Lorraine Mazerolle
- Email:
- l.mazerolle@uq.edu.au
- Phone:
- +61 7 344 36333
- Mobile:
- +61 410 289 745
Lorraine Mazerolle is an Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow (2010–2015) and a Professorial Research Fellow at The University of Queensland, School of Social Science. Her research interests are in experimental criminology, policing, drug law enforcement, regulatory crime control, and crime prevention. She has held many academic leadership roles including Co-Chair of the Crime and Justice Group (Campbell Collaboration), Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Experimental Criminology and Chair of the American Society of Criminology’s (ASC) Division of Experimental Criminology. She is an elected Fellow and past president of the Academy of Experimental Criminology (AEC), and an elected fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences Australia and the American Society of Criminology (ASC). Professor Mazerolle is the recipient of the ASC Division of Experimental Criminology Jerry Lee Lifetime Achievement Award (2019), Partners in Research Excellence Award The University of Queensland (2019), Distinguished Achievement Award of the Center for Evidence Based Crime Policy at George Mason University (2019), ASC Sellin-Glueck Award (2018), the ASC Division of Policing Distinguished Scholar Award (2016), the AEC Joan McCord Award (2013), and the ASC Division of International Criminology Freda Adler Distinguished Scholar Award (2010). She has won numerous US and Australian national competitive research grants on topics such as partnership policing, police engagement with high-risk people and disadvantaged communities, community regulation, problem-oriented policing, police technologies, civil remedies, street-level drug enforcement and policing public housing sites.
- Professor Lorraine Mazerolle is:
- Available for supervision
- Media expert
Fields of research
- Bachelor of Arts, Flinders University
- Bachelor (Honours) of Arts, Flinders University
- Masters (Coursework), Rutgers University-Newark
- Doctor of Philosophy, Rutgers University-Newark
Research interests
Experimental Criminology
Policing, especially Third Party Policing, Problem-Oriented Policing
Crime Control/Crime Prevention
Crime Analysis/Environmental Criminology
Community Regulation/Community Capacity Building
Ecology of Crime and Urban Criminological Theories
Search Professor Lorraine Mazerolle’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Accessing the evidence in policing: six helpful websites
Mazerolle, Lorraine and Martin, Peter (2016). Accessing the evidence in policing: six helpful websites. The Police Chief, 83 (August), 62-66.
Journal Article
Foreword to the 10th anniversary special issue
Mazerolle, Lorraine and Weisburd, David (2015). Foreword to the 10th anniversary special issue. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 11 (4), 479-483. doi: 10.1007/s11292-015-9248-5
Journal Article
Optimising the length of random breath tests: results from the Queensland Community Engagement Trial
Mazerolle, Lorraine, Bates, Lyndel, Bennett, Sarah, White, Gentry, Ferris, Jason and Antrobus, Emma (2015). Optimising the length of random breath tests: results from the Queensland Community Engagement Trial. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 48 (2), 256-276. doi: 10.1177/0004865814532661
Journal Article
Police legitimacy in community context
Mazerolle, Lorraine and Wickes, Rebecca (2015). Police legitimacy in community context. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 31 (2), 128-131. doi: 10.1177/1043986215570780
Journal Article
Enhancing police legitimacy: Results from the Queensland Community Engagement Trial (QCET)
Mazerolle, Lorraine, Bennett, Sarah, Antrobus, Emma, Eggins, Elizabeth and Martin, Peter (2015). Enhancing police legitimacy: Results from the Queensland Community Engagement Trial (QCET). Public Safety Leadership Research Focus, 3 (4), 1-8.
Partnerships in Policing : How Third Parties Help Police to Reduce Crime and Disorder
Mazerolle, Lorraine, Petersen, Kevin, Sydes, Michelle and Ransley, Janet (2025). Partnerships in Policing : How Third Parties Help Police to Reduce Crime and Disorder. Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781009472029
Journal Article
The heterogeneous effects of COVID-19 lockdowns on crime across the world
Trajtenberg, N., Fossati, S., Diaz, C., Nivette, A. E., Aguilar, R., Ahven, A., Andrade, L., Amram, S., Ariel, B., Arosemena Burbano, M. J., Astolfi, R., Baier, D., Bark, H. M., Beijers, J. E.H., Bergman, M., Borges, D., Breeztke, G., Cano, I., Concha Eastman, I. A., Curtis-Ham, S., Davenport, R., Droppelman, C., Fleitas, D., Gerell, M., Jang, K. H., Kääriäinen, J., Lappi-Seppälä, T., Lim, W. S., Loureiro Revilla, R. ... Eisner, M. P. (2024). The heterogeneous effects of COVID-19 lockdowns on crime across the world. Crime Science, 13 (1) 22. doi: 10.1186/s40163-024-00220-y
Journal Article
Using Situational Crime Prevention (SCP)-C3 cycle and common inventory of cybersecurity controls from ISO/IEC 27002:2022 to prevent cybercrimes
Ho, Heemeng, Ko, Ryan, Mazerolle, Lorraine, Gilmour, John and Miao, Cheng (2024). Using Situational Crime Prevention (SCP)-C3 cycle and common inventory of cybersecurity controls from ISO/IEC 27002:2022 to prevent cybercrimes. Journal of Cybersecurity, 10 (1) tyae020. doi: 10.1093/cybsec/tyae020
Journal Article
Utilizing cyberplace managers to prevent and control cybercrimes: a vignette experimental study
Ho, Heemeng, Gilmour, John, Mazerolle, Lorraine and Ko, Ryan (2024). Utilizing cyberplace managers to prevent and control cybercrimes: a vignette experimental study. Security Journal, 37 (1), 129-152. doi: 10.1057/s41284-023-00371-8
Other Outputs
PRISMA Results for Using Situational Crime Prevention (SCP)-C3 Cycle and Common Inventory of Cybersecurity Controls from ISO/IEC 27002:2022 to Prevent Cybercrimes
Ho, Hee Meng, Ko, Ryan, Mazerolle, Lorraine and Miao, Cheng (2024). PRISMA Results for Using Situational Crime Prevention (SCP)-C3 Cycle and Common Inventory of Cybersecurity Controls from ISO/IEC 27002:2022 to Prevent Cybercrimes. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/71aa67b
Journal Article
Criminal justice interventions for preventing radicalisation, violent extremism and terrorism: An evidence and gap map
Sydes, Michelle, Hine, Lorelei, Higginson, Angela, McEwan, James, Dugan, Laura and Mazerolle, Lorraine (2023). Criminal justice interventions for preventing radicalisation, violent extremism and terrorism: An evidence and gap map. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 19 (4) e1366, 1-653. doi: 10.1002/cl2.1366
Journal Article
Criminal justice interventions for preventing radicalisation, violent extremism and terrorism: an evidence and gap map
Sydes, Michelle, Hine, Lorelei, Higginson, Angela, McEwan, James, Dugan, Laura and Mazerolle, Lorraine (2023). Criminal justice interventions for preventing radicalisation, violent extremism and terrorism: an evidence and gap map. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 12 (4) e1366, 1-53. doi: 10.1002/cl2.1366
Journal Article
School truancy and welfare receipt dynamics in early adulthood: a longitudinal study
Collingwood, Patricia, Mazerolle, Lorraine and Cardwell, Stephanie M. (2023). School truancy and welfare receipt dynamics in early adulthood: a longitudinal study. Journal of Criminology, 56 (4), 441-455. doi: 10.1177/26338076231202047
Journal Article
Partnership approaches in policing: an analysis of different types of partnerships and how they work to reduce crime and disorder
Mazerolle, Lorraine (2023). Partnership approaches in policing: an analysis of different types of partnerships and how they work to reduce crime and disorder. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 17 paad075, 1-11. doi: 10.1093/police/paad075
Book Chapter
The role of randomized experiments in developing the evidence for evidence-based policing
Mazerolle, Lorraine, Eggins, Elizabeth, Hine, Lorelei and Higginson, Angela (2023). The role of randomized experiments in developing the evidence for evidence-based policing. The future of evidence-based policing. (pp. 147-169) edited by David Weisburd, Tal Jonathan-Zamir, Gali Perry and Badi Hasisi. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781108885737.011
Journal Article
Police stops to reduce crime: a systematic review and meta‐analysis
Petersen, Kevin, Weisburd, David, Fay, Sydney, Eggins, Elizabeth and Mazerolle, Lorraine (2023). Police stops to reduce crime: a systematic review and meta‐analysis. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 19 (1) e1302, e1302. doi: 10.1002/cl2.1302
Journal Article
The effects of a truancy reduction program on antisocial behavior: age, race, and sex differences
Cardwell, Stephanie , Mazerolle, Lorraine , Luengen, Kelsy and Bennett, Sarah (2022). The effects of a truancy reduction program on antisocial behavior: age, race, and sex differences. Justice Evaluation Journal, 6 (1), 1-21. doi: 10.1080/24751979.2022.2135453
Journal Article
PROTOCOL: Criminal justice interventions for preventing terrorism and radicalisation: An evidence and gap map
Sydes, Michelle, Hine, Lorelei, Higginson, Angela, Dugan, Laura and Mazerolle, Lorraine (2022). PROTOCOL: Criminal justice interventions for preventing terrorism and radicalisation: An evidence and gap map. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 18 (3) e1273, 1-16. doi: 10.1002/cl2.1273
Journal Article
Policing approaches prior to the point of arrest, charge, or prosecution: A rapid review of the evaluation literature
Hine, Lorelei, Eggins, Elizabeth, Mazerolle, Lorraine and McEwan, James (2022). Policing approaches prior to the point of arrest, charge, or prosecution: A rapid review of the evaluation literature. Police Science: Australia & New Zealand Journal of Evidence Based Policing, 6 (2), 17-19.
Journal Article
Road policing: a rapid review of the evaluation literature
Eggins, Elizabeth, Hine, Lorelei and Mazerolle, Lorraine (2022). Road policing: a rapid review of the evaluation literature. Police Science: Australia and New Zealand Journal of Evidence Based Policing, 6 (2), 22-24.
Current funding
Past funding
- Professor Lorraine Mazerolle is:
- Available for supervision
Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Nudging cybersecurity: The limitations of email-based nudges in enhancing defensive behaviours
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Sarah Bennett
Doctor Philosophy
Mitigating Digital Threats and Crime: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Sarah Bennett
Doctor Philosophy
Removing police barriers in sexual offence cases: Explicating police decision making heuristics and victims perspective
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Sarah Bennett
Doctor Philosophy
Removing police barriers in sexual offence cases: Explicating police decision making heuristics and victims perspective
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Sarah Bennett
Doctor Philosophy
Innovating Police Performance Measurement
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Sarah Bennett
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Proactive Police Detectives: An Evaluation of Brisbane's Operation Galley
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Sarah Bennett
Doctor Philosophy
School truancy and financial independence during emerging adulthood: A longitudinal analysis of receipt of and reliance on cash transfers
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Jason Ferris
Doctor Philosophy
`Conservation' Criminology: Understanding and Preventing Illegal Fishing in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Renee Zahnow
Doctor Philosophy
Encouraging school re-engagement: Exploring the operation of the legal mechanisms of a Third Party Policing school engagement intervention
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Emma Antrobus, Associate Professor Sarah Bennett
Doctor Philosophy
Skill acquisition, transfer and application: A study of investigative interviewing training in the Queensland Police Service.
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Adrian Cherney
Doctor Philosophy
Activating School Bonds: A Study of Truanting Young People in the Context of the Ability School Engagement Program (ASEP)
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Emma Antrobus, Associate Professor Sarah Bennett
Doctor Philosophy
Randomised Controlled Trials in Policing: An Organisational Learning Perspective
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Emma Antrobus, Associate Professor Sarah Bennett
Doctor Philosophy
The Legislative Context of Prejudice Motivated Victimisation: Perceptions of Police Legitimacy and Citizen Decisions to Report Hate Crime Incidents
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Suzanna Fay
Doctor Philosophy
The impact of alcohol on society: Exploring the burden on police, ambulance, emergency departments and hospitals
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Policing gender diversity: perceptions of intergroup difference between police and transgender people
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Adrian Cherney
Doctor Philosophy
Policing and collective efficacy: The way police effectiveness, legitimacy and police strategies explain variations in collective efficacy.
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Adrian Cherney
Doctor Philosophy
Using Situational Crime Prevention (SCP) to Prevent Cybercrimes
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Ryan Ko
Doctor Philosophy
The Blended Detective Training Program. Educating the Digital Age Detective: Developing High Performance Police Detectives through Enhanced Self-Efficacy
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Sarah Bennett
Doctor Philosophy
Rhinoceros Horn and Traditional Chinese Medicine: Demand in China
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Hugh Possingham
Doctor Philosophy
Community Engagement with Muslim Communities: Pitfalls and Opportunities in a Climate of Counter-Terrorism
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Adrian Cherney
Doctor Philosophy
Enhancing police investigative practices through capacity development: A case study of model police stations in Bangladesh
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Adrian Cherney
Doctor Philosophy
Graph Algorithms and Network Motifs: Tools for Text Exploration
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Benjamin Burton
Contact Professor Lorraine Mazerolle directly for media enquiries about:
- crime
- criminology
- policing
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