Market segmentation for e-tourism


Journal Article

Assessing survey response stability: a complementary quality assurance protocol for survey studies in the social sciences

Dolnicar, S., Grün, B. and MacInnes, S. (2022). Assessing survey response stability: a complementary quality assurance protocol for survey studies in the social sciences. Social Sciences and Humanities Open, 6 (1) 100339, 100339. doi: 10.1016/j.ssaho.2022.100339

Assessing survey response stability: a complementary quality assurance protocol for survey studies in the social sciences


Current funding

  • 2021 - 2024
    Reducing plate waste in hotels - which interventions are most effective?
    ARC Linkage Projects
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2025
    Making a sustainable tourist
    ARC Australian Laureate Fellowships
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2020 - 2024
    Tourism Risks (TourRISK): A Resilient Low-Carbon, High-Yield Tourism Model for Norway (Research Council of Norway grant led by Vestlandsforsking)
    Vestlandforsking - Western Norway Research Institute
    Open grant
  • 2018 - 2023
    Greater inclusion of people with disability in Australian workplaces (ARC Linkage Project administered by the University of Wollongong)
    University of Wollongong
    Open grant
  • 2018 - 2021
    Triggering pro-environmental behaviour in pleasure-seeking contexts
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2016 - 2020
    Consumer value and disability services: The impact of increased autonomy (ARC Linkage Project administered by University of Wollongong)
    University of Wollongong
    Open grant
  • 2016 - 2020
    Encouraging voluntary purchasing of carbon offsets
    ARC Linkage Projects
    Open grant
  • 2016
    UQ Business School Research Laboratory
    UQ Major Equipment and Infrastructure
    Open grant
  • 2015 - 2018
    One Billion tourists - Many Billion opportunities: Developing and experimentally testing measures to induce environmentally sustainable tourist behaviour
    Vice-Chancellor's Research Focused Fellowship
    Open grant
  • 2015
    UQ Business School Research Laboratory
    UQ Major Equipment and Infrastructure
    Open grant
  • 2014 - 2017
    Better destination image data through lower cognitive load measures
    ARC Linkage Projects
    Open grant
  • 2013 - 2018
    Market segmentation methodology: attacking the 'Too Hard' basket
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2013
    Reducing the Australian tourism industry's vulnerability to external shocks: identifying and understanding disaster-resilient tourists
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2008 - 2013
    Identifying, attracting and retaining successful foster parents
    ARC Linkage Projects
    Open grant



Professor Sara Dolnicar is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

Completed supervision



Contact Professor Sara Dolnicar directly for media enquiries about:

  • airbnb
  • collaborative consumption
  • desalinated water - public acceptance
  • destination image
  • disaster resilient tourist
  • foster care
  • market segment
  • market segmentation
  • peer-to-peer networks
  • questionnaire development
  • recycled water - public acceptance
  • sharing economy
  • short term accommodation
  • short term letting
  • survey research
  • sustainable tourism
  • tourism
  • tourism marketing

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