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Journal Article

Fine-scale refuges can buffer demographic and genetic processes against short-term climatic variation and disturbance: a 22-year case study of an arboreal marsupial

Banks, Sam C., Lorin, Thibault, Shaw, Robyn E., McBurney, Lachlan, Blair, David, Blyton, Michaela D.J., Smith, Annabel L., Pierson, Jennifer C. and Lindenmayer, David B. (2015). Fine-scale refuges can buffer demographic and genetic processes against short-term climatic variation and disturbance: a 22-year case study of an arboreal marsupial. Molecular Ecology, 24 (15), 3831-3845. doi: 10.1111/mec.13279

Fine-scale refuges can buffer demographic and genetic processes against short-term climatic variation and disturbance: a 22-year case study of an arboreal marsupial


Journal Article

Life history influences how fire affects genetic diversity in two lizard species

Smith, Annabel L., Bull, C. Michael, Gardner, Michael G. and Driscoll, Don A. (2014). Life history influences how fire affects genetic diversity in two lizard species. Molecular Ecology, 23 (10), 2428-2441. doi: 10.1111/mec.12757

Life history influences how fire affects genetic diversity in two lizard species


Journal Article

The trajectory of dispersal research in conservation biology: systematic review

Driscoll, Don A., Banks, Sam C., Barton, Philip S., Ikin, Karen, Lentini, Pia, Lindenmayer, David B., Smith, Annabel L., Berry, Laurence E., Burns, Emma L., Edworthy, Amanda, Evans, Maldwyn J., Gibson, Rebecca, Heinsohn, Rob, Howland, Brett, Kay, Geoff, Munro, Nicola, Scheele, Ben C., Stirnemann, Ingrid, Stojanovic, Dejan, Sweaney, Nici, Villaseñor, Nélida R. and Westgate, Martin J. (2014). The trajectory of dispersal research in conservation biology: systematic review. PLoS ONE, 9 (4) ARTN e95053, e95053. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0095053

The trajectory of dispersal research in conservation biology: systematic review


Journal Article

Complex responses of birds to landscape- level fire extent, fire severity and environmental drivers

Lindenmayer, David B., Blanchard, Wade, McBurney, Lachlan, Blair, David, Banks, Sam C., Driscoll, Don A., Smith, Annabel L. and Gill, A. M. (2014). Complex responses of birds to landscape- level fire extent, fire severity and environmental drivers. Diversity and Distributions, 20 (4), 467-477. doi: 10.1111/ddi.12172

Complex responses of birds to landscape- level fire extent, fire severity and environmental drivers


Journal Article

Vegetation structure moderates the effect of fire on bird assemblages in a heterogeneous landscape

Barton, Philip S., Ikin, Karen, Smith, Annabel L., MacGregor, Christopher and Lindenmayer, David B. (2014). Vegetation structure moderates the effect of fire on bird assemblages in a heterogeneous landscape. Landscape Ecology, 29 (4), 703-714. doi: 10.1007/s10980-014-0017-z

Vegetation structure moderates the effect of fire on bird assemblages in a heterogeneous landscape


Journal Article

Dominant drivers of seedling establishment in a fire-dependent obligate seeder: climate or fire regimes?

Smith, Annabel L., Blair, David, McBurney, Lachlan, Banks, Sam C., Barton, Philip S., Blanchard, Wade, Driscoll, Don A., Gill, A. Malcolm and Lindenmayer, David B. (2014). Dominant drivers of seedling establishment in a fire-dependent obligate seeder: climate or fire regimes?. Ecosystems, 17 (2), 258-270. doi: 10.1007/s10021-013-9721-9

Dominant drivers of seedling establishment in a fire-dependent obligate seeder: climate or fire regimes?


Journal Article

Detecting invertebrate responses to fire depends on sampling method and taxonomic resolution

Teasdale, Luisa C., Smith, Annabel L., Thomas, Mailyn, Whitehead, Catherine A. and Driscoll, Don A. (2013). Detecting invertebrate responses to fire depends on sampling method and taxonomic resolution. Austral Ecology, 38 (8), 874-883. doi: 10.1111/aec.12024

Detecting invertebrate responses to fire depends on sampling method and taxonomic resolution


Journal Article

Fire severity and landscape context effects on arboreal marsupials

Lindenmayer, D. B., Blanchard, W., McBurney, L., Blair, D., Banks, S. C., Driscoll, D., Smith, A. L. and Gill, A. M. (2013). Fire severity and landscape context effects on arboreal marsupials. Biological Conservation, 167, 137-148. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2013.07.028

Fire severity and landscape context effects on arboreal marsupials


Journal Article

How does ecological disturbance influence genetic diversity?

Banks, Sam C., Cary, Geoffrey J., Smith, Annabel L., Davies, Ian D., Driscoll, Don A., Gill, A. Malcolm, Lindenmayer, David B. and Peakall, Rod (2013). How does ecological disturbance influence genetic diversity?. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 28 (11), 670-679. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2013.08.005

How does ecological disturbance influence genetic diversity?


Journal Article

Conceptual domain of the matrix in fragmented landscapes

Driscoll, Don A., Banks, Sam C., Barton, Philip S., Lindenmayer, David B. and Smith, Annabel L. (2013). Conceptual domain of the matrix in fragmented landscapes. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 28 (10), 605-613. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2013.06.010

Conceptual domain of the matrix in fragmented landscapes


Journal Article

Successional specialization in a reptile community cautions against widespread planned burning and complete fire suppression

Smith, Annabel L., Bull, C. Michael and Driscoll, Don A. (2013). Successional specialization in a reptile community cautions against widespread planned burning and complete fire suppression. Journal of Applied Ecology, 50 (5), 1178-1186. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12119

Successional specialization in a reptile community cautions against widespread planned burning and complete fire suppression


Journal Article

Skeletochronological analysis of age in three ‘fire-specialist’ lizard species

Smith, A. L., Bull, C. M. and Driscoll, D. A. (2013). Skeletochronological analysis of age in three ‘fire-specialist’ lizard species. The South Australian Naturalist, 87 (1), 6-17.

Skeletochronological analysis of age in three ‘fire-specialist’ lizard species


Journal Article

Wildfire-induced mortality of Australian reptiles

Smith, Annabel, Meulders, Brendon, Michael Bull, C. and Driscoll, Don (2012). Wildfire-induced mortality of Australian reptiles. Herpetology Notes, 5, 233-235.

Wildfire-induced mortality of Australian reptiles


Journal Article

Reptile responses to fire and the risk of post-disturbance sampling bias

Driscoll, Don A., Smith, Annabel L., Blight, Samantha and Maindonald, John (2012). Reptile responses to fire and the risk of post-disturbance sampling bias. Biodiversity and Conservation, 21 (6), 1607-1625. doi: 10.1007/s10531-012-0267-5

Reptile responses to fire and the risk of post-disturbance sampling bias


Journal Article

Post-fire succession affects abundance and survival but not detectability in a knob-tailed gecko

Smith, Annabel L., Bull, C. Michael and Driscoll, Don A. (2012). Post-fire succession affects abundance and survival but not detectability in a knob-tailed gecko. Biological Conservation, 145 (1), 139-147. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2011.10.023

Post-fire succession affects abundance and survival but not detectability in a knob-tailed gecko


Journal Article

Primers for novel microsatellite markers in “fire-specialist” lizards (Amphibolurus norrisi, Ctenotus atlas and Nephrurus stellatus) and their performance across multiple populations

Smith, Annabel L., Gardner, Michael G., Bull, C. Michael and Driscoll, Don A. (2011). Primers for novel microsatellite markers in “fire-specialist” lizards (Amphibolurus norrisi, Ctenotus atlas and Nephrurus stellatus) and their performance across multiple populations. Conservation Genetics Resources, 3 (2), 345-350. doi: 10.1007/s12686-010-9359-2

Primers for novel microsatellite markers in “fire-specialist” lizards (Amphibolurus norrisi, Ctenotus atlas and Nephrurus stellatus) and their performance across multiple populations


Journal Article

Genotypes and nematode infestations in an endangered lizard, Tiliqua adelaidensis

Bull, C. Michael, Smith, Annabel, Gardner, Michael and Fenner, Aaron (2009). Genotypes and nematode infestations in an endangered lizard, Tiliqua adelaidensis. Applied Herpetology, 6 (3), 300-305. doi: 10.1163/157075408x386150

Genotypes and nematode infestations in an endangered lizard, Tiliqua adelaidensis


Journal Article

Restricted gene flow in the endangered pygmy bluetongue lizard (Tiliqua adelaidensis) in a fragmented agricultural landscape

Smith, Annabel L., Gardner, Michael G., Fenner, Aaron L. and Bull, C. Michael (2009). Restricted gene flow in the endangered pygmy bluetongue lizard (Tiliqua adelaidensis) in a fragmented agricultural landscape. Wildlife Research, 36 (6), 466. doi: 10.1071/wr08171

Restricted gene flow in the endangered pygmy bluetongue lizard (Tiliqua adelaidensis) in a fragmented agricultural landscape


Journal Article

Tiliqua rugosa microsatellites: isolation via enrichment and characterisation of loci for multiplex PCR in T-rugosa and the endangered T-adelaidensis

Gardner, Michael G., Sanchez, Juan J., Dudaniec, Rachael Y., Rheinberger, Leah, Smith, Annabel L. and Saint, Kathleen M. (2008). Tiliqua rugosa microsatellites: isolation via enrichment and characterisation of loci for multiplex PCR in T-rugosa and the endangered T-adelaidensis. Conservation Genetics, 9 (1), 233-237. doi: 10.1007/s10592-007-9316-0

Tiliqua rugosa microsatellites: isolation via enrichment and characterisation of loci for multiplex PCR in T-rugosa and the endangered T-adelaidensis


Journal Article

Observations of snake predation on the pygmy bluetongue lizard, Tiliqua adelaidensis

Fenner, A. L., Schofield, J. A., Smith, A. L. and Bull, C. M. (2008). Observations of snake predation on the pygmy bluetongue lizard, Tiliqua adelaidensis. Herpetofauna.

Observations of snake predation on the pygmy bluetongue lizard, Tiliqua adelaidensis